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  1. #1
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Final Q about UG gear's BA------------->

    Ok, so I have a sh!t load ot this particular unknown UG Test E. It hurts like a sumbitch for a week after each 1cc injection. I have deduced that it's definately the BA content. My Q is...Am I going to just have to suck up the same ammount of pain for every shot....or does your body get used to it, and it stop hurting after several shots? I just did my 3rd one, and am expecting severe pain tomorrow. Those of you that are shooting or have used gear with high BA...what was your experience?



  2. #2
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    Bake it.

  3. #3
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    shoot it , deal with it, keep going

  4. #4
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    Try adding sterile oil with each shot. Also masage the site for a few minutes after you inject to help it disperse.


  5. #5
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DARKSEID
    shoot it , deal with it, keep going
    Hey, no big deal either way for's just that every other shot I have ever done before this stuff has been 100% pain free....

    And as for the baking advice, I heard that that it doesnt work that way for rendering off BA......any other opinion?

    Thanks for the replies so far guys...


  6. #6
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    7,629 offense but why would u buy gear when you don't even know where it's from?
    Your not a newbie cuz I've seen you on the boards for awhile.
    Your injecting something into your should atleast know who the source is and if he's trust worthy.
    And I know alot of us don't know the source in person, but still...Test E shouldn't sting that bad. Get what I'm saying??
    Goodluck to ya....

  7. #7
    the dent depot's Avatar
    the dent depot is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso offense but why would u buy gear when you don't even know where it's from?
    Your not a newbie cuz I've seen you on the boards for awhile.
    Your injecting something into your should atleast know who the source is and if he's trust worthy.
    And I know alot of us don't know the source in person, but still...Test E shouldn't sting that bad. Get what I'm saying??
    Goodluck to ya.... offense taken...let me explain...
    My source has supplied me with tons of other stuff brand stuff we have heard he's hooked up with a compounding pharmacist making their own brand. The prices for this stuff are amazing too! He hasnt bothered with a formal name b/c it's only available to his existing clients. He's not marketing it to anyone else.


  8. #8
    MBaraso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the dent depot offense taken...let me explain...
    My source has supplied me with tons of other stuff brand stuff we have heard he's hooked up with a compounding pharmacist making their own brand. The prices for this stuff are amazing too! He hasnt bothered with a formal name b/c it's only available to his existing clients. He's not marketing it to anyone else.

    I C.
    Whats the mg/ml ratio? Enth shouldn't have that much ba unless it's a high mg/ml ratio IMO. The higher the mg/ml ratio...the more they have to jack up the BA to get it to suspend in the if it's 300mgs per ml or above then yeah it'll sting...And are you sure it's straight Test E? Maybe alittle prop mixed in there??? Or is it a high grade of Test E?

  9. #9
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    I C.
    Whats the mg/ml ratio? Enth shouldn't have that much ba unless it's a high mg/ml ratio IMO. The higher the mg/ml ratio...the more they have to jack up the BA to get it to suspend in the if it's 300mgs per ml or above then yeah it'll sting...And are you sure it's straight Test E? Maybe alittle prop mixed in there??? Or is it a high grade of Test E?
    Well he makes it as 400mg/ml, but admits it hurts most people ...but he also offers 200mg/ml(I am taking the 200) which he claimed to be pain free. I now realize(I'm stupid sometimes) the this is just the 400 cut with oil. So maybe they spiked the BA for the initial batch?


  10. #10
    MBaraso's Avatar
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    Yeah sounds like that's what he's doing. I'm not saying he's definetly doing that cuz I don't know him but it's a hell of alot easier to make one big batch of 400mgs/ml and then cut it w/ oil to make some 200mgs/ml.
    Problem is you'll have inconsistancies in the mg/ml ratio when doing this...

  11. #11
    ironmaster's Avatar
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    Just many mg per cc?

    The overuse of solvents is common with UG labs and some vet companies. There are 2 reasons why. As a substitute for sterile lab conditions, or in an effort to suspend more mgs per cc. T-400 is a good example of the latter use. Yes, it packs a lot of test in a small volume of oil, but it hurts like a bitch.
    I was aquainted with a UG chemist who used the BA for the first reason. He sent me a first batch sample of cypionate that was very nice. The second time, the **** crippled me. I called him up and asked him what the ****. He said that for some reason, the bacteria count was too high, and that he had to keep adding BA until it was safe. To his credit, he did have the means to test the bacteria level, which is good, but apparently, lacked sterile manufacturing conditions.
    Either way, I was done with it. And you are correct, baking doesn't work. The only thing you can do is dilute it or shop elsewhere.
    You do get used to it somewhat after time. But with so much good gear out there, why bother?

  12. #12
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaster
    Just many mg per cc?

    The overuse of solvents is common with UG labs and some vet companies. There are 2 reasons why. As a substitute for sterile lab conditions, or in an effort to suspend more mgs per cc. T-400 is a good example of the latter use. Yes, it packs a lot of test in a small volume of oil, but it hurts like a bitch.
    I was aquainted with a UG chemist who used the BA for the first reason. He sent me a first batch sample of cypionate that was very nice. The second time, the **** crippled me. I called him up and asked him what the ****. He said that for some reason, the bacteria count was too high, and that he had to keep adding BA until it was safe. To his credit, he did have the means to test the bacteria level, which is good, but apparently, lacked sterile manufacturing conditions.
    Either way, I was done with it. And you are correct, baking doesn't work. The only thing you can do is dilute it or shop elsewhere.
    You do get used to it somewhat after time. But with so much good gear out there, why bother?
    Thanks for the reply Ironmaster...
    It's the 200mg/ml I'm shooting...I'm going to copy and paste your response to an email to my for there being "so much good gear out there", I guess I just really like they guy I'm using and wont risk going anywhere else!
    Also I was just informed by my doc that he is cutting back my HRT (had an Rx for Upjohn TC 200mg/ml) to 1/2 a cc a MONTH! What a cock!

