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  1. #1
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    Newbie... Need Help with a cycle

    Hey how's it going... New to this site, and well, new to this steroid thing... I did a small cycle last year which didnt do much at all... a 10 week Sus cycle. Gained decent weight... but nothing crazy... Right now im 22 years old, 6'3, 215lbs, rough guess maybe 15% body fat. Im looking to throw on some mass, but mainly rip off this fat... Not sure what steps i should take... Im thinking put some mass on now, then rip towards march and the summer time... My friend is on what he says is deca but they are small pink pills, and i dont think its deca, and he looks great, put on some good size fairly quick.... Now im gonna be getting a cycle soon, and i want to know what i need to take, fairly cheap price range, and to stay healthy what else i should counter act fx with. I seen something like Milk Thithe or something, i have no idea what that is, or clomid and stuff like that... I know im a rookie, but i have to make a move my body isnt changeing much ova the last 6 months or hard lifting.. Im basically plateud. Any help would be appreciated... Thank you..


  2. #2
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I refer you to the educational threads, a subforum of the steriod questions. That is a great place to start your research. If you have any specific questions, let us know. There is also a search button in the top right, use it.


  3. #3
    Medicine Man's Avatar
    Medicine Man is offline Associate Member
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    so what are you really looking for here? do some seraches and see if what your friend has is valid... mass cycles are really easy to set up... what are you looking for exactly?
    What is your workout history like and why do you think you have stopped growing? What is your diet like?
    Little help from you will equal lots of help for you.

  4. #4
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    New York
    i can probably grow a lil more and gain more strenth if i ate right, but im very shaky when im just lifting and everything... When i did a steroid i followed a strict diet and everything i just work out much better... Im looking to put on some mass, more strenth and cut up... all before summer time....


  5. #5
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    the small pinkpills are called dbol .
    they are used in the beginning of cycles to kick start it until the juice kicjks in.most juice starts to be effective in about 4 wks,then dbol is stopped.
    it makes your body retain lots of water and add streanth to your to the enormous water retention you will look like you have grown very big in a short period of time,usually 2 wks.
    but i feel that if it isnt taken with a injectable, it is a waist,after you stop taking them(no longer than 5 wks@50-60 mg ed max),you body will lose the water and you will not keep any of the size or streanth you just put on(you melt back to the original guy with a few less dollars in your pocket).

  6. #6
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    ok... well i just received the pinks... 100 pills... he said start 1 a day for the 1st week, go to 2 a day 2nd week, 3 a day the 3rd week and then fall back off the same way.. he said dont go higher then 3 or 4 a day... does this sound right?? Also what is the most recommended injectable to take with this... Deca ?


  7. #7
    cnyce89's Avatar
    cnyce89 is offline Banned
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    bro you NEED to do alot more actually you need to DO research before taking anything...1 pill a day wont do antyhing neither will 2 or 3 a day...

    stick around for a while..look stuff up ask questions and learn then once your informed on what stuff is and what to take and the effects then your good to go...but you seem way too uninformed to be taking any of this...

    as is your friend too....

  8. #8
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    well it seems that i want to go with the deca dbol cycle... If u can recommend dosages to take that will show nice gains.... let me know... Also where can i get that Milk Tilthe???


  9. #9
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    try going with the deca /sus/dbol cycle. milk thistle can be bought at any supplement store. seriously, use the search button to get more info on deca/sus and dbol. it should answer all your questions

  10. #10
    SPIKEd is offline New Member
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    bro, it's called milk thistle, it helps fight the damage your going to cause your liver while taking orals. try 1000-2000 mgs a day.

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