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  1. #1
    bigal81 is offline New Member
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    2nd Cycle(help me out guys)

    My first cycle........
    500mg QV test250/wk
    300mg QV deca /wk
    clomid post cycle

    2nd cycle??????????????????????????????????????????
    My question is......will
    750 mgQV test 250/wk
    400mg Qv equipose/wk

    TOO MUCH test250?????????????
    Im currently 6'3 @242lbs and im guessing 18-19%body fat

    Oh yeah.what kind of results can i expect???
    The deca made me fat as hell on my first so im switching to eq.....good idea?????

  2. #2
    bigal81 is offline New Member
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    oh yeah.........i plan on running this for 10 weeks like my previous cycle

  3. #3
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    hey bro,
    theres a world of difference in the results you'll get from eq, and the ones you'll get from deca .
    youre pretty vague on what your wanting to do here, but with your b.f being in the mid to high range, i'm assuming you want to cut(no offense, i just call 'em like i see 'em).
    eq isnt a huge mass steroid , but a great hardening and leaning out steroid. so making the switch like youre planning on is a good move. also, what kind of test are you using? some will bloat you more than others..........

    that being said, if youre wanting to cut, then diet is the key here, along with aas as a tool for getting there.
    drop a little more info on us as to what your plans are, and what your diet looks like.

    peace I4L

  4. #4
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    Well here's a few suggestions:
    1. Keep the the test at 500mg/wk no need to bump it up for a second cycle.
    2. Add some liquidex at .25-.5/ed

    Here's an example of your cycle:

    wk 1-10 test 500mg/wk
    wk 1-9 EQ 400mg/wk
    wk 1-15 l-dex .25-.5mg/ed
    wk 12-15 clomid

    Just my .02

    Last edited by xxxl83; 09-07-2003 at 07:38 AM.

  5. #5
    TheJuicer is offline Member
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    I wasnt impressed with QV Eq at by saying that I'm going to be using RT and SL products from now on....EQ also gets just a week past the Test but I run it for 10 weeks(both test and eq). If your trying to cut and gain mass..I would go with Test and Fina. Thats what i'm going with next..Maybe someone else was impressed with QV EQ but i wasnt..but yes run liquidex or femera....great for the bloat.

  6. #6
    bigal81 is offline New Member
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    "hey bro,
    theres a world of difference in the results you'll get from eq, and the ones you'll get from deca .
    youre pretty vague on what your wanting to do here, but with your b.f being in the mid to high range, i'm assuming you want to cut(no offense, i just call 'em like i see 'em).
    eq isnt a huge mass steroid , but a great hardening and leaning out steroid. so making the switch like youre planning on is a good move. also, what kind of test are you using? some will bloat you more than others..........

    that being said, if youre wanting to cut, then diet is the key here, along with aas as a tool for getting there.
    drop a little more info on us as to what your plans are, and what your diet looks like.

    peace I4L''

    Hey bro,

    I'm wanting to cut up as well as gain some lean muscle. I seem so soft right now. Im gonna use the qv test 250enatat. I got a super deal on two bottles, like 60 for both and also recieved a free one so thats why i have 3. Thats the only reason im want to run 750mg. Will it do any harm. Hopefully i can have better discipline with my diet this time. I plan on taking in about 3500 cals, 200 g/carbs, And my protein should be around 300-350g'sWould you suggest any cardio????????? Im gonna use eq for the same reason im getting a killer deal. If you have any advice or suggestions they would be greatly appreciated..

    Thanks, Big Al

  7. #7
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    BIG AL,
    i do have a few thoughts here, but some will disagree for sure.

    i think the 750 is fine. and since youre adding eq this will serve to enhance the hardening aspect of your cycle. i would run the eq at 600/week.
    enan will bloat you some, but the eq will take care of that nicely. i cant really comment on results mainly because 1st....i rarely do, and 2nd.... everyone reacts differently to different compunds.

    this should be a pretty decent cycle for you bro, and i hope you get the results youre looking for. keep in mind, diet has to be pretty much spot on throughtout your cycle, or the look you want isnt going to happen.

    if you have any other questions, feel free to drop me a pm.

    peace I4L

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