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  1. #1
    digerati is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Legal Alternatives

    Are there any alternatives and/or legal steroids I can get my hands on that actually work?

    I have been lifting for over a year steady after no lifting in a long time. I have gotten all my strenght back plus some and now want to move on to bigger super gains in muscle mass. I am 5' 8" and around 155 in wieght.

    I am tinkering with the idea of gettings some kind of juice and doing a cycle but Im a lil unedjamacated on the matter.

    Any help is apprecieated.


  2. #2
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
    GeoQuadzilla is offline Senior Member
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    In my opinion... I'd say explore your gains naturally before you turn to anabolics. Many of us here spent 5 plus years in the gym steady and dedicated before we traveled this path. If you want to supplement with creatine,glutamine, whey etc... feel free but do a lot and I mean a lot of research about AS, the different kinds, half lives, side effects etc... It is the people with no knowlege that are always too quick to stick a needle and take the easy way out... and that's how people end up getting more bad then good from AS, and with that... they are the people that sadly enough... give all us guys a bad name. I hope I helped... Peace

  3. #3
    n0_Genetics's Avatar
    n0_Genetics is offline Associate Member
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    There are no legal steroids . Companies may claim that their prohormones match the potency of the actual thing but we all know the truth.

    For natural supps, vit b complex, vitamin c, glutamine, creatine & your protein is most essential. Try cycling various types of supplements, get to know whabt works best for you and you'll have much fun

  4. #4
    twosocks40's Avatar
    twosocks40 is offline Member
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    down south
    Save your money. Unless you get a perscription, you aint getting legal steroids . Also, you know your body better than anyone else. Only you know if you are ready for AS. However, the most important thing you can do for yourself is to EDUCATE yourself. Read, read, and read some more. Find answers to all of your questions before starting. Good luck.


  5. #5
    BornToSteel's Avatar
    BornToSteel is offline New Member
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    Sep 2003
    I think most "legal" steroids are a waste of money. First thing there is no such thing- what most are are called precursers which supposedly help your body release natural hormones in your sysltem. Having said that i have tried BIOTEST and NO2 you can get them at most supplement stores and online for sure.
    Good luck

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