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  1. #1
    BrownBomber's Avatar
    BrownBomber is offline Member
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    Feb 2003

    A Better Filter?

    When converting Fina into Tren do you think it would be beneficial to use a pre-soaked Painters Mask for the initial filtration? It seems to be much finer than some coffee filters so the fillers would get caught w/o question. Do you think one would lose more yeild with the PM if filter through it 2 to 3 times?


  2. #2
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    Fort Worth
    Never tried the painter's mask routine, I use big #6 coffee filters and a big funnel. Takes a couple hours to run a gallon of distilled water through, but it's no big deal as I put a video on while it's draining. Lose only 1 gram of each 20 in the filter, keep 19 of the 20. 5% loss ain't too bad.

  3. #3
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    long island new york
    A painters mask has a bigger pore size than the coffee filter this is why it's used for the final filtering in syno conversions it makes the process faster. (that's why dazed recommends it). You definately wouldn't want to use a painters mask for filtering out the binders.

    Also if using BillyBathgate's acetone method the crystals produced from his extraction method are smaller than the crystals produced by the "notacow" method. So you would rather use a coffee filter.

    Last edited by xxxl83; 11-01-2003 at 10:58 PM.

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