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  1. #1
    Taejoon's Avatar
    Taejoon is offline Associate Member
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    Here and there....

    Question Winny and Cardiovascular Endurance...

    Haven't posted in a while, been real busy, finished a 10 week cycle of Test and Fina about four weeks ago, had good results. Anyway I've been reading the boards religiously as usual, and I came across some info I had some questions about. I've read on more than one occasion that Winstrol has a positive effect on cardiovascular endurance, can anyone give me some more info on this? Preferably anyone that is involved in boxing or wrestling etc... or any other sport that requires good cardio to be successful. All responses appreciated.



  2. #2
    WiLLpOwEr's Avatar
    WiLLpOwEr is offline Member
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    I can't tell you exactly why it would help with endurance or any scientific studies that have been done, but I can tell you, that while I was doing 50mg every day of oral winistrol, I did feel, somewhat faster. I'm not a sprinter or anything, but there was that extra "hop" in my step. I really can't explain it any better than that. By the way, I was experimenting and I did only winistrol for a week(although this absolutely killed my natural testosterone levels ), just to see what would happen. So it couldn't have been other drugs.

  3. #3
    pig pen is offline New Member
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    Jun 2003
    I would say winstrol has a profound affect on endurance and it seemed to make me faster. I wrestle in college and my sport is extremly demanding when it comes to being in top phyisical shape. Running winstrol only is basically all i needed it gives me that extra boost and leans me up but it can be hard on the joints.

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