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  1. #1
    shim jahng's Avatar
    shim jahng is offline Junior Member
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    State of Confusion

    gyno prone need advice!!

    well upon starting my cycle, i have learnd that i am more prone to gyno that i thought. my right nip startted getting itchy, so i have upped the nolva, im just wondering how some of the other guys on the boards that are gyno prone run there cycles? i am trying to figure out a way to keep going on my cycle (500mg test enan a week) i think im gonna keep the nolvadex up towards 60mg untill i can get some liquidex to run with it. has anyone ever experienced where no matter what they ran they still got itchy nips.? should i try something other than liquidex for a anti aromatizer? or does it normaly do the job. i feel awkard getting itchy nips off of just 500mg a enan a week, especially when i see guys runnning 4+ drugs a cycle for 10+ weeks. Any adive would be great especially someone who has experience with this.

  2. #2
    musc2002pa is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by shim jahng
    well upon starting my cycle, i have learnd that i am more prone to gyno that i thought. my right nip startted getting itchy, so i have upped the nolva, im just wondering how some of the other guys on the boards that are gyno prone run there cycles? i am trying to figure out a way to keep going on my cycle (500mg test enan a week) i think im gonna keep the nolvadex up towards 60mg untill i can get some liquidex to run with it. has anyone ever experienced where no matter what they ran they still got itchy nips.? should i try something other than liquidex for a anti aromatizer? or does it normaly do the job. i feel awkard getting itchy nips off of just 500mg a enan a week, especially when i see guys runnning 4+ drugs a cycle for 10+ weeks. Any adive would be great especially someone who has experience with this.
    You should probably start out with Femara or Aromasin before the cycle starts if you are very prone.


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