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Thread: is this true

  1. #1
    raw12 is offline Associate Member
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    Exclamation is this true

    a guy at the gym told me that hiv can live in side vet steroids not human sterois but vet. he said if a person with hiv inject him self with a steroid then puts the needle back in the bottle he got the steroid from he would infected the steroid in side the bottle with if someone us used the steroid he used he would get this ture he aslo said the hiv lives in vet steroids for along time .

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    not sure about that, but i sure as hell wouldn't be juicing or even around needles with a guy that had HIV.

  3. #3
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    First of all, there is little difference IMO between vet and human gear, so why would it live in vet gear and not human? Second, this guy's full of shit. Sure, the HIV virus could survive a period of time in a vial, but who in the hell would inject themselves, then stick the same pin back into the "sterile" vial? That's the stupidest thing I've heard today, and it's been a weird day! And how many people really share their vials of gear anyway? I would tell someone to haul ass if they wanted to "borrow" a shot out of one of my vials. Their MINE, damn it! Alright, now I'm ranting again. Good night.


  4. #4
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I don't buy that! What would the HIV live off in the steroid ? I think the BA would kill it.

  5. #5
    tbulldog's Avatar
    tbulldog is offline Associate Member
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    RULE #1 Don't Share needles
    RULE #2 don't fuck with used vials, regardless who has passed it to you. HIV is not a disease that can be detected by physical symptoms. Whether or not it can survive in a vial of any substance has no merit. Theoretically, you can't get AIDS or HIV if you USE a rubber. Tell that to the man that's contracted the virus and has NEVER had unprotected sex.

  6. #6
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbulldog
    RULE #1 Don't Share needles
    RULE #2 don't fuck with used vials.
    Exactly, I dont know why anybody would take the risks involved in breaking bulldog's rules.

  7. #7
    depdaddy's Avatar
    depdaddy is offline Member
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    la la land
    RULE #1 Don't Share needles
    RULE #2 don't fuck with used vials, regardless who has
    if you break those rules then you have no one to blame but yourself if you get HIV

  8. #8
    Swellin Guest
    Listen to the RULE #1 & RULE #2 folks.

    As for the life span of HIV. It can't live over 24 hours without a host organism (in fact, it is a lot shorter than that). As there are no living organisms in the vial (at least there shouldn't be) it doesn't matter whether its Vet or doesn't matter.

    The living organism in this case would be the blood on the pin. If you drew up a shot from the same vial...with the same are not too sharp! If you have a problem with that...see the aforementioned rules...1 & 2.

  9. #9
    raw12 is offline Associate Member
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    i dont think it can happen.he said he read it on the net i search the net and found nothing .its like swellin said its needs to be in a living organisms to said alive .i thinks its the classic stories people come up with to scary ueser.for example people said
    if u take steroids you WILL DIE not you might but you will die.

  10. #10
    raw12 is offline Associate Member
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    since hiv can live for 24 hours always wait 3-4days before talking the steroid .

  11. #11
    raw12 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbulldog
    RULE #1 Don't Share needles
    RULE #2 don't fuck with used vials, regardless who has passed it to you. HIV is not a disease that can be detected by physical symptoms. Whether or not it can survive in a vial of any substance has no merit. Theoretically, you can't get AIDS or HIV if you USE a rubber. Tell that to the man that's contracted the virus and has NEVER had unprotected sex.
    i nerver took steroid before can you tell if a bottle of vial is uesd or new.
    if so how

  12. #12
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by raw12
    since hiv can live for 24 hours always wait 3-4days before talking the steroid.
    What? Do you actually share vials? If so, does the dumbass you share with inject himself then stick the needle back into the vial? Damn, bro.


  13. #13
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by raw12
    i nerver took steroid before can you tell if a bottle of vial is uesd or new.
    if so how
    Ok, sorry. Look at some pics in to pictures forum. A new, unused vial has a sealed cap. To use it, you must break this seal. There will also be visible marks on the rubber stopper from the pin (in most cases). My advice would be to NOT SHARE VIALS. Get your own, and use your own. You can learn all you want around here, but if you are careless or reckless in your behaviors, that knowledge is useless. Be smart.


  14. #14
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    Dont use it unless it is sealed with a plastic flip cap or has a peice of metal covering the rubber lid, that you draw out of, that you have to take off.

  15. #15
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would not take the chance REGARDLESS of any stated 24 hour rule. I heard the same thing but If I had a doubt I wouldnt even consider it

  16. #16
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    I would not take the chance REGARDLESS of any stated 24 hour rule. I heard the same thing but If I had a doubt I wouldnt even consider it

    I agree 100%, which is why I stated:

    If you drew up a shot from the same vial...with the same are not too sharp! If you have a problem with that...see the aforementioned rules...1 & 2.
    Sound advice bermich.

  17. #17
    ichabodcrane's Avatar
    ichabodcrane is offline Associate Member
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    No, HIV cannot live w/o another living, replicating organism. That is why it is a virus (although a retrovirus). But, you can get HIV by sharing needles!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by raw12
    a guy at the gym told me that hiv can live in side vet steroids not human sterois but vet. he said if a person with hiv inject him self with a steroid then puts the needle back in the bottle he got the steroid from he would infected the steroid in side the bottle with if someone us used the steroid he used he would get this ture he aslo said the hiv lives in vet steroids for along time .
    If you ever transfer HIV positive blood in to a vial then you use it of course you run that risk of getting it. that is why you use new needles there is no reason why someone should be sticking a used needle into a vial

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