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  1. #1
    Uconish is offline Member
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    for those that eat over 6000 calories???

    on a serious note i eat alot of food. ive been reading alot of posts and some people claim they eat over 6000-8000 calories a day. i eat about 4000 a day and thats me stuffing my face, and im about 220lbs. Now for those that eat in the 6000-8000 calorie range, what the hell are you guys eating. You guys take in that many calories on good clean food. Do you guys just not stop eating at all throughout the day. Do you have any tips for someone like me looking to add a couple extra calories to their diet, and what does your diet consist of?

    It be cool if someone would post what exactly they ate in one day as a sample diet.

    Like me today

    Meal 1: 12 egg whites and 1 cup of oatmeal
    Meal 2: 2 scoops of whey (i was at work)
    Meal 3: 2 cans tuna and 1 potato
    Meal 4: 2 cans tuna and 1 cup oatmeal
    Meal 5: Post workout shake (1000 calories)
    Meal 6: 8oz chicken breast and 1 cup oatmeal

    Do you guys think this is not enough food?????? What can i do to add more cause after eating this much im stuffed.

  2. #2
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uconish
    on a serious note i eat alot of food. ive been reading alot of posts and some people claim they eat over 6000-8000 calories a day. i eat about 4000 a day and thats me stuffing my face, and im about 220lbs. Now for those that eat in the 6000-8000 calorie range, what the hell are you guys eating. You guys take in that many calories on good clean food. Do you guys just not stop eating at all throughout the day. Do you have any tips for someone like me looking to add a couple extra calories to their diet, and what does your diet consist of?

    It be cool if someone would post what exactly they ate in one day as a sample diet.

    Like me today

    Meal 1: 12 egg whites and 1 cup of oatmeal
    Meal 2: 2 scoops of whey (i was at work)
    Meal 3: 2 cans tuna and 1 potato
    Meal 4: 2 cans tuna and 1 cup oatmeal
    Meal 5: Post workout shake (1000 calories)
    Meal 6: 8oz chicken breast and 1 cup oatmeal

    Do you guys think this is not enough food?????? What can i do to add more cause after eating this much im stuffed.
    You can get bigger, but will it be all fat? Can your muscles even on steroids use so many calaries to grow muscles and require all of 6000 calaries?

    Why are dudes in prison fed 2000-2500 calarie a day diet, have no whey suppliments, creatine or steroids and turn into friggin huge Mo Fo's just doing chin ups and working out with prison weight sets?

    I am not sure dudes on 4000 calarie a day diets on steroids will not still see some decent gains and that 5000 or 6000 calarie a day is necessary.

  3. #3
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    I eat about 5-6k cals a day when bulking. I just eat non stop pretty much. Lots of red meat, lots of carbs from brown rice, yams, oats etc.. Some bread when i "cheat", lots shakes...

  4. #4
    Uconish is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    I eat about 5-6k cals a day when bulking. I just eat non stop pretty much. Lots of red meat, lots of carbs from brown rice, yams, oats etc.. Some bread when i "cheat", lots shakes...
    Yeah i know. Your alot bigger than me so you need more calories a day. It just some guys claim they eat over 6-8 thousand a day, and how much of that can really be clean high quality foods. And ive been saying i eat alot of food and people on the board keep telling me to eat more. Thats why i posted what i ate today, to show people and get some feedback on what i can improve on.

  5. #5
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    I'm not saying all people or BBers do this but first off to get over 5000 you'll be eating rich foods... those that get between 7000 and 10,000 from what I know will utilize the power of T3 on a bulk phase around 20-30weeks some times up to 52 weeks cycling the T3 with probably 4-6 weeks on 8 weeks off... most think T3 is just for leaning.... they are way wrong....

    The prison thing... I have no clue how many cals they are fed

    I am not sure dudes on 4000 calarie a day diets on steroids will not still see some decent gains and that 5000 or 6000 calarie a day is necessary.[/QUOTE]

    [QUOTE=Ntpadude]You can get bigger, but will it be all fat? Can your muscles even on steroids use so many calaries to grow muscles and require all of 6000 calaries?

    Why are dudes in prison fed 2000-2500 calarie a day diet, have no whey suppliments, creatine or steroids and turn into friggin huge Mo Fo's just doing chin ups and working out with prison weight sets?

  6. #6
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    yeah i forgot to mention i take 50mcg of t3 when bulking.

