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  1. #1
    James is offline New Member
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    Question about a proposed Deca/Sust. cycle I was given

    Question about a proposed Deca /Sust. cycle I was given
    A friend recommended for my first cycle the following and I just wanted to get your opinions because I've seen much different stacks posted.

    First 8 weeks 400 Deca 200 mon / 200 fri

    Weeks 9-12 200 Deca on mon 250 mil Sust on fri

    no clomid (which I asked and he said not needed)

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    Only 4 weeks of Sust? I don't like that cycle at all, especially the part about no Clomid. Try 8 weeks of Sust (500mg/week) and Deca (400mg/week). Take Clomid 50mg each day on week 10, 100mg ED on week 11, and 50mg ED on week 12. Sust takes 4-5 weeks to take full effect.

  3. #3
    James is offline New Member
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    so take the sust. & Deca the first 8 weeks and then just the Deca the last 4? Also do you recommend taking all 500 sust on mon and all 400 deca on fri or spliting them up and taking half of each at the same time?

    What differences would I see from your cycle compared to taking just sust or just deca alone?

    The guy who is helping me has taken it for about a year and seems to know his stuff but I wanted to get more than 1 opinoin of course.

  4. #4
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    Just run the Deca for 8 weeks (although 10 weeks is fine). Split the injections so that you inject 250mg Sust and 200mg Deca twice a week (no more than 3cc's/injection). You need the Clomid if you want your natural test levels to come back quick, or else you'll lose a lot more of your gains. Your friend may have experience, but do some more research on this board (do a search for some cycles) and you'll find out how much knowledge is available.

  5. #5
    CYCLEON Guest
    your friend is ahhhhh......... how to put it............. grossly missinformed ................

    try the following

    10 week cycle (8weeks is ok but not 12 -thats way too long for a newbie IMO)

    W1-6 Sust (500mg) - deca (400mg) - Arimdex (.25mg ED)
    W7-10 Sust (500mg) - deca (400mg) - Arimdex (.25mg ED)
    W14 Clomid - Day 1 300mg, 150mg ED
    W15 Clomid - 100mg ED
    W16 Clomid - 50mg ED

    u might want to throw in some dbol the first 6 weeks so add - Dbol (20-25mg ED)

    dont forget to shoot the sust at least 2x per week and split the dbol at least 4x per day if you can and take ur milk thistle and liver protectors.

  6. #6
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Good advice,

    Does Armidex grow on trees Cycleon? Cos you recommend it like it does LOL.

    Actually I'd love the stuff its just so bloody expensive!


  7. #7
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    James...Excess already stated this but just to make things a little more clear...because deca and sust are both oil based you can actually draw 1cc of deca200 and 1cc of sust250 into the same syrnge (2cc total) and inject them together. Do this twice per preference is Monday & Thursday but to each his own. Also, make sure you rotate injection sites so you are not injecting in the same site more than once per week.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    James, Excess gave you just what you need. your friend might be doing juice but that doesnt make him a pro. He's not getting the rusults he should. I did the same until I came here.
    Clomid is very important post cycle ... It'll help you keep gains. Look at it this way If you dont take you wont keep shit on, If you do take you'll keep it on. If you can get dbol then great if not dont worryabout it

    Fast R

  9. #9
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    hate to be picky but on the injection thing stated by Pete.

    Its unlikely (don't think its made) that you would get 200mg/1cc of Deca . Stop me if I'm wrong but I reseached that pretty extensively.

    More likely to get 100mg/1cc in a 2ml vial, combine that with the Sus and you've got your 3cc.



  10. #10
    Join Date
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    He probaly talking norandren 200 yea that norandren 50 you need a fire hose to get enough in.

    Fast R
    Last edited by Fast Results; 09-06-2001 at 10:38 PM.

  11. #11
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    My bad...I forgot to ask what strength deca he had. But, Big Al, you can get deca 200mg/ FR said Norandren 200 by brovel is 200mg per ml/cc. I used it on my first cycle.

  12. #12
    Mike Guest
    yeah pete's right - its not DECA technically since that is just a brand name but same drug - norandren 200 (if you havent been enlightened yet go get some MUCH easier than 50-100 injections)

  13. #13
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Thanks guys, not technically deca but still Nandrolone Decanoate?

