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  1. #1
    moush's Avatar
    moush is offline Senior Member
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    How you know you have an absess

    Hey guys I just did my second injection and the thought of an absess came up. How do I know if I have one?? How long till i notice somthing?? I read up on what an absess is, but I do not know how i know i have it. Also After the injection in the glute there was a drop of blood on the tip of the needle is that normal?? It was my first time doin it in the glutes. The injection was Deca and Sust and while i was injecting it took a while for it to go in, thats normal rite?

  2. #2
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
    D3m3nt3d is offline AR's Whore D'Oeuvre
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    your drop of blood is nothing to worry about as long as you aspirated to make sure you werent hitting a vein, if you did you may get dizzy and cough like hell for a while. Taking a while to push in is normal especially with a higher gauge needle...about the absess, you should notice a hard lump for starters...but there are better people on this board to tell you about the absess

  3. #3
    moush's Avatar
    moush is offline Senior Member
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    No hard lump so thats good and yea I actually used a bigger needle a 23 gauge 1.5". Thanks a lot i feel much better now

  4. #4
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yep its a good thing that it went slowly. If you try to force it too fast it can cause an abscess. Like D3M said the blood is normal. If you get an abscess it will turn red and get warm to the touch. Plus you may get a high fever.

  5. #5
    moush's Avatar
    moush is offline Senior Member
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    ok good so im fine.....thanks for the help guys

  6. #6
    detroit's Avatar
    detroit is offline Banned
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    Actually i have heard that the lump is not hard, but soft, so soft that when you press on your skin it takes time for the indention to releave itself. Like pressing your finger into silly-puddy. Its basicly a pocket of puss in your muscle. Im no expert, nor have i ever expierenced an abscess, but you can do search on the internet and get tons of info. Your probably just expierencing pain from the sust, it will spread in the direction that the hole in the needle is facing opon insertion (the oil that is). So make sure its facing the meaty part of the muscle for better absorption, this way the oil wont puddle up. If it still bothers you after 3-4 days, go see a doc.

    Also if your pulling the needle out slow blood from the fatty tissue above the muscle can get into the needle. Pull it out fast and straight.

  7. #7
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
    D3m3nt3d is offline AR's Whore D'Oeuvre
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    Quote Originally Posted by detroit
    Actually i have heard that the lump is not hard, but soft, so soft that when you press on your skin it takes time for the indention to releave itself. Like pressing your finger into silly-puddy. Its basicly a pocket of puss in your muscle. Im no expert, nor have i ever expierenced an abscess, but you can do search on the internet and get tons of info. Your probably just expierencing pain from the sust, it will spread in the direction that the hole in the needle is facing opon insertion (the oil that is). So make sure its facing the meaty part of the muscle for better absorption, this way the oil wont puddle up. If it still bothers you after 3-4 days, go see a doc.

    Also if your pulling the needle out slow blood from the fatty tissue above the muscle can get into the needle. Pull it out fast and straight.
    you could be right on the absess part, thats why I said let someone else answer that part for you.

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