    Also you CAN buy protien powders etc in the canteen in prison. Dbol and anadrol are availible as well in the underground drug deals.

  7. #7
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    I don’t know anyone that gets over 6000 cals and is not on juice... There is no point to eating more than you can use IMO... Some key clues to look for are your bowl movements. If your s*!ting more that 3 times a day you aren't training hard enough and you are wasting the nutrients you intaking.... even with the use of T3 during a true bulk I believe that over 7000 is waste.... There are some different bros out there though; I believe some amateurs actually try more extreme **** trying to become pros than what a top pro does. I don’t think you should eat entirely clean all the time unless you’re leaning. I believe you must eat rich food and zig zag from clean to rich manipulating your metabolism to have good lean growth, but thats me…

  8. #8
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    yeah i forgot to mention i take 50mcg of t3 when bulking.

    Also you CAN buy protien powders etc in the canteen in prison. Dbol and anadrol are availible as well in the underground drug deals.
    I do too... but I like take double the time on off with T3. I also only go up to 50mcg... I dont believe people should get to 100mcg's but they do.... me, I'll get crazy hunger head aches @ 100mcg and be a **** maniac... friggin mind numbing...

  9. #9
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    5000 one needs more then that to grow IMO>
    Also the protein thing: 1 gram per body lb is more then enough to grow.
    When you wanna get big like your big. Yes the more you eat, the more you're going to grow.
    I think the biggest misconception that newbies have is that they're going to eat everything in site while taking AS, and they're not going to gain any body fat. This is not true. Alot of first timers come off the cycle and feel fat. Well IMO that's ok, because u gained mass that you never had before. That was the purpose right?
    "Some" people can get away with this (Bulking & cutting at the same time). I can't...
    "Most" People when truely bulking gain bodyfat. If your lucky enough that can do both at the same time, then God bless you.
    Another quote "If you don't have the steak...U can't cut it." So I urge all the guys out there that are 150lbs (like I once was) To eat, eat, and eat somemore.


  10. #10
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    For PRO bodybuilders if that is who you are trying to compare with: PRO bodybuilders have their diets down to a T. They do not divert from it. 24 eggs a day, a loaf of bread, a bag of chicken, etc. All that is spelled out by grams of fat cals carbs protien per day. If you are that exentric to this sport, hobby then the 7-10k cals you are asking about will be CLEAN FOOD cause that is part of the sport.

    If you are just trying to gain weight, Im sure you can eat whatever you want, work out vigorously, turn it into muscle and burn off the excess fat quickly. Not too many people who have a hard time losing weight try to eat that many calories.
    Weight gainer shakes play a part in it too. A good weight gainer shake with extra ingrediants will give you 1000k right there. So 3 of those a day will be about 2500 cals. Clean or not

  11. #11
    arnoldwannab's Avatar
    arnoldwannab is offline Associate Member
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    Here, you guys can have a littel laugh at my diet....

    meal one: 12 egg whites, 1cut oat meal, 2 cups juice, 1 1/2 cup milk, 1 serving of cold cereal.

    Meal 2: weight gainer shake + the milk (bout 840 cal.)

    meal 3 : 2 chicken breast, 1 1/2 cup rice. can green beans, can of cambles chunky soup.

    meal 3: weight gainer shake + themilk

    meal 4: 2 Salmon steaks, 2 potatoes a veggie or a salad

    meal 5: 8 oz to 16 of Spaghetti + sauce

    Meal 6: preworkout shake

    meal 7: weight gainer + 3 cups milk & protein (1018 cal.)

    meal 8: WHtever the mother cooks

    the calories vary from dat to day but all around i[ll get about 7500 to 8500 a day and somewhere around 420g protein a day. All i do is eat. I dont go out, dont go anywhere just eat!

  12. #12
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    I agree only a little.... newbie should know how to diet with clean foods before bulking or going into a bulking period.... how can you eat clean if you don’t know how, have never done it and eat a **** load of rich foods and expect to lean down with out loosing mass…. They should start by only trying to gain lean mass by eating whole foods.