    Thanks for the info, I've had enough of Hella's 200mg/2ml, to much for my glutes!


  14. #14
    CYCLEON Guest
    Originally posted by Big Al
    Good advice,

    Does Armidex grow on trees Cycleon? Cos you recommend it like it does LOL.

    Actually I'd love the stuff its just so bloody expensive!

    A magic word for you Big Al, its called Liquidex - less than $4 per 1mg - that affordable, if youve ever used it, youll know its worth every penny.

  15. #15
    choice's Avatar
    choice is offline Junior Member
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    If you are talking about "Deca " as in "Deca-Durabolin " as in Organon Deca, the redijects come in 50mg/ml. However, I use TTokyyo Nandrolona, which comes in 300mg/ml, which is nice because I use 600mg a week. I have actually seen it come even more concentrated than 300mg, I just forget who made it.

  16. #16
    CYCLEON Guest
    yup deca (nandrolone ) youll most often see it at 300mg now but if I remember someone was looking to make it at 400mg

  17. #17
    James is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys,
    I think I'm going to go with the 8 weeks only.

    8 weeks of Sust (500mg/week) and Deca (400mg/week).
    Clomid 50mg each day on week 1 and 10, 100mg ED on week 11, and 50mg ED on week 12.

    I'll probably skip the Dbol and Liquidex.

  18. #18
    CYCLEON Guest
    Originally posted by James
    Clomid 50mg each day on week 1 and 10, 100mg ED on week 11, and 50mg ED on week 12.
    NO< NO< NO< NO!!!!!

    please read up on how to use clomid or you will watch what muscle you have gained pissed away after the cycle! Do not use it during ur cycle! and week 10 is 1 week after finishing week 8 - you need three weeks for those to clear your system.

    W12 Clomid - Day 1 300mg, 150mg ED
    W13 Clomid - 100mg ED
    W14 Clomid - 50mg ED

  19. #19
    James is offline New Member
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    Ok sounds good, I've just seen it recommended during cycle a few times and on this site as well at:

    I'll go with what you guys think though.

  20. #20
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cycleon...if he is only running the stack for 8 weeks then I think he should be fine starting his clomid on week 10. But James, Cycleon is right...why do you want to take clomid on week 1? There is an awsome post on clomid facts. Just use the search button on the board and it will answer all of your questions. Train hard, be safe.

  21. #21
    James is offline New Member
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    Oh and since I'm not doing anything orally and staying away from the Dbol is the Milk Thistle still necessary?

  22. #22
    CYCLEON Guest
    yowch on that link - im sure thats old material that hasnt been changed yet - have to talk to mike about that

    Pete has nothing to do with how long th e cycle is but how long the ester is - the end of 8 weeks is the start of week 9 and that is only 1 week apart from the start of week 10 - sust+deca needs 3 weeks to get out of your system, specially the sust.

    James - no MT is needed but its pretty cheap and cant hurt you

  23. #23
    Mike Guest
    At those doses lets not pretend that he would lose all his gains if he started 2wks after though - anyway - personally the cycle depends when I will start clomid after but i like to cycle it 300 on day one then 100 for ten days then 50 for another ten days

    as for the info - yeah - some info on this board is old and needs to be revised - i am actually currently writing cycles to post over the old ones so cycleon/IG/OJ etc and whoever else thinks they have a great cycle PM me with it and we'll work on it. (Cycleon - I am not the administrator of the website! Just someone who spends lots of time on the board and happens to want to help the website be better! That info was here when I got here )

  24. #24
    CYCLEON Guest
    i am actually currently writing cycles to post over the old ones so cycleon/IG/OJ etc and whoever else thinks they have a great cycle PM me with it and we'll work on it.
    Dang - then u have a heck of a lot more time than I do.

  25. #25
    Mike Guest
    I wish that were true - I have said I am "currently writing up cycles" for about 2 months now LOL

    but if ya'll care to help we could throw together a few novice/Intermediate/expert cycles pretty quick i think

  26. #26
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    Do some research about what Clomid does to test levels and you'll understand why you don't need it on week 1 while you're doing test (Sust). Good luck bro! Keep us posted on your gains.

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