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  1. #1
    Wezul's Avatar
    Wezul is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2003

    need help still sore lumps!!!please read!

    okay i have one or two sore marble size lumps.I take liquidex every day 1mg which comes in my dry sust and the next day .5mg liquidex plus im running 20 mg nolva every day. now the lumps dont seem to be getting any bigger but they dont seem to be going away either. the thing is other then the aromatizing steriods like the sust and d-bol im taking tren ,75mg ED. now are the lumps gonna be there the whole time or should i pick up bromo? i know its probally the progestion(please forgive spelling) but i dont understand why the nolva would work since it binds to the receptors? once you guys help me with that please tell me how to run the bromo. ive heard differnt things like working thr dose up, so if you brothas would please help me out and explain what i need to do. also let me know if the lumps should completly go away or does it just keep it under control better. thank you for your time. The wezul!

  2. #2
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    If you have actual lumps, they aren't going to go away. You need surgery to remove them. I've never found nolva to actually shrink lumps, just stop early signs.

  3. #3
    peaker's Avatar
    peaker is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    If you have actual lumps, they aren't going to go away. You need surgery to remove them. I've never found nolva to actually shrink lumps, just stop early signs.
    well i had a lump the size of a pea right behind the nip go away on its own when i was a teenager, so there is still hope, if i went away on its own when my hormones stabilized then i dont see why hitting up nolva and dex wouldnt help it out, i had mine for awhile before it went away by itself


  4. #4
    freakishlyhuge's Avatar
    freakishlyhuge is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2003
    i had one about the size of a jelly bean go away after my body fat percentage dropped back down. so as soon as your cycle is over as long as the lump gets no bigger i would suggest you start to lean up with out the use of AS and see what happens

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