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  1. #1
    F40 is offline Junior Member
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    Test Prop - why not more users?

    Test Prop -AS FAR AS I KNOW - the long and short of the differences between it and E and Cyp is it's fast acting nature.
    Why then don't people use this AS more commonly - is it because of the regular shots required (namely EOD?)

    The sides are more controllable too right? You just have to space the shots out more infrequently?

    Many people have advised that this is an excellent "cutting" drug as opposed to a mass builder - well test is test - why should this be any less an effective mass builder than enanthate ?

    Final question - does it hurt more than Sust?

  2. #2
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    I do thing alot of people use prop but not for bulking. You might think that alot of people arent using it because not many people are using it right now. The summer is over. Its bulking season.

  3. #3
    floyd_turbo's Avatar
    floyd_turbo is offline Member
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    good question, wondering the same thing....bump

  4. #4
    custom fit is offline Member
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    not too far from you
    imo many people want to "GET BIG" and other test is better for that. I guess it all depends on other peoples goals.

  5. #5
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    IMO prop is great either way you bulk & cut by diet & cardio. In actuality 700mg of est prop is stronger than 700mg of enanth or cyp because I forget the breakdown of the ester weight in mg but I know someone posted about it a couple weeks ago. You want some quick mass use suspension. It's true you don't hold as much water and the sides are easier to control because you don't have to wait for 2 weeks for a change to happen. Plus you can start PCT 2 days after your last shot. I have only used human grade prop and it did not hurt at all. If you can get Ferring Prop from Europe it flows like water and painless... russian prop is equally as good but only comes in 50mg amps as far as I know. I prefer prop over all the tests out there.

  6. #6
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Testosterone is testosterone no matter what ester is linked to it. Same compound, same effects. However propinate is a very light ester - so you get more free testosterone for your buck. 100mg of testosterone propinate IS NOT the same amount of testosterone as 100mg of testosterone cypionate . And a blend like Sustanon 250 has 167mg of total free testosterone when all the ester weights are taken off. So propinate, acetate or even better, suspension can get you more total testosterone for the dollar - as opposed to heavier, longer esters.

    But yes, propinate is a good ester because blood levels saturate faster, if the cycle needs to be discontinued it's down to minimal amounts within a few days and its all around much easier to control.

    The biggest downside is the frequency of injections. You need to maintain steady blood levels for less sides from hormonal shifts all the time... and even androgen levels have shown to produce less androgenic problems. Some will begin a testosterone propinate cycle and be commmited to ED or EOD injections only to have external commitments come up - or they simply lose interest all together with the administration part of it... or even worse, get lazy with the cleanliness or other safety issues (like aspirating for blood).

  7. #7
    F40 is offline Junior Member
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    Well so far it appears that the only reason not to use prop is if you are a lazy bastard (i.e the relentless injections).

    It works quicker, is more controllable, gives the same effects as E or Cyp (custom fit - please elaborate), PCT is quicker and it doesn't even hurt.

    Virormone (sp?) is being considered..

    Keep the comments coming.

  8. #8
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    And you can make your own prop. woohoo love that part

  9. #9
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    screw buying it convert it. why pay 10 or more an amp

  10. #10
    pumpseeker's Avatar
    pumpseeker is offline Senior Member
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    I've only used sust and enanthate ...but I'll be using prop and cyp next time.

    I've always heard prop hurts like hell and sust hurts because of the prop in it. I'll be using QV prop, a buddy of mine is using it and said he's sore as hell after shots.

  11. #11
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by F40
    Virormone (sp?) is being considered..

    Keep the comments coming.
    Ferring Virimones are awesome. It is a very thin oil so you can use a smaller pin for the frequent injections (less scar tissue). And the pain often associated with propinate is not an issue with Virimones. A little more expensive but much higher quality and comfortable.

  12. #12
    NoLimits's Avatar
    NoLimits is offline Member
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    I like prop. And pumpseeker, you may not experience the pain that you hear about. I don’t. I think the reason it isn't used as much is because of the every day injections. Unless you have done a few cycles, the injections are the most intimidating part of using gear. But test prop can be use in bulking cycles to jump-start your cycle and throughout any cutting cycle. Or combined in long cycles sometimes at both the beginning and end of a cycle.

  13. #13
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nevaenuf
    I do thing alot of people use prop but not for bulking. You might think that alot of people arent using it because not many people are using it right now. The summer is over. Its bulking season.
    i concur.

  14. #14
    Bigun's Avatar
    Bigun is offline Senior Member
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    I am with Warrior 100%, Viromones are extremely easy and painless to use

  15. #15
    t-rex's Avatar
    t-rex is offline Associate Member
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    I can say from exp. that QV prop hurts like hell,and thats one reason I dont like using prop. Although I have never tried another brand or human grade, would probably try if I had A source that sells it , but havn't ran across it yet.

  16. #16
    Jeff1's Avatar
    Jeff1 is offline Associate Member
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    QV prop does hurt But I love the stuff its good

  17. #17
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    Ive used rt prop with no pain at all.

  18. #18
    NoLimits's Avatar
    NoLimits is offline Member
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    And I have used QV's prop many times with no pain... Just goes to show you that you don't always experience the same sides as others!

  19. #19
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    It's been my experience that human grade propionate is much less painfull than vet gear. Also the prop that is in sust is phenylpropionate (sp) which isn't the same thing. Yes that is why sust burns so much, but regular human grade propionate should be painless and flow like water. I use it all the time and I think it's the best test out there!

  20. #20
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by jersey juice
    Also the prop that is in sust is phenylpropionate (sp) which isn't the same thing.
    Sust250 has 30mg of propinate and 60mg of phenylpropinate per mL.

    Some of our chem wizards can probably elaborate on this a bit - but I think I recall someone mentioning that Propinate requires a higher BA level to suspend the ester. That is why it is typically more painful. But like I mentioned before, Verimones use something else though... it's like a really thin oil.

  21. #21
    F40 is offline Junior Member
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    Well I've got human pharmaceutical grade prop in the form of Virormone (godamn it - how do I spell the damn thing?)

    I could do without the pain (sust is soooo annoying) but I do like the idea of shooting something on Monday morning and seeing results on Tuesday evening.... (is that sufficient time for activation?)

    I have been told that it makes the area that you shoot bigger... directly... sooo - if you shoot into your biceps then your bis will be more 'inclined' to grow than if you had say shot in your butt... Same for calves etc....
    Can anyone confirm this rumour - sounds a bit too good to be true!

  22. #22
    TheJuicer is offline Member
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    Its been tried by Millions but only a few swear by it...I wish though...

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