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  1. #1
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    D-bol question....

    I have a question about d-bol. I am 4 weeks in to a cycle and I am disappointed with the results I'm getting. I am working out 2 days on , 1 day off , eating like a horse , getting plenty of rest and I am just not happy with the results so far.I started week one on 20 mgs aday , week2 at 25 , weeks 3 and 4 at 30 and I am going to continue at 30 until week 6 and then taper back down. I have gained 5-7 lbs and can't seem to gain anymore. Will this change throughout the rest of the cycle or am I stuck here.On more thing while I'm here......I have a EXTREME amount of back pain. A buddy of mine said this is normal but I don't think his pain was as severe as mine. I mean , I can't hardly stand up straight sometimes. The only time it does'nt bother me is when I'm lifting.Does anyone have any advise on this too. Thanks for the help....

  2. #2
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tattoo70
    I have a question about d-bol. I am 4 weeks in to a cycle and I am disappointed with the results I'm getting. I am working out 2 days on , 1 day off , eating like a horse , getting plenty of rest and I am just not happy with the results so far.I started week one on 20 mgs aday , week2 at 25 , weeks 3 and 4 at 30 and I am going to continue at 30 until week 6 and then taper back down. I have gained 5-7 lbs and can't seem to gain anymore. Will this change throughout the rest of the cycle or am I stuck here.On more thing while I'm here......I have a EXTREME amount of back pain. A buddy of mine said this is normal but I don't think his pain was as severe as mine. I mean , I can't hardly stand up straight sometimes. The only time it does'nt bother me is when I'm lifting.Does anyone have any advise on this too. Thanks for the help....
    what brand of dbol is it? the insane back pumps are definitely from the dbol, however they should manifest themselves on heavy squats, deads, and possibly rows. you may have something else wrong if you can hardly stand at times.

    are you running any other compounds, or is this just a dbol only cycle?

  3. #3
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    Naposims.I'm not running anything else right now.My next cycle is to be deca , test ent., and possibly alittle d-bol but if this keeps up , I don't know.Its like , I will be in the middle of work and I just have to bend over and stretch for awhile because the pain gets so intense

  4. #4
    CatGrabber's Avatar
    CatGrabber is offline Member
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    If your running just d-bol dont expect much more

  5. #5
    CatGrabber's Avatar
    CatGrabber is offline Member
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    Also, I have never heard that "extreme back pain" is normal for any gear. Your friends needs to get his facts right. This board is the only place to learn from. If the pain you are feeling is not in the center of your back you might be having kidney problems. If your not having strength gains maybe your gear is bunk.

  6. #6
    Tattoo70's Avatar
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    I'm having excelent strength gains , just not putting on weight. My friend didn't say that "extreme" back pain was normal. He said back pain was normal with d-bol. I am having extreme back pain. My friend said I should probably lower the dose. Sorry that I wasn't more clear...

  7. #7
    WiLLpOwEr's Avatar
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    I have heard that the reason that the back is in pain is because the muscles of the back "guard" the organs that have taken damage, and tighten up. Of course, the damage is internal, so I would assume that it would be the kidneys that are damaged, because they are right next to the back muscle. It makes sense, but I'm not sure if it's true or not.

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