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  1. #1
    zibep is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Do some people need to use more nolva?

    Got some gyno symptoms 2 weeks ago. Took nolva 60mg per day, but symptoms didn't seem to go all the way away, so I took 80mg for a few days until the pain was gone. Went back to 40mg and the pain came back.

    My question: Is it normal to have to take high doses of nolva for an extended period of time, and is this safe?

    I am on 400mg test/400mg deca per week.

    Thank you guys!

  2. #2
    TRE's Avatar
    TRE is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Not gyno prone so I'll say bump, but you are taking Deca so nolv doesnt work against the progesterone that produces gyno. You may need to pick up some bromo

  3. #3
    halifaxsteve is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by zibep
    Got some gyno symptoms 2 weeks ago. Took nolva 60mg per day, but symptoms didn't seem to go all the way away, so I took 80mg for a few days until the pain was gone. Went back to 40mg and the pain came back.

    My question: Is it normal to have to take high doses of nolva for an extended period of time, and is this safe?

    I am on 400mg test/400mg deca per week.

    Thank you guys!
    gyno sensitivity depends on the person. nolva for 60-80mg/day until the end of your cycle should be fine. i would have taken 80mg longer than a few days (until all symptoms subsided). if you cut back to 40 and still having problems, up to 60 or 80 again. you could also get some proviron or liquidex.

    TRE is right..the gyno, although less likely, could be from the deca too (progesterone induced gyno). just to be safe, you should get some bromo.

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