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  1. #1
    deadlydbs is offline New Member
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    Oct 2003

    Drug testing question

    Can anyone answer without question if steroid 's will show up on a drug test that is testing for drugs such as THC , methamphetamine's , and so on ?? I am given a test each month due to probation , and I want to get back in the gym and on some juice again , but not if it is going to fail me on the piss test I am given.Dont you have to be tested specifically for steroid's ?? Thanks for any help guy's !

  2. #2
    alpineslide's Avatar
    alpineslide is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2003
    Yes, they have to be looking for steroids . Something to think about though. If your on probation and taking a drug test they may test for steroids if they think you might be taking them.

  3. #3
    deadlydbs is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by alpineslide
    Yes, they have to be looking for steroids. Something to think about though. If your on probation and taking a drug test they may test for steroids if they think you might be taking them.
    Yeah , I thought about that also.I thought about just getting on a good trim down / rip up routine for a while.They probably wouldnt think much on that one.Now if I shoot up 30-40 lbs. in a few months , then , yeah maybe they will want to test me.Thanks for the insight !

  4. #4 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2003
    to any one out there. here's another drug testing question. I have a d-bol stack I would like to start, but I get DoD tested. this tests for amp,thc,op,coc, and i believe bar. The question is, is there any agent that is in d-bol that would be detectable in any one of these catagories? In other words can I use this with peace of mind?
    Last edited by [email protected]; 10-06-2003 at 07:38 AM.

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