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  1. #1
    stackem is offline New Member
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    need some advice drol primo chlomid

    After asking a bunch of numerous sources, i've decided to go ahead and take 50mg per day of hemogenin anadrol for only about 4 weeks, also have primo and chlomid. My question is this, how much primo should I be taking p/week, and should I jump right into it with the drols, or maybe stager the primo by a few weeks, I only have 10 amps, which I know isn't much! also when should I start on the chlomid, I've heard a few things, like start one week after your last injectable? whihc doesn't make sense to me, because isn't it the drol side effects that the chlomid is basically for? I have also heard take it during my cycle if i have enough......I have 25......will this lesson side effects? or maybe even lessen the effects of the drols? What should I do?

    10 amps of primo

  2. #2
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackem
    After asking a bunch of numerous sources, i've decided to go ahead and take 50mg per day of hemogenin anadrol for only about 4 weeks, also have primo and chlomid. My question is this, how much primo should I be taking p/week, and should I jump right into it with the drols, or maybe stager the primo by a few weeks, I only have 10 amps, which I know isn't much! also when should I start on the chlomid, I've heard a few things, like start one week after your last injectable? whihc doesn't make sense to me, because isn't it the drol side effects that the chlomid is basically for? I have also heard take it during my cycle if i have enough......I have 25......will this lesson side effects? or maybe even lessen the effects of the drols? What should I do?

    10 amps of primo
    primo/anadrol is a very odd combination. what are your stats and what are you trying to do? i don't take anadrol because im not a powerlifter and im concearned about sides. i take primo to cut with winstrol .

  3. #3
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackem
    After asking a bunch of numerous sources, i've decided to go ahead and take 50mg per day of hemogenin anadrol for only about 4 weeks, also have primo and chlomid. My question is this, how much primo should I be taking p/week, and should I jump right into it with the drols, or maybe stager the primo by a few weeks, I only have 10 amps, which I know isn't much! also when should I start on the chlomid, I've heard a few things, like start one week after your last injectable? whihc doesn't make sense to me, because isn't it the drol side effects that the chlomid is basically for? I have also heard take it during my cycle if i have enough......I have 25......will this lesson side effects? or maybe even lessen the effects of the drols? What should I do?

    10 amps of primo
    You need to give your stats so the pros can help you.Also make it easier to read and understand,you'll get better responses. DB

  4. #4
    stackem is offline New Member
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    24 years old, about 170 and lean! been lifting for on and off for about 5 years, and lifting pretty strict for the last year or so! naturally skinny, and took alot to get to were I am, and I feal as if i'm at a standstill!

    All I have for gear is what I stated, sources are tough around here, so I gotta go with what I can get my hands on


  5. #5
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackem
    24 years old, about 170 and lean! been lifting for on and off for about 5 years, and lifting pretty strict for the last year or so! naturally skinny, and took alot to get to were I am, and I feal as if i'm at a standstill!

    All I have for gear is what I stated, sources are tough around here, so I gotta go with what I can get my hands on

    well, if your stats are correct, then sounds like a good time to take it to another level. that's when i started, cuz i hit a big wall.
    think you should hold off till you can score some test, and run test by itself. drol is not for novices.

  6. #6
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stackem
    24 years old, about 170 and lean! been lifting for on and off for about 5 years, and lifting pretty strict for the last year or so! naturally skinny, and took alot to get to were I am, and I feal as if i'm at a standstill!

    All I have for gear is what I stated, sources are tough around here, so I gotta go with what I can get my hands on

    Think you need to hunt around a little more,possibly for some test e.Hold off and do it right or you'll regret it.Think you need to do more research also.imo DB

  7. #7
    stackem is offline New Member
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    Sep 2003
    thanks for the advice guys, its appreciated!

  8. #8
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    well, if your stats are correct, then sounds like a good time to take it to another level. that's when i started, cuz i hit a big wall.
    think you should hold off till you can score some test, and run test by itself. drol is not for novices.
    Damn asym,we must have been typing the same time.Your just faster. That deca still got you down?

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