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  1. #1
    Fuller is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2003

    so da** confused

    Every time i think i have got a cycle down, i find other info that bothers me. I am bout to finish 4 weeks of clen /t3, am going to do a 8 week cycle of both(along with eca while on my break from clen). When i finsih this i want to do my first "real" cycle, and i thought that i had a good one figured out, until i seen some thing that caught my eye today. I have some fat in my chest and my gut, am losing it slowly but surly though. As another reader posted, that all the females in his family have large tits, and he has some fat in his chest region as well, and i am very afraid of getting gyno. Well this is what my first cycle was going to look like:

    1. test cyp
    2. deca
    3. arimidex or l-dex

    but now i hear that only winny and RU 486 will help stop gyno when using deca. Now i am truly confused!! Oh well back to more reasearch i guess

    Stats: weight 230-235
    height 6'1"
    age 29

  2. #2
    MachZ's Avatar
    MachZ is offline Member
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    Bromo will work. As long as you run a higher ratio of test to deca you should be ok but have bromo on hand just incase. You can take 1.25mg of bromo ED that your on the cycle.

  3. #3
    jmonkey is offline New Member
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    why not do your cycle with test only if its your first time, sides can be controlled easier and also this way you can see how your body reacts to it. Test alone can yield excellent results.

  4. #4
    hector999 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah bro ten to one your going to love the results of the cycle, and your going to do another, go with just test first, feel your body out, like jmonkey said sides are much easier to control when only one thing is administered, have nolva on hand for signs of gyno, clomid for PCT is a must, keep your diet tight (plentiful but clean) as possible bro especially sense you already have existing fat, you can incorporate some low impact cardio while on a cycle do say 30min fast pace walk, empty stomach first thing in the morning, good luck

  5. #5
    Fuller is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2003
    Thanks a ton for the input my friends. I guess i will do just the Test, with some anti e's on hand like was suggested. Anyway thanks again guys Fuller

  6. #6
    scottninpo's Avatar
    scottninpo is offline Senior Member
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    if your really concerned about it, run the test with 10mg nolva and .25mg ldex ed througout the cycle, and make sure you have clomid and nolva for pct, btw t3 is catabolic, meaning it eats your muscle along with the fat, so if you ever run it again, make sure you're running some sort of test along with it, you'll get way better results as well

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by Fuller
    Every time i think i have got a cycle down, i find other info that bothers me. I am bout to finish 4 weeks of clen /t3, am going to do a 8 week cycle of both(along with eca while on my break from clen). When i finsih this i want to do my first "real" cycle, and i thought that i had a good one figured out, until i seen some thing that caught my eye today. I have some fat in my chest and my gut, am losing it slowly but surly though. As another reader posted, that all the females in his family have large tits, and he has some fat in his chest region as well, and i am very afraid of getting gyno. Well this is what my first cycle was going to look like:

    1. test cyp
    2. deca
    3. arimidex or l-dex

    but now i hear that only winny and RU 486 will help stop gyno when using deca. Now i am truly confused!! Oh well back to more reasearch i guess

    Stats: weight 230-235
    height 6'1"
    age 29
    OK, now I'm confused.
    In 20 yrs, I've never heard of Winny stopping Gyno, and RU 486 (the morning after pill) is a very dangerous drug that was SUPPOSED to be a safe birth control, but turned out to be very dangerous on the Female, and doesn't prevent birth, only Kills the Child AFTER conception, and how this would have ANY effect on Gyno is beyond my Chemically deficient mind.

  8. #8
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Winny supposedly has a higher infinity for the prog receptor than deca would...nothing proven though.

    RU-486 is an anti-progesterone.

    Under 600mg Deca...I wouldnt even worry about gyno from it. Remeber progesterone mainly causes gyno by being an estrogen agonist. Reduce your estrogen by taking your proper anti-es like you should in the first place and reduce your chance of getting it reduces even further even while on deca.

    1st cycle. Run test only.

    Dont run T3 without test. Your eating your muscle away.

  9. #9
    Xavier_4446's Avatar
    Xavier_4446 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MachZ
    Bromo will work. As long as you run a higher ratio of test to deca you should be ok but have bromo on hand just incase. You can take 1.25mg of bromo ED that your on the cycle.
    Took the words right out of my mouth.

    Yes run all test first. I know I won't regret doing it

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