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  1. #1
    Solrock's Avatar
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    Question Opinions on type of test for this cycle

    I am debating between which test to use for my cycle, Sust or Prop. Prop has always caused me incredible pain... I am not sure it is worth it. I will be running a good amount of L-Dex and Femara throughout the cycle to prevent aromatizing.

    I will either go with Sust 250 EOD, or Prop 100 ED.

    I will also be running:

    EQ 400mg week 1-12
    Tren 75mg ED 1-12 (maybe 1-8 only, Tren makes me nasty)
    Winny 50mg ED 9-14 (corrected per MudMan. Thanks)

    (May cycle in IGF-1 on week 5-8 and again 13-16... all depends on how my IGF-1 only trial goes. Starting next week... will start new thread an keep you posted.)

    I will also be running L-dex/Femara (alternating the combo seems to work quite well for me), and of course full blown PCT.

    Will have Nolva and Bromo on hand.

    Any expereinces will help. I am strongly learning towards the Sust.
    Last edited by Solrock; 11-24-2003 at 02:28 PM.

  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Between SUS and Prop........... I would put up with the painful injections and go with Prop........ Run the winny from weeks 9 - 14.... EQ has a 3 weeks half life

  3. #3
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    if u are gonna run sus 250 eod i would go with sus. prop is too miserable. i only use it when dieting down cause of the low water rentention. however the prop will give u the best and most constant blood serum levels !

    as for the EQ i would bump it to 600. i think most bros get better results at 600 mg.

    also what is ur cycle history.
    tell me how the igf-1 thing goes, i have heard nothing good about it so far but i have never talked to anyone who has directly tried it, always a "i have a friend who tried.." type of thing. so i would like some direct feedback from you if u choose to use igf-1. otherwise good luck !

  4. #4
    skii96's Avatar
    skii96 is offline Member
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    I've never had a problem with prop pain. So i would go with the prop IMO. But the sus eod would be good also! Win win either way.

  5. #5
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you wanting to use a full cc eod with the sust? If so, that works out to around 1100mg/week of test alone. Being that you are already shooting the tren ed, I'd go with the prop ed also. As for the pain, try a different brand of prop. Not all of it hurts too bad, some doesn't hurt at all.

    I'm also curious to see your results with IGF-1. I'll be watching for your thread on this.


  6. #6
    Solrock's Avatar
    Solrock is offline Member
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    I have run a total of 6 cycles so far. I have always gone with Sust except for my last cycle, which I ran Prop. And the Prop kicked my ass HARD. I did quad injects, and could never seem to walk, forget about running the tread mill. I am not a panzy with pain, but my quads were so tight they would wake me up during the night.

    Gundam: This will be my first cycle with EQ. 400 seems like a solid mid range... my concern with starting with 600 would be sides. I want to get a feel for what it is doing to my body. If the sides aren;t too bad, I would definitely consider bumping it up. Correct me if I am wrong, but 400 mg EQ a week should be enough to get some response, correect? If not, I will bump it up for the entire cycle.

  7. #7
    Solrock's Avatar
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    IGF-1: Yes, I will definitely start a thread when I start my IGF-1 only cycle new week.

  8. #8
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    In a cage near you...
    Hit the prop if you don't mind the ed injections...

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