    As for 5000 plus... the more muscle mass you attain the higher your metabolic rate is.... that’s like trying to compare my body at 227 13% BF to a 260lb @ 13% BF.... you can't. If I eat under 3500 I can’t keep my head on straight, hunger head ache blow through my head. That’s my body weight.... but also my metabolism... I estimate a 250lb 10%BF BBer will need a minimum of 5000 not to loose muscle mass… they could go as low as 4000 when leaning and zig zag two week cycles of high cals to lower cals.... but no lower than 4000 if they are trying to gain while leaning also… If just a diet down a 250 bloak could creep down to 3500, but get ready for some hunger headaches…. On an all out bulk on T3 6000 is not much at all bro...
    There is one thing that newbie’s do that makes me say eat high protein over 1 gram.... they don’t eat enough carbs and concentrate on protein alone... By doing so they let there body experience catabolic effects through out the day. Which leads to your body reacting by hoarding fat even more.... To the newbie’s.... you need carbs for energy to operate, function, to move and train... the protein you eat can be lower than 1.5g even 1g if you are using that protein solely as a repair nutrient due to hypertrophy.... But if you’re not eating enough carbs to sustain yourself though out the day and during training then you will need more protein to stave off you bodies own protein cannibalism when blood sugars are too low and adipose is too precious....

    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    5000 one needs more then that to grow IMO>
    Also the protein thing: 1 gram per body lb is more then enough to grow.
    When you wanna get big like your big. Yes the more you eat, the more you're going to grow.
    I think the biggest misconception that newbies have is that they're going to eat everything in site while taking AS, and they're not going to gain any body fat. This is not true. Alot of first timers come off the cycle and feel fat. Well IMO that's ok, because u gained mass that you never had before. That was the purpose right?
    "Some" people can get away with this (Bulking & cutting at the same time). I can't...
    "Most" People when truely bulking gain bodyfat. If your lucky enough that can do both at the same time, then God bless you.
    Another quote "If you don't have the steak...U can't cut it." So I urge all the guys out there that are 150lbs (like I once was) To eat, eat, and eat somemore.


  13. #13
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Is this an example? I didn't even add up grams to calories but I can look at this bro.... that’s not 4000 calories.... I could be wrong but one rule of thumb for me is, eat some carbs with every meal or I don’t have enough energy/ fuel to utilize my protein intake to grow. There isn't enough carbs in your plan above to train like a freak let alone sustain activity though out the day if you are over 200lbs...

    Meal 1: 12 egg whites and 1 cup of oatmeal
    Meal 2: 2 scoops of whey (I was at work)
    Meal 3: 2 cans tuna and 1 potato

    You eat one cup of oatmeal to last you how long until you have your baked potato just in the beginning of this plan.... Your pre workout meal is 2 cans of tuna and a cup of oatmeal.... nah bro.... I'll let you in on a little secret that's not a secret.... try and get 2 to1 in favor of carbs over protein if you expect to grow whether you have high body fat or not... Utilizing slow burning carbs as fuel will help convert body fat to a fuel source during digestion and other activities. My pre workout meal is all carbs right now and I drink a liquid amino mix with water during training. I eat a banana and protein drink with 35g of protein 42 grams carbs and 17g of sugar for post workout right now... then I get home and eat what ever my wife has cooked...

    I try and eat ever two hours.... This is what I'm doing right now, I have what I call my day food which consists of a huge friggin bowl of pasta, veggies, and beef or chicken.... I will measure all this crap to equal out to be 2500 or 3000 calories. I'll eat four potato and egg tacos every morning upon rising... I drink 16-24 oz of water driving to work and then around 24oz over 2 to 2-1/2 hour spans... an hour after I arrive I am doing the transfer as I call it from big bowl to little bowl and every two hours I'm digging in that big ass bowl of shet. The bowl will barely last to 6:00pm and by 7:00 I know I better get my ass home to eat by 8:00 or I'll be stopping at Burger King for the Texas Burger (double meat, cheese, bacon, jalapenos and fries)...

    Now bro you don’t have to do it like me.... my bowl of shet is some what bland and boring.... But on the other hand I hate racking my brain measuring out one banana, two slices of bread, 8oz of chicken, 2 cups of green beans.... f&%k that shet... I can’t do that for every friggin meal... I would have a friggin aneurism before I was finish.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uconish
    It be cool if someone would post what exactly they ate in one day as a sample diet.

    Like me today

    Meal 1: 12 egg whites and 1 cup of oatmeal
    Meal 2: 2 scoops of whey (i was at work)
    Meal 3: 2 cans tuna and 1 potato
    Meal 4: 2 cans tuna and 1 cup oatmeal
    Meal 5: Post workout shake (1000 calories)
    Meal 6: 8oz chicken breast and 1 cup oatmeal

    Do you guys think this is not enough food?????? What can i do to add more cause after eating this much im stuffed.
    Last edited by mmaximus25; 11-29-2003 at 02:24 PM.

