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  1. #1
    NJou812's Avatar
    NJou812 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2003

    Exclamation HELP - Vets/Mds- Hypoglycemic & Muscle

    I just got some blood work back from the Doc and I have low glucose blood levels (in Canadian measurements):
    2.3 nmol/L (normal range is 3.3 -11)
    Also my TEST (Reproductive and Gonadal) is low as well:
    11.9 nmol/L (normal is 10-30)

    1 . I'm a true hardgainer - could hypoglycemia (low blood sugar level) be a cause of why I have severe trouble building muscle?.
    2. My test is low as well - I imagine that made it harder for me to build muscle all these years.
    3. I'm doing a light d-bol/deca /test prop cycle for ten weeks - 1st cycle. Given the above results - should I have any concerns?

    My stats:
    30 years old, 10 years working hard in the gym, HIT training seems to work best, 154lbs, 8% BF, 2800 cals/day, 150-200 grams protien.

    Any advice on this would help.

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    What did the doc tell you to do about the hypoglycemia? Just have more sugars throughout the day?
    If you test levels are low, i would try to get on HRT, then also work some cycles in. and i would also try to get another doctors opinion. (a doc told me i was hypoglycemic a while back, and further tests proved i wasnt....)
    good luck!

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