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  1. #1
    leannrough is offline New Member
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    Question measures and needle size??? not sure what to do dumb question

    hey guys this is a dumb question but I am not to sure I know what amounts I need and size needle call me stupid......
    I need for eight weeks cycle. 200mg test cyp aweek and 200 mg EQ a week.. sold as followed.. and what size needle do I need

    200 mg/ml 1ml/amp $ 20.00
    100 mg/ml 10ml/bottle $ 110.00

    thanks guys .

  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Are you sure that is how you want to run the cycle? It's really not that far off from replacement doses. Equipoise has a huge ester on it which acounts for a lot of the steroids total weight. Cypionate is also a heavy ester. Your total androgen use per week is pretty minimal and gains would be very modest. Testosterone itself only really begins to exert it's best anabolic results after 300mgs per week. If this is everything you have laid out for the entire cycle - what you need is more gear.

    But anyway... you'd need some 3mL syringes and 23g pins. You could use a 25g pin if you use a seperate one for loading of a larger size (like 18g) - oil is too thick to try and draw with a 25g. Most folks would use a smaller pin for injecting and a larger one for loading when doing frequent injections - like ED or EOD. For your purposes - just get some 23g, 3mL, 5/8-1-1.25" (needle length really depends on where you plan to inject).

  3. #3
    leannrough is offline New Member
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    I was going to go with eq and prop with my first cycle but changed my mind to get better results I don't want to get too big like a body builder just a nice packed bod and a little muscle..... don't need alot of bad side effects .. ok I now now the size needle can you break down how much juice I need ? how many amps and how many bottle etc. thanks again

  4. #4
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Depends on your cycle. If you are 38 years old, 150lbs (based on your profile) and this is your first run using AAS I would suggest you save your money on the equipoise and just go with the testosterone cypionate . Do 200mg every 3 days (put some slashes on a calendar). That would be 467mgs per week which is significantly higher than what a doc would put you on for HRT and would give you a chance to test the waters...

    Stay on for about 10 weeks then come off with some Clomid to block estrogen and stimulate LH production - to recover back to a natural state.

    You don't need to concern yourself with stacking androgens right now. You don't even need exogenous support for gains at your current training stage - but since you are over 30 the test can help to reguvenate you a bit...

  5. #5
    Calipso's Avatar
    Calipso is offline Banned Post Whore
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    Warrior just wondering what size would be good for spot injections in delts/bi's. I've been doing searches in the forums tonight but couldn't find the spot injection needle size for bi's. (Please excuse, not trying to has something to do with the thread.)

  6. #6
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calipso
    Warrior just wondering what size would be good for spot injections in delts/bi's. I've been doing searches in the forums tonight but couldn't find the spot injection needle size for bi's. (Please excuse, not trying to has something to do with the thread.)
    5/8" will get a deep enough IM injection for Bis/Tris/Delts... 1" for quads and 1.25" for glutes (1" usually does not go deep enough for glutes).

  7. #7
    Calipso's Avatar
    Calipso is offline Banned Post Whore
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    5/8" will get a deep enough IM injection for Bis/Tris/Delts... 1" for quads and 1.25" for glutes (1" usually does not go deep enough for glutes).
    Alright thanks. I don't plan on doing any ass shots. Mostly arms. Bis/Tris/Delts. Thanks again.

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