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Thread: time off

  1. #1
    stevie is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    time off

    I will be commencing a cycle with dbol soon, which will be lasting 4 weeks. I've come accross a slight problem in it though, and that is my friends and I have been planning a little weekend trip for a little while now, and it's gonna happen in the middle of my dbol consuming period. The problem isn't so much 2 days away from the gym, although I probably will be dying to work out, but the weekend will primarily consist of drinking, and lots of it. If I go while I'm on my cycle, I don't intend to drink all that much, but I'm worried none the less. I'm leaning slightly towards not going now, simply so I can keep on taking my gear, but what's the point of doing AS if it's gonna turn ya into a social reject? So I'm wondering, would taking 2 days off dbol and going may be not that bad an idea, or would you recommend just going, take the dbol, get some pushups and situps in here and there, and try not to drink taht much? They don't know about my gear, so I can't just say "look guys, I can't drink because I'm taking illegal steroids ", not that they'd care, but AS is a need to know basis, and right now the basis = no one
    sorry for the lengthy post, i tend to do that. hah, anyways, any input is appreciated. Thanks guys

    p.s. I'll be taking a ton of milk thistle with me if i do go

  2. #2
    atwa is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    i feel that you should just stay on the d-bol and do what you can while away from the gym. things should work out fine for you. watch your drinking.

  3. #3
    God-Speed is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001
    2 days? thats nothing alot of poeple work out only 3 days a week as long as you get each muscle group once your fine. just careful on drinking as DBOL is hard on your liver, hope you got some good liver detox like cranberry extract and milk thistle, bump as you might want another person with more experice to give some info as ive never used dbol

  4. #4
    God-Speed is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    also you might wanna stack that with somting , dbol alone wont yield much keepable results i dont think, but again bump for more experinced persons

  5. #5
    stevie is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    great, thanks bros
    yea no worries, ive got the cycle covered
    my main concern wasn't 2 days away from the gym, instead i was more worried about waht 2 days of drinking would do to my poor liver. From everyone I've talked to, the unanimous word has been to not worry, and have a good time, while trying to watch what I drink. I don't plan on drinking a lot, maybe 10 beers dyring the entire day, ill get lots of sleep, and drink water like a frikken dog in the toilet!
    oh yea, and bring my milk thistle!!
    thanks for the advice so far, anyone else that wants to get a point in is welcome to too!

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