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  1. #1
    NEED2BEHUGE's Avatar
    NEED2BEHUGE is offline Banned
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    Confiscation of mail

    I just checked the tracking number on a package that was sent to me and I'm pretty sure it got siezed. When I type in the tracking number it tells me to call a number to inquire about the package. The package was being sent within Canada and contained about 2000 mg of Nolvadex . Should I be worried right now? Does Nolvadex qualify as a controlled substance? Someone help before I burst into tears

  2. #2
    MachZ's Avatar
    MachZ is offline Member
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    Nolva is not a controlled substance. Its a schedule F drug.
    Here is an importation quote from Health Canada:

    "Your shipment has been examined under the provisions of the Food and Drugs Act and found to contain prescription medication. The importation of Schedule F (prescription) drugs is prohibited, except by certain designated persons (e.g., doctors or pharmacists). It is recommended that you contact your doctor to obtain a prescription for this medication which must be filled in Canada. Medications which are not available in Canada can often be obtained through Health Canada's Special Access Programme."

    Now you were not importing it , but your limited to a 3 month supply. If your tabs are 20mg each that would be 100 tabs and you should be ok I would think.
    Maybe the package was damaged and whoever the shipping company was contacted the rcmp or somebody about your nolva as they didn't know what they were dealing with. Thats a possibility, if so they may want a perscription before releasing it.

    Not much help and not sure what else to say bro, good luck.

  3. #3
    cookarat is offline New Member
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    That's the main reason I spend the extra money to have my orders broke up and shipped seperately, of course to a PO box with an alias.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    Well, I was going to say that it IS a controled substance needing a script (just not sch 3) but maybe that's just the US, I don't live up norht Mach does so he should know.
    But I wouldn't be afraid to call about Nolva myself, as to where AAS my reponse would be: What pills, I didn't order any pills, they're not mine etc etc.
    Mach, I can't say I've heard of Schedule "F" is that a Canadian thing??

  5. #5
    MachZ's Avatar
    MachZ is offline Member
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    I believe it must be TheSevnthWarrior. Its called the "Canada Food And Drugs Act R.S., c. F-27, s. 1."
    Here is a couple of little snipits:

    9. (1) No person shall label, package, treat, process, sell or advertise any drug in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character, value, quantity, composition, merit or safety.

    14. (1) No person shall distribute or cause to be distributed any drug as a sample.

    15. No person shall sell any drug described in Schedule F.

    R.S., c. F-27, s. 15.

    Now to look up Schedule F brings me into Adobe Acrobat and for some reason I can't cut/paste so it would take awhile to type out the schedule.

    Hope that helps.

  6. #6
    stengun's Avatar
    stengun is offline Associate Member
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    Howdy Cook,

    Quote Originally Posted by cookarat
    That's the main reason I spend the extra money to have my orders broke up and shipped seperately, of course to a PO box with an alias.
    So, how did you get a PO box w/ an alias? You have to show ID to get a box.


  7. #7
    fullback40 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2002
    if its canada post - its probably server problems - check again (if you already havent) - you may be able to see it in route by now.

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