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  1. #1
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Question Sust/EQ...Sust/Deca/Winny???

    Hey guys, for those of you who've read any of my past posts, I've been narrowing down my AS I am gonna use in my first cycle. If you haven't. I'm 5'10, 180,4 yrs training, dont know exact bf% high could it be with my weight? . Anyway, I'm going for a bulking cycle and have decided to stay away from dbol on the first run, I'll save the dbol's for my second go. So I've got it down to either, Sust(500mg) and EQ(400)....or Sust(500mg), Deca (400mg), and Winny(???). If I were to go, with #2, what would the dosage be on the Winny? I'm gonna run a 10 week cycle, so would i start the Winny on week 5? I'm kinda leaning towards the Sust/EQ....just because I've hear a lot of good from both of those, plus an anti-e should take care of Gyno from Sust. Also, can EQ/Sust be combined into one shot? The reason I'm incorporating Winny into cycle #2 (if i decide to do it), is because of progestrone caused by the Deca. What do you guys think would be the way to go? I know the ultimate decision rests in my hands, but any input will be taken with much appreciation. Thanks guys. -PaPaPumP

  2. #2
    Lush's Avatar
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    Yup, you can combine Eq and sust in one shot.

    If you are just using winny as anti-e for progesterone, 50mg EOD should do. I don't think the amount of deca you're doing will give you progesterone gyno though- but people react differently, and playing it safe deffinately won't hurt.

    As for when to do winny.... If you're just using it as anti-e, IMO- you'd have to start it on week 4 when the deca really starts kicking in. And then run it till a week or 2 past last deca injection.

    Good call on the cycles though. I'd through in 4 weeks of d-bol at the beginning of either if I wuz you. Even with 15mg/day you'll notice it- and be loving it.

    Enjoy the first cycle bro- good times ahead...

  3. #3
    ultragainz is offline Junior Member
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    will you try deca winny and add some test if you like...deca for 8-10,12 weeks sus 8-10 weeks winny at the last 4-6 weeks is good..if you have the shots you can shot it up eod or ed...50mgs ed is fine..for the last 4-6 weeks..also you can drink the winny too if you drink it and just say you are taking 50mgs a day take 1/2cc in the moring and the other 1/2cc later on the day is fine...and if deca and sus...take clomid 3-4 weeks after the last just say you end you cycle with deca or sus hit clomid 3-4 weeks after the last shot of deca or sus...or if you take deca for 8 weeks same with sus for 8 weeks and winny is 10 weeks just say clomid should be taking on weeks 11 or12...ect....just letiting you know if you already know it then sorry for having you read it..

  4. #4
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    I would recommend the SUST/EQ cycle. My buddy went that way I went the SUST/DECA way (we're both doing the dbol 's) We are both showing good gains, but he is having a little less water retention than I am.

    For my next cycle, I am going with SUST/EQ/DBOL and possibly fina.

    My current cycle is doing me good, but I wanna stay lean and less bloated for the next run.

  5. #5
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
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    Talking Thanks a lot guys!

    I love it when i get such quick replys from you guys. Whenever you guys have a question that I can answer (not likely lol), I'll do it the best I can. Anyway, I'm thinkin of maybe, just maybe runnin dbols at 15mg, I have read several instances you can get gains on that alone!(obviously if you're a rookie only). But I will either be doing a Sust/EQ/Dbol or Sust/EQ...I wanna stay away from a lot of facial acne, are you getting any serious acne on the current stack you're on. I'm not really worried about bloating, although If I'm on EQ, it shouldn't be TOO bad. Anyway, any other suggs.? Thanks again. -PaPaPumP

  6. #6
    Lush's Avatar
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    Pumping papa,

    "I'm thinkin of maybe, just maybe runnin dbols at 15mg"

    Sounds like a good idea. If it's your first cycle just do 15mg/day of d-bol. Half way through the second week you will have been feeling it fully for 4 or 5 days. you can then decide to up it if you want to 20, maybe 25.

    As with all drugs, start low and get a feel for it...

    My experience is that 20mg gives sweet results with almost no sides.
    No booze though. If you get loaded one night, I guarantee you will feel pain in multiple internal organs.

    As for the acne.... if you don't want it, don't do AS. The only good thing I can say about AS acne is that it appears on the shoulder and chest- for me at least. never had it anywhere except on my face until the AS... but hey- if it's not on the face it can be covered with a shirt and it goes away post cycle.

  7. #7
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
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    I'm with you Lush

    I know what you mean bud. I barely get facial (knock on wood), never had body acne. I know i wouldn't mind the body acne that much, because like you said, nothin a shirt can't cover! . Plus, I've discovered Benzoyl Peroxide.......WORKS WONDER TO THOSE WHO HAVENT TRIED! In addition to that, I'm going t o be showering religously, and tanning. I've researched about this a lot, and have read about the sides, and I know what I am getting myself into. I am not going to go crazy shootin everything i can find. I am going to ease into it, however I'm not going to start TOO low. Thanks for the advice Lush.

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