    I'm going to try and convince my guy to make a lighter BA batch next time...

    Last edited by the dent depot; 12-23-2003 at 02:21 AM.

  13. #13
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Alright...I emailed this thread to my source, and this was his reply:

    "The BA content is only at 0.9% well below that which would cause pain(3.5%).
    You can cut what you already have with sterile cotton seed oil using
    a 1:1 ratio."

    So now I'm back to square one with the cause for the pain...


  14. #14
    Bigboy123's Avatar
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    From my experience my first enjection into each spot i usueally hit and switch from, (glutes, quads, delts) gets sore the first shot and then it goes away... Just do it...

  15. #15
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboy123
    From my experience my first enjection into each spot i usueally hit and switch from, (glutes, quads, delts) gets sore the first shot and then it goes away... Just do it...
    I am alternating glutes and the pain is the same after every shot. I dont seem to be aclimating to it. I'm guessing pain will be a major part of using this particular product..."Just do it"? I am doing question wasnt whether or not to do it.


  16. #16
    Screenz's Avatar
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    Dillute it I'm using prop t400 and eq all rt gear and when I shot t400 alone a few months ago I couldnt take the pain and before that I shot test prop alone and I couldnt walk lol now I'm shootin 1cc t prop 1/4cc eq and 1/4 cc t 400 and it feels like nothing lol that 1/4 cc of eq makes a HELLLLLLLL OF A DIFFERENCE

  17. #17
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Ok here's another though...
    This sh!t is very painfull. I have a very high thresh hold for pain...I have given myself stitches and it didnt hurt 1/2 this bad...I'm not saying I'm tough, actually...a high pain thresh hold can be bad...there are times when I was injured and didnt know it soon enough to treat it.

    Anyway....I'm wondering if maybe this stuff might be Test Suspension...everyone says that hurts like, for those of you that have shot Test bad and long lasting was the pain?

    I shot last night and tonight I had a hard time getting in my truck because my cheek hurt soooo fooking bad.
    The area isn't warm to the touch and it's not I rule out infection...



  18. #18
    ironmaster's Avatar
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    It's the BA that makes test suspension hurt, as well.
    .9% BA content is the pharmaceutical standard for human grade synthetic testosterones of all kinds. Read any label.......they all say .9%
    As did the labels for the cypionate I mentioned.

    You have only one option, since you like and trust your source. Dilute it.

  19. #19
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
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    Dent, wanted to comment on painful injections. What I do is withdraw a cc of my gear then a cc of B12. Warm it up under tap water in the syringe and shake it up. Thats what I do to dillute and keep from painful injections. IMO works for me.

  20. #20
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaster
    It's the BA that makes test suspension hurt, as well.
    .9% BA content is the pharmaceutical standard for human grade synthetic testosterones of all kinds. Read any label.......they all say .9%
    As did the labels for the cypionate I mentioned.

    You have only one option, since you like and trust your source. Dilute it.
    So logically, if I cut it 50/50 with sterile oil or B-12 or will hurt 1/2 as much. I'm not sure thats even worth the trouble. 1/2 this pain will still be nearly imcompasitating.......

    I still dont have a definitive answer on why this stuff is hurting guy is very adamant about it's 0.9% BA, and that cant be the cause of the pain.

    So if Test Susp is 0.9% BA like the rest......what makes it hurt, and how does the pain manafest its self? How do I know this isnt it?

    Thanks for the replies bros & Merry Christmas!


    p.s. I have done pharmaceutical TE and TC in the not to distant past, and it must have been 0.9%....and I experienced 0 pain.

  21. #21
    ironmaster's Avatar
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    I was being sarcastic. You can order the labels printed anyway you want. I have no doubt that the pharmaceutical grade products you used were in fact .9%

  22. #22
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    There is no reason quality test enanthate should hurt at all if it is made right, even at 400mg/ml. I don't trust your source. .9% BA would not hurt at all. I've made gear at 5% BA that is painless, and some that is a little more than 5% with little pain. There is either more BA in it, or some other impurity. If you like your source and trust his gear that much, then you'll have to deal with the pain. I would get some better gear myself. There is a reason it hurts, and it's not supposed to. JMO.


  23. #23
    ironmaster's Avatar
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  24. #24
    curiousdude is offline Junior Member
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    Cool sounds like the...........

    .......... the trinidad curse. try sacrificing a live chicken and praying to the gods of santa ria

  25. #25
    ironmaster's Avatar
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    motoxxxguy..........I'm in the mood for some chemistry experiments. Did you use a conversion kit or your own recipe? The kits use a lot of solvents. Do you feel the need to use benzl benzoate?

  26. #26
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaster
    motoxxxguy..........I'm in the mood for some chemistry experiments. Did you use a conversion kit or your own recipe? The kits use a lot of solvents. Do you feel the need to use benzl benzoate?
    I use my own recipes. As for the solvent content, it depends on the hormone and the concentration you are making. Most short ester gear requires the use of BB along with BA to keep it in solution.

    There are some basic recipes and techniques in the lab forum that are worth checking out if you are interested in this.


  27. #27
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    There is no place like ho
    Buddy I have some test that hurts like a mofo, I find that if I mix it with some EQ or deca it does help with the pain. Still hurts like a mother, but is tolerable. I find that taking an anti inflammatory does help as well. Can't explain why or how but it does help with the pain. massaging the area as someone else mentioned also I find that running the syringe under some hot hot water before injection helps with the pain. If you are having that much problem with it, just ship the rest to me I will find a means to dispose of it for ya.. LOL.

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