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  1. #1
    Blackac is offline Associate Member
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    Juicing aint for little girls......

    You know its kind of amazing the things you hear at the gym. I was talking to this guy about juicing. We just got into this conversation that just ended up really awkward. His oponion of people that juice are that we are taking the easy way out. I looked at this guy and thought for a second and could believe what i just heard. If you realy sit back and think of it, us bros have to bust our ass even more then someone that doesnt use gear.

    1) Sacrafice a lot of those party nights when your friends are out drinking or maybe smoking.

    2) Diet- Probably the most important thing. When it comes to eating everything is calculated. From the amount of calories you need to the amount of protien you consume.

    3) How about dealing with all the sideffects that we must deal with when they come. The emotional reaction we must go through when the gear isnt working like you thought, or actually getting scammed for your gear, it sucks. What about Acne, or your sex drive just dropping.

    4) Post cycle- probably one of the hardest things about taking gear. Being mentally ready for dissapointment to see your gains drop or the confidence that you see when you keep most of your gains.

    Its mental, we have to work out just as hard maybe even harder, we have to watch the thibgs we do, eat, etc. We have to be not only physcally strong, but so much more mentally to deal with everything.

    So for all you bros, more power to all of you for doing gear..............

    My points are not intended to take away from those who do not use gear but to take away from those who critizize us for doing so.........
    Last edited by Blackac; 10-07-2003 at 03:27 PM.

  2. #2
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i do agree with your points and i have done cycles myself, but i do sometimes feel that it is somewhat of a copout...after all there are people out there that diet and train and make sacrifices without the gear...i give anyone credit that choses that lifestyle, as i know it can be tough.

  3. #3
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jealousy is a bitch. Was he a little guy? (No offense to the little guys out there. I used to be one!) Or a lazy one?


  4. #4
    Blackac is offline Associate Member
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    Yea......i guess.....

  5. #5
    Go Time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigsd67
    i do agree with your points and i have done cycles myself, but i do sometimes feel that it is somewhat of a copout...after all there are people out there that diet and train and make sacrifices without the gear...i give anyone credit that choses that lifestyle, as i know it can be tough.
    I agree with feeling it is sometimes a copout, however I am easily reminded that I am one of the few that reached what I believed was my genetic potential in 5 years of training natural before I touched AS. I think it AS is fine when used responsibly and most important for the right reasons.

  6. #6
    Jeff1's Avatar
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    Easy way out my ass just an other hater. he might of also said he would never try them. I am sure if he was given an opportinity to try them I bet he would.

  7. #7
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff1
    Easy way out my ass just an other hater. he might of also said he would never try them. I am sure if he was given an opportinity to try them I bet he would.
    I always thought I'd NEVER do a drug involving using needles... of course this still goes for cocaine and heroine, but on the first real opportunity I had to obtain AS . . . . HELL YEA was my first response. Its completely different because testosterone can make a real man people respect out of ya and you look and feel good.

    I think though some of us can get caught up in the anabolic thing maybe too much. I know I spend 2 years getting suckered on buying sea algae labeled as Myostatin blocker - this folks is make believe! Then another product No2 - again make believe products doesnt do shit. You can go thru everything in GNC and other health food stores and nothing there will help u break the natural limitations of no more then 4 to 8 lbs a year of muscle is as fast as you can grow in your late 30's. Try to push too hard with weight gainers and protein shakes and your tummy will grow faster then your muscles at a rate of 3X speed. Then gradually start accepting buying some more $100 bottles of prohormones but wait a minute, you realize you are onto something because these are giving more results in the other snake oil, you want to look for something just a little bit more effective (or actually a lot more) and thats when the needle starts having an appeal.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 10-07-2003 at 01:09 AM.

  8. #8
    Tock's Avatar
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    When ya do AS to get an edge in competitions that are supposed to be natural, or if you do AS and then represent yourself to be natural, that's unfair to the guys who actually are natural. I couldn't do that in good conscience.
    Aside from that, AS is just another sort of cosmetic . . . or, as they say down at the tattoo & piercing shop, just another form of body modification. Ain't nothin' unethical with that. If other guys can wear wigs or get nose jobs or liposuction to enhance their appearance, we can do this . . .

  9. #9
    WiLLpOwEr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    When ya do AS to get an edge in competitions that are supposed to be natural, or if you do AS and then represent yourself to be natural, that's unfair to the guys who actually are natural. I couldn't do that in good conscience.
    Aside from that, AS is just another sort of cosmetic--Tock

    I feel EXACTLY the same way!

