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  1. #1
    carlo's Avatar
    carlo is offline Associate Member
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    Clenbuterol stack with sust250?

    Does any you guys know if it will be a good idea to stack clenbuterol with sust 250, I am gonna do 8 weeks of sust250 at 500mg a week, and I want to keep the fat levels down if possible I read that ephedra actually lowers test levels so I won't touch it, onthe other hand I read that clenbuterol has mild anabolic properties and is anticatabolic as well and BURNS FAT! Also thinking of adding arimidex .50mg a day to keep from bloatting and exccess water.
    Any advice is apprecciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by carlo
    Does any you guys know if it will be a good idea to stack clenbuterol with sust 250, I am gonna do 8 weeks of sust250 at 500mg a week, and I want to keep the fat levels down if possible I read that ephedra actually lowers test levels so I won't touch it, onthe other hand I read that clenbuterol has mild anabolic properties and is anticatabolic as well and BURNS FAT! Also thinking of adding arimidex .50mg a day to keep from bloatting and exccess water.
    Any advice is apprecciated!
    Well, that's different, and though it doesn't interest me, I do believe if done right you could gain a little lean mass.
    You'll need more Sust (If that what you're set on running) and run it a minimum of ETD.
    And don't fear the Ephdra, at least not for that reason, it's minimal, however Ephedra is Anti-catabolic.
    If you kept your Protien up, and the rest of your diet Clean but Full, I think you'd be pleased with the results for how much you're doing.
    Weeks 1-10 250mg ETD (or less)
    Clen /ECA 2 on, 2 off.
    PCT (And more Clen/ECA)
    Last edited by TheSevnthWarrior; 12-13-2003 at 06:54 PM.

  3. #3
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    1. ephedra is not catabolic

    2. clen is not anti-catabolic at human doses

    3. clen/ sus stack will not really keep fat off because after a while it desenitises ur beta-adrenergic receptors. if u are eating anough cals, u will add a bit of lard.

    bro, please dont try to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time. just bulk then cut ! i have no clue why ppl are so obbessed with fat. when i bulk i am up to almost 20% bf. 8 weeks after i have recovered from bulking, i am down to 9% with minimal muscle loss!

    4. read this article (the entire article please)

    it will show u how not to get too fat while bulking. but u need to read it all, i know it is very long, but its for newbies !

    chill !
    Last edited by gundam675; 12-13-2003 at 05:59 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by gundam675
    1. ephedra is not catabolic

    2. clen is not anti-catabolic at human doses

    3. clen/ sus stack will not really keep fat off because after a while it desenitises ur beta-adrenergic receptors. if u are eating anough cals, u will add a bit of lard.

    bro, please dont try to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time. just bulk then cut ! i have no clue why ppl are so obbessed with fat. when i bulk i am up to almost 20% bf. 8 weeks after i have recovered from bulking, i am down to 9% with minimal muscle loss!

    4. read this article (the entire article please)

    it will show u how not to get too fat while bulking. but u need to read it all, i know it is very long, but its for newbies !

    chill !
    I started to jump on ya gundam, til I saw my typo. I left out the "anti", Epherdra is not catabolic, it's anti-catabolic.
    However Clen is anti-catabolic to a certain extent. I was very impressed the first time I use it during PCT, I felt very hard.

    And the point (and remember it wasn't my idea) I was commenting on was not that Sust/Clen would be some kind of Cutter, just that that combo, compared to a long ester only test, without the use of Clen, would keep you far more lean.
    I think there's little question that Sust ran say, EOD, with a Clen/ECA 2 on, 2 off, would keep you realitively lean while putting on a few pounds.
    I don't believe in "Burning Fat" while Bulking, but I do believe in keeping it down to a minimum. I can't stand "bulking" in every known understanding of the word, putting on 35 lbs, then cutting just to find out that 17 of it was Water and/or fat.
    Also I believe Beta Down Reg. would take longer than he plans on running.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Man gundam, I just tried my best to read that link....I could not...not due to length, but after I got to the part where he knocks out every old favorite, and states (and then defends) his thought that only Test, EQ, and Winny are good for a different number of reasons, I had to bail.
    Maybe he goes on to (somehow) make this relevant in some way.....but when he took out Tren , Deca , Primo, and Var...I was pretty much done at that point.

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