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Thread: hgh pills?????

  1. #1
    olympia81 is offline Junior Member
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    hgh pills?????

    ok so i been talking to this guy and he is telling me he has hgh pills which are better than taking iu shots,because the shots could be old and u can get deathly sick or even die if the product is no good so i should take the pills he has,sorta a friend of mine so he says he will sell me these pills and take 4 a day and he will supply me with 3 months worth for $300.....he got in mexico and in bulk so he says he can sell it cheap to me.......he said he scratches the lot #'s off and i beleive its made by lilly.....anyone hear about this stuff does anyone have any pics? does this sound shady to u any input is appreciated....thanks bro's....

  2. #2
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by olympia81
    ok so i been talking to this guy and he is telling me he has hgh pills which are better than taking iu shots,because the shots could be old and u can get deathly sick or even die if the product is no good so i should take the pills he has,sorta a friend of mine so he says he will sell me these pills and take 4 a day and he will supply me with 3 months worth for $300.....he got in mexico and in bulk so he says he can sell it cheap to me.......he said he scratches the lot #'s off and i beleive its made by lilly.....anyone hear about this stuff does anyone have any pics? does this sound shady to u any input is appreciated....thanks bro's....
    the whole writeup sounds shady. What are your stats?

  3. #3
    Troyboy is offline Associate Member
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  4. #4
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    Behind Ur booty
    Ok, first of all, GH is taken subcutaneously sometimes intramuscularly. These pills are a hype. Your friend doesn't know jack. Bet after you buy these pills he's got a great deal on the brooklyn bridge too.

    The FDA regulates HGH in the U.S. and the FDA does not allow the commercial industry to sell enough of what you need in pills, powders, sprays, or whatever.

    Click on this link and read:
    Last edited by LuvMyRoids; 12-23-2003 at 05:04 AM.

  5. #5
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by olympia81
    ok so i been talking to this guy and he is telling me he has hgh pills which are better than taking iu shots,because the shots could be old and u can get deathly sick or even die if the product is no good so i should take the pills he has,sorta a friend of mine so he says he will sell me these pills and take 4 a day and he will supply me with 3 months worth for $300.....he got in mexico and in bulk so he says he can sell it cheap to me.......he said he scratches the lot #'s off and i beleive its made by lilly.....anyone hear about this stuff does anyone have any pics? does this sound shady to u any input is appreciated....thanks bro's....
    tryin to scam you....don't give him any business

  6. #6
    olympia81 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks bros....he was telling me his buddy already was on the pills for a week and he gained 6 pounds of muscle....also told me to take it with my bulk cycle that i am about to do which is my first real bulk cycle...500mg enanthate 400 deca and 6 d-bols a day to jump start, nolva in hand .....he was telling me that i should take the hgh with the bulk cycle i am about to do and that not to take the injections he has the pills....take them instead ...and he did say they are made from the manufacturer lilly......but i am glad u all told me about the pills....seemed shady....thanks again

  7. #7
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro, Bro, bro......Total BULL****. REAL GH doesn't come in a pill form. Why?

    They don't work because HGH is a VERY delicate and complex 191 amino acid hormone. This brings up the a problem with companies trying claim oral HGH products. - you can not take HGH orally. So, even if a company wanted to break the law and sell HGH as a pill/spray or powder - it would not work because the HGH would break down before it ever reaches the bloodstream.

    Also, you have a financial problem. Give Eli Lilly a call and see how much 200 micrograms (the amount a 40 year old secretes each day) of recombinant GH cost. You will quickly find out that the math just doesn't work. How can they sell a 1 month supply for $100 when the raw material would cost over $1,000 a month

    There is a case when the above claim can be true - but very exaggerated. The FDA has determined that if there is less than 2001 nanograms (ng) of the HGH drug present in a supplement - it is NOT considered a drug. The theory is that in such small trace amounts, the drug has no impact so it is not classified as a drug

  8. #8
    olympia81 is offline Junior Member
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    so its bull**** when he said to me i will get deathly sick or die from gh shots then too huh? i mean i would guess eveyone would be

  9. #9
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by olympia81
    so its bull**** when he said to me i will get deathly sick or die from gh shots then too huh? i mean i would guess eveyone would be

    Yes!!!! I've been on GH for 6 months, and guess what? I feel WONDERFUL!!!! Do not listen to this idiot. Sick and die? Bro, most people will tell you that they have a much better immune system while on GH. I've talked with people and ever since being on GH, they haven't been sick in years. Now, the only reason someone will lie to you is because A. they have NO idea what there talking about, B. They are trying to scam you., and C. They don't have REAL GH to sell. trust the bro's on this board.

    Any questions, please feel free to PM me....

  10. #10
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oh yeah, shots could be old? I think he means the GH could be old. But guess what? GH has an exp. date on it, just like any medicine.

    Again, let me stress: THERE IS NO REAL ORAL GH. And he can't be a friend if he is claiming this.

  11. #11
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by olympia81
    so its bull**** when he said to me i will get deathly sick or die from gh shots then too huh? i mean i would guess eveyone would be

    Your "friend" is fuller of **** than most people i've seen.

  12. #12
    ItalianMuscle's Avatar
    ItalianMuscle is offline Senior Member
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    Don't sound right..

  13. #13
    Musa is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by olympia81
    ok so i been talking to this guy and he is telling me he has hgh pills which are better than taking iu shots,because the shots could be old and u can get deathly sick or even die if the product is no good so i should take the pills he has,sorta a friend of mine so he says he will sell me these pills and take 4 a day and he will supply me with 3 months worth for $300.....he got in mexico and in bulk so he says he can sell it cheap to me.......he said he scratches the lot #'s off and i beleive its made by lilly.....anyone hear about this stuff does anyone have any pics? does this sound shady to u any input is appreciated....thanks bro's....

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