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  1. #1
    Buschlightcan's Avatar
    Buschlightcan is offline Associate Member
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    Alright heres the problem. I have been taking liquid t3 by research kits starting at 20mcg and going up 20 more mcg every 5th day. I am at my max right now of about 100. I haven here for about five days. Just this morning my entire body clenched up and my hands went numb and my neck went totally stiff and i started to panic. I went to the hospital to try and get help. They immeadatley thought that i was on some kind of drug such as speed or something and didnt believe me at all. I sat arounhd in the emergency room for about 4-5 hours waiting to be helped and never got any help. Body became normal once again and i went home because the wait was way too long. Heres my concern. I think i need to get off of this t3 as fast as possible and as safe as possible how would you suggest that i go about tappering it down.. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.

  2. #2
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Taper it down slowly. Look in the educational forum at the way Cyc does it. Do it over 3-4wks time.

    Doubt T3 had a thing to do with what you described.

  3. #3
    Buschlightcan's Avatar
    Buschlightcan is offline Associate Member
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    I just had someone else tell me to stop the t3 cold. Do you think that is a good ideah or wasy too dangerous.

  4. #4
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buschlightcan
    I just had someone else tell me to stop the t3 cold. Do you think that is a good ideah or wasy too dangerous.
    No way you need to taper down to restore your thyroid functions. If you just stop you will stay shutdown for awhile.

  5. #5
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Never just quit cold turkey unless you want to look like a pumpkin for a while.

  6. #6
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    I dont know if its the t3 or not, but it causes me SEVERE and i do mean SEVERE muscle cramping, especially in my abs. I leaned over in my chair and my abs clenched soooo tight that i almost collapsed. I finally straightened out but the cramping kept up for about 10 minutes. Worst pain i ever felt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
    Taper it down slowly. Look in the educational forum at the way Cyc does it. Do it over 3-4wks time.

    Doubt T3 had a thing to do with what you described.

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