  14. #14
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    OK this is more like it.... carbs with every meal.... yes indeedy... If you can afford all that shet... right on bro.... cause that would break my little ass piggy bank, no doubt....

    This is a good plan... I forgot to mention... not to be a dumbass but finding and using other peoples programs can save you an aneurism or two... Just be sure to add up grams and convert to cals at least once to make sure your plan plays out like you want...

    Quote Originally Posted by arnoldwannab
    Here, you guys can have a littel laugh at my diet....

    meal one: 12 egg whites, 1cut oat meal, 2 cups juice, 1 1/2 cup milk, 1 serving of cold cereal.

    Meal 2: weight gainer shake + the milk (bout 840 cal.)

    meal 3 : 2 chicken breast, 1 1/2 cup rice. can green beans, can of cambles chunky soup.

    meal 3: weight gainer shake + themilk

    meal 4: 2 Salmon steaks, 2 potatoes a veggie or a salad

    meal 5: 8 oz to 16 of Spaghetti + sauce

    Meal 6: preworkout shake

    meal 7: weight gainer + 3 cups milk & protein (1018 cal.)

    meal 8: WHtever the mother cooks

    the calories vary from dat to day but all around i[ll get about 7500 to 8500 a day and somewhere around 420g protein a day. All i do is eat. I dont go out, dont go anywhere just eat!

  15. #15
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    THis might help you to Uconish...
    I cut and pasted this from a PM to Juice89:

    If you want to stay lean and grow, try this..... A training athlete's body on average can consume a higher amount of calories for two weeks before storage of adipose tissue will begin... One method of stay somewhat lean is to: Consume an above average calorie intake for two weeks and then lower your calories back to average or normal for another two weeks. You can do this though out your cycle or even when off.... What this does is utilize your metabolic rate and make your body into a furnace of nutrients... After coming off the lower cal weeks your body has no problem utilizing those extra cals during recovery and just standing still... add training hard and juice to all this and you will be able to add lean mass to your frame no problem.... now I say for a 220 low cal weeks 3000 -3500/ day and high cal weeks 3500-4000/ day... I would stay on the higher side of things personally and maybe even add 500 more cals to those higher numbers

    However, you must, learn your food profiles.... Or kinda know how many calories and of what type you’re getting… know what 4oz of beef looks like... know what 70g of pasta looks like....
    ***Calories per gram of Prot-ein, Carbohydrate, Fats: 1gram carbohydrate = 3.75 calories /1 gram prot-ein = 4 calories/ 1 gram fat = 9 calories /1 gram alcohol = 7 calories***
    you can be successful or be stuttering bloak.... You can tell the guys that put some effort in to there diet... and do what they are trying to accomplish, then you can tell the others that haven't dialed it or figured it out yet....

  16. #16
    legend is offline Associate Member
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    i just finished working on my diet plan. i wanted to get my calories alittle higher. my finished product ends up at 5400 calories, 240 grams of protein, and @500grams of carbs. and this is without dinner. so basically i can eat whatever i want for dinner. no measuring, no skimping. i have one small meal after dinner consisting of oatmeal, bananas and a protein/weight gain shake. i have bread in my plan but no junk. no cakes, no cookies, no junk foods at all. and 80% of my fats and carbs are before dinner and before the gym. i usually do cardio in the am around 4:30am before work on an empty stomach(the only real time to burn fat) but i am cuttin that down to 2-3 times per weeks for a while. if the gut starts to grow i will increase it.i will be getting @1000-1200 calories for shakes. the rest from whole foods.i never had a problem with breads, so i am not excluding them. cake was my weakness, and i will miss it alot. sunday is my binge day. i won't go crazy but i also will not be a slave to my stomach either. i'll eat when i am hungry and not by a time schedule. also i am going to try to go real light with carbs on sundays, hopefully i'll get a nice spike on mondays when i go back to my diet.

  17. #17
    simplyjakked is offline Member
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    when bulking i usually eat approx. 4000-5000 cals a day and that only includes on shake or two but i eat anything and everything to bulk up. my metabolism is fast and i have no prob getting lean. the way i do it have helped me go from 125lbs to 220lbs and maintain a decent bf%! I only looked like a fat ass in college(beer and wings)!!

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