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  1. #1
    bluecollarskin is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Corpus Christi, Tx gym?

    I've got a 10 week job in C.C. starting early Jan. There is no way I'm going to stop training even though the hours suck(10-12hrsday, 7days a week). Anybody from there? I need to locate a place to lift. Also, I'm not going to have a computer, so I will have serious AR .....BCS

  2. #2
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Easy to Find . . .

    You may not have a computer there, but you should have access to a telephone. So . . .

    While you have a computer, go to Yahoo Yellow Pages and print out a search for gyms in the Corpus Christi area - use "fitness" as your search term, and click on "health clubs." (This will give you both the fitness centers and those taht tend to be listed under "gyms." That way, you'll be sure to find something that meets your taste, ranging from glitzy to hardcore.)

    Then, when you get to Corpus Christi, make a few phone calls until you find what you want. Ask whether they have weekly and monthly memberships - most gyms are accommodating to travelers, and will offer a weekly or monthly rate to them faster than to local residents.

    P.S. The A.R. withdrawal may be easier to deal with than you think. Most public libraries have Internet access these days, and you might be able to access their computers as a "temporary resident" of the area. Ditto college libraries - some are more flexible than others when it comes to outside users, and college library hours tend to run later than public libraries. At worst, I'm sure you can find a Kinko's Copy Center in the C.C. area - they're usually open 24/7 and also have Internet access on their computers.
    Last edited by TNT; 12-19-2001 at 01:38 AM.

  3. #3
    ptbyjason Guest
    TNT, I love your response. When I first moved to Houston I had no internet connection for weeks. I found a place down the road that would allow me to rent the internet by the minute. I was going through withdrawals so bad that I paid to use it every night. I think that was when I learned to type so fast.

  4. #4
    foreverblast1 is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by ptbyjason
    TNT, I love your response. When I first moved to Houston I had no internet connection for weeks. I found a place down the road that would allow me to rent the internet by the minute. I was going through withdrawals so bad that I paid to use it every night. I think that was when I learned to type so fast.
    1st sign of addiction.. lol

  5. #5
    ptbyjason Guest
    Originally posted by foreverblast1

    1st sign of addiction.. lol

    Trust me. You don't know the half of it.

  6. #6
    SPIKEd is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    try, U.S. GYM
    5959 HOLLY RD
    78412 (361)992-4653
    this is a good gym, mostly powerlifters.

  7. #7
    bluecollarskin is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Thanks for the info fellas, I'll check out that gym asap. Not leaving till dec26, so I still have a little time. There won't be much int. surfing going on considering the 12 hour days and 2hrs at the gym.

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