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  1. #41
    toolman is offline Banned
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    This is quite the comical thread. First, to the one who said scar tissue wouldn't form...WRONG! It would. To the one who mentioned it hitting a vein, then your dead as it would eventually cause a clot. In short, DO NOT SHOOT RUBBER. Make sterile practices gospel in your cycles and don't ignore them. If rubber ends up in your gear, get a new vial. Its alot cheaper than treating the complications that could occur. As for preloading your syringes, its better than injecting rubber, but not much. Once you open the wrapper and draw air into those syringes, there is bacteria. It is not ideal to let that sit for a few weeks then inject it into your body.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    Clocky, are you using PNP, or similar?

  3. #43
    ddoublevision's Avatar
    ddoublevision is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2003
    I don't see the big problem with having to wait 60 seconds using a 22 gauge? I also order from pnp

  4. #44
    clockworks's Avatar
    clockworks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSevnthWarrior
    Clocky, are you using PNP, or similar?
    you mean do i order from that website? no, i used dazed's synovex kit and the vials he gives are CRAPPY. they are the kind where you can peel off all the aluminum and pull off the rubber stopper. of course, you are only supposed to peel off the middle part of the aluminum. not only is the rubber crappy and flakes off into the vial, but since you only peel off the middle of the aluminum, there is jagged metal left that catches your cotton ball when you swab the vial with alcohol...>=|

    i've ordered fina kits from both mr. t and gpz...and BOTH of them give you the good vials...=)

    -- clocky

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by clockworks
    you mean do i order from that website? no, i used dazed's synovex kit and the vials he gives are CRAPPY. they are the kind where you can peel off all the aluminum and pull off the rubber stopper. of course, you are only supposed to peel off the middle part of the aluminum. not only is the rubber crappy and flakes off into the vial, but since you only peel off the middle of the aluminum, there is jagged metal left that catches your cotton ball when you swab the vial with alcohol...>=|

    i've ordered fina kits from both mr. t and gpz...and BOTH of them give you the good vials...=)

    -- clocky
    You swab your vial tops??....J/K
    I got PNP last time, they have the same peel away
    I just started the Tren , so this is what I have to look forward too...Great.

  6. #46
    ddoublevision's Avatar
    ddoublevision is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah cotton sticking onto the jagged edges of the metal is very annoying. Also the coffee filter sent to me by pnp did not seen very sterile to say the least. One more thing....they sent my whole order but forgot to send the syringes, I emailed them to complain hoping they would send some free things with the 100 syringes they owed me, but instead they sent me 80 syringes and no freebies(maybe the mailman decided he needed 20 of them for his blackmarket syringe business). At least they were fast though, sending both packages in 3 days/

  7. #47
    ichabodcrane's Avatar
    ichabodcrane is offline Associate Member
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