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  1. #1
    Maxima is offline Junior Member
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    Please Help, shot has caused serious pain

    Monday I took 300mg of Deca . Normally Deca causes me to be a little sore especially if I do not rub the shot afterwards (used hydrogen peroxide to clean the area before the shot.) I was in a hury and did not rub the sight and did squats that day. Wednesday my sight where I injected is very sore (I went ahead and did deadlifts that day as scheduled.) Today is Friday and there is no improvement or escalation in pain. The sight area is slightly swollen and a little red after I take a shower. It feels like there is somthing in my cheek and is very tender to the touch. It really only hurts when I first sit down or touch it.

    Does anyone have any idea's?

  2. #2
    halifaxsteve is offline Member
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    well i wouldn't put my faith in hydrogen peroxide. i always use alcohol to swab the injection site before and after the shot, as well as the rubber stopper on top of the vial. you can go to a pharmacy and get a box of sterile alcohol swabs for super cheap.

    you said it's red and swollen, but is it warm to the touch? do you have a fever? if it's warm to the touch, go see a doc because it might be an infection.

    are you sure you shot it deep into the muscle, and not close to the surface? that will cause a lump.

    the first time i stuck myself with a needle i was a sore for several days, but that was due to my poor injection technique and shaky hand. if you shoot well, there will be minimal pain from the shot itself. if you moved the needle around a lot when it was injected, that may cause lingering pain as you described.

    the most important thing is, if the site is warm to the touch, or if you have a fever, go see a doc for some antibiotics.

  3. #3
    depdaddy's Avatar
    depdaddy is offline Member
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    that has happened to me before but when i shot like 3cc..area was swollen for a while but went down after several days..if no major discoloration or fever i wouldnt worry about it to much..possibly didnt go deep enough and that is just the oil sitting there until it breaks down

  4. #4
    Maxima is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guy's, the area does feel warm to the touch so I am going to go ahead and get some anti-biotics, I will post a new thread about which ones to get.

    Thanks a lot for your help!!

  5. #5
    depdaddy's Avatar
    depdaddy is offline Member
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    i forgot to ask was it QV deca ..that shit did it almost everytime to me

  6. #6
    Maxima is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by depdaddy
    i forgot to ask was it QV deca..that shit did it almost everytime to me
    No it was Supra Labs out of Canada and yes it did hurt pretty much each time. The sight is warm as another member said it might be if it was infected so I am going to go ahead and get some anti-biotics. Any idea on what I should take?

  7. #7
    halifaxsteve is offline Member
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    IF it is infected, it doesn't require a special antibiotic because you're on gear. which antibiotics you should take for an infection is the doc's call, let him/her write you a script for it...i would trust their decision

  8. #8
    depdaddy's Avatar
    depdaddy is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by halifaxsteve
    IF it is infected, it doesn't require a special antibiotic because you're on gear. which antibiotics you should take for an infection is the doc's call, let him/her write you a script for it...i would trust their decision
    agreed..its your call to seek medical attention..i wont steer you from it

  9. #9
    **Middleweight** is offline Associate Member
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    I had the same thing in my delt. Did you inject too fast? When you inject too fast that can happen.

  10. #10
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    I believe we start to panic when something doesn't go right after an injection assumiing we have an abcess or other type of infection. It usually is nothing more than inflamation and will subdide on it's own. I'm just getting over an olive size red knot in my right ass cheek following a shot last week. if you're not getting fevers or purulent drainage from the sight give it a few days and it will heal.

  11. #11
    DocHoliday's Avatar
    DocHoliday is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by depdaddy
    that has happened to me before but when i shot like 3cc..area was swollen for a while but went down after several days..if no major discoloration or fever i wouldnt worry about it to much..possibly didnt go deep enough and that is just the oil sitting there until it breaks down

    So tell us newbies just how far is far enough?

    Good luck with the inflamation dude.


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