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  1. #1
    col is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001

    Smile Stacks/ Steriods for endurance/ Strength

    I need to increase strength dramatically and i also need to increase my strength endurance and vo2 max, i race for usually between 2 and 5 minutes at sprint events what steriod or stacks may help me to achieve my goals, i am not ioc tested as yet, thanks to anyone who can help

  2. #2
    Lono is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001
    are you a swimmer?

  3. #3
    Lono is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001
    2 minutes ain't sprint buddy.

  4. #4
    bex's Avatar
    bex is offline Banned
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    Re: Stacks/ Steriods for endurance/ Strength

    Originally posted by col
    I need to increase strength dramatically and i also need to increase my strength endurance and vo2 max, i race for usually between 2 and 5 minutes at sprint events what steriod or stacks may help me to achieve my goals, i am not ioc tested as yet, thanks to anyone who can help
    You call that sprinting ?
    What are your stats bro......

    And welcome to the fun house....

  5. #5
    col is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001
    Sprint Kayaking 500m and 1000m, the coaches call it strength endurance

    My stats, prety poor

    I currently bench is 100kg 1RM, strength is a big thing the coaches look for hence my interest here. I currently weight about 77kg or around 12stone and im 5'11 so im not big, or as big and strong as i need to be, as the other eastern european lads are.

    My training consists of lots of kayaking, weights running and swimming, during the winter, so i burn a lot of calories, which i find a problem.

    We get tested for max bench press in 2 minutes with 50kg on the bar, thats where the strength endurance comes into play, we also do a bench pull with the same time and weight which is similar to bench press, but you pull instead of push.

    Help needed with the choice about steriods , iv researched loads but am still confused.


  6. #6
    ptbyjason Guest
    Bro, I don't know if this will help or not, but I thought it might. Not really sure if it would directly relate to your sport or not though.

  7. #7
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    in Denial
    Good link ptbyjason. I had a similiar question regarding sprint training though.

    I am not worried about drug testing but if I did a cycle and during the course of that cycle did wind sprints and plyometrics...would those fibers responsible for speed also be positively effected?

  8. #8
    ptbyjason Guest
    That could turn into a big debate bro. You are asking if your slow twitch will be positively affected instead of just your fast twitch. My initial thought are those fibers that you train the most will be the most affected, but that could be totally wrong. If I am wrong I would love to see the reason why, but I don't know why it would not help your endurance if you trained your slow twitch fibers more than your fast twitch.

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