  10. #10
    Rhino58's Avatar
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    It is cheating, but that is ok. It doesnt bother me like it used to.

  11. #11
    Jarod's Avatar
    Jarod is offline Associate Member
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    thats why i only use muscletech.....

  12. #12
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackac
    You know its kind of amazing the things you hear at the gym. I was talking to this guy about juicing. We just got into this conversation that just ended up really awkward. His oponion of people that juice are that we are taking the easy way out. I looked at this guy and thought for a second and could believe what i just heard. If you realy sit back and think of it, us bros have to bust our ass even more then someone that doesnt use gear.

    1) Sacrafice a lot of those party nights when your friends are out drinking or maybe smoking.

    2) Diet- Probably the most important thing. When it comes to eating everything is calculated. From the amount of calories you need to the amount of protien you consume.

    3) How about dealing with all the sideffects that we must deal with when they come. The emotional reaction we must go through when the gear isnt working like you thought, or actually getting scammed for your gear, it sucks. What about Acne, or your sex drive just dropping.

    4) Post cycle- probably one of the hardest things about taking gear. Being mentally ready for dissapointment to see your gains drop or the confidence that you see when you keep most of your gains.

    Its mental, we have to work out just as hard maybe even harder, we have to watch the thibgs we do, eat, etc. We have to be not only physcally strong, but so much more mentally to deal with everything.

    So for all you bros, more power to all of you for doing something that takes guts to do.

    My points are not intended to take away from those who do not use gear but to take away from those who critizize us for doing so.........
    This is a good point about those of us that do take AS seriously, but there are still the guys who choose to use steroids and dont give anything up. They would perfer to gain 10lbs off a 16 week cycle instead to accually doing what they are suspose to.

    P.S. Not to say that I am know everything about steroids but I think I am the only person in my whole fucking town who even knows what PCT is, and steroids is probobly the biggest "drug" used around here.

  13. #13
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I have seen guys that jump on the gear waaaay to prematurley and make very little progress. Either because they f' up the cycle, aren't a dedicated bodybuilder/athlete or simply don't know how to keep the gains they do make.

    Constantly I hear, "what are you taking" and the best answer is in the lifestyle as a whole. Training, nutrition and ergogenic aids...

    So many seem so eager to ask about effective cycles and less ethused about effective programs and dieting. When all of it together makes the package...

  14. #14
    Calipso's Avatar
    Calipso is offline Banned Post Whore
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarod
    thats why i only use muscletech.....
    Damn man you must be huuuuuuuuuuuuge.

  15. #15
    markas214's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoxxxguy
    Jealousy is a bitch. Was he a little guy? (No offense to the little guys out there. I used to be one!) Or a lazy one?

    Exactly what I was thinking MXguy. He probably just can't get any gear for himself. How about boob jobs and other plastic surgeries? We are just improving ourselves and it's strictly a personal decision.

  16. #16
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackac
    You know its kind of amazing the things you hear at the gym. I was talking to this guy about juicing. We just got into this conversation that just ended up really awkward. His oponion of people that juice are that we are taking the easy way out. I looked at this guy and thought for a second and could believe what i just heard. If you realy sit back and think of it, us bros have to bust our ass even more then someone that doesnt use gear.

    1) Sacrafice a lot of those party nights when your friends are out drinking or maybe smoking.

    2) Diet- Probably the most important thing. When it comes to eating everything is calculated. From the amount of calories you need to the amount of protien you consume.

    3) How about dealing with all the sideffects that we must deal with when they come. The emotional reaction we must go through when the gear isnt working like you thought, or actually getting scammed for your gear, it sucks. What about Acne, or your sex drive just dropping.

    4) Post cycle- probably one of the hardest things about taking gear. Being mentally ready for dissapointment to see your gains drop or the confidence that you see when you keep most of your gains.

    Its mental, we have to work out just as hard maybe even harder, we have to watch the thibgs we do, eat, etc. We have to be not only physcally strong, but so much more mentally to deal with everything.

    So for all you bros, more power to all of you for doing something that takes guts to do.

    My points are not intended to take away from those who do not use gear but to take away from those who critizize us for doing so.........
    i take as, but i don't need reassurance that what im doing is ok, or right. "takes guts to do??" wtf

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