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  1. #1
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2002

    How to add winny to my cycle.

    Running tren and prop, will ad winny 25mg 2x/ed (depot ran orally 8-12 hours apart, .5cc each time) or 37.5mg 2x/ed (depot ran orally 8-12 hours part, /75cc each time).

    Should I run it for 4 weeks at 75mg/ed or 6 weeks at 50mg/ed. I was wondering if I would get the same result based on the same amount 2000mg, or is time needed for it to work better. Also is 75mg going to make a difference or 50mg that is worth the extra stress on liver and all that. I mean is it about 40-50% more or more like 15-20% more in which case I would say it is not work it.

    Summmary of questions.
    Short and hard (75mg/ed for 4 weeks) or longer and normal (50mg/ed for 6 weeks)?
    Is 75mg/ed giving 40-50% increase over the 50mg/ed (it is 50% more mg's) but more is not always more sometimes it is less as sides increase?

    23 yrs, 3 years training, 3rd cycle, 238lbs, 12-14% bf, 6'2. Goal is long term growth and keeping of gains. I am at the end of 12 weeks of test (sust for 6, t-400 for 6) and deca for 10 weeks. Tren/prop/winny now, then jan-april eq and test, cycling tren/winny/(var or halo), time on for time off with orals.

  2. #2
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
    D3m3nt3d is offline AR's Whore D'Oeuvre
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    Southside Jamaican Queens
    layout your cycle bro, I would personally use 50mg for 6 weeks ex weeks 8-13 on a cycle, but lay your cycle out.

  3. #3
    Go Time's Avatar
    Go Time is offline Associate Member
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    I'm with Demented on the 6 weeks of winny at 50mg, and preferebly at the end of the cycle. Depending on how your cycle is running. For example I am coming down to my last week of test enanthate , so I would start my winny 3 weeks before my last injection and run it through until 3 weeks after my last TE injection(due to the half-life of test and this would give me 6 weeks of consecutive winny use). because the half-life of Winny is about 8.5 hours, I would then begin PCT the day after my last winny dose. Here is an example, hope this helps:

    1-10-EQ 400mg ew
    1-11-TE 500mg ew
    9-15-Winny 50mg ed
    15-18-PCT(clomid, clen )

  4. #4
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2002
    my cycle:

    Sust wk1-6 250mg/eod
    T-400 wk7-12 800mg/wk
    Deca wk2-12 600mg/wk
    Tren wk12-18 75mg/ed
    Prop wk13-18 100mg/ed
    ?? Winny wk12-18 50mg/ed -
    Eq wk19-35 400mg/wk
    Cyp wk19-35 600mg/wk
    Tren wk24-32 75mg/ed
    halo wk23-27 30mg/ed
    Winny wk32-38 50mg/ed
    Prop wk36-38 50-75mg/ed
    PCT wk39-until ready to stop ( clomid/nolva/hcg )
    * Running .5 to .75mg of Ldex daily throughout the entire cycle.

    This is basically a winter bulker and spring cutter without the 10-12 week off time. The last orals and tren are still to be determined. Only thing for sure is jan 1st til the last day in april EQ/Cyp. I will bring in things suchs as primo, var, halo, tren, winny in different combos. Also I will start in a few days cynomel/clen and run that for 6 weeks each, now, and then again late march thur april. Finishing everything may 12-15th.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    wow biig cycle, looks like we bdtr's little bro here.......How many cycles have you done.

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