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  1. #1
    Chfangedman is offline New Member
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    12 week enanthate cycle

    I am currently on my 7th week of an enanthate cycle that is going to be ended with 6 weeks of winny. I have seen very little gains to this point. Maybe 5 lbs gained and very small strength gains. I had planned on running the enanthate for 10 weeks and starting the winny after week 6, running it for 6 weeks. Finishing it two weeks after my last enanthate injection and going straight in to my pct. I am just wondering if it is normal to have such meager results after 7 weeks of enanthate? My diet, workouts and sleep have all been pretty good. I'm sure they could be better. I'm working on it. I am also wondering if maybe I should consider running the enanthate for a few extra weeks? turn it into a 14 or 12 week cycle. What do the bros think of this idea. I am 6'4" around 195lbs. I am taking 500 mgs per week split into two shots. should consider upping the dosage? Or should I lengthen the cycle or just leave it alone at 10 weeks? Thanks for all advice bros. Peace.

  2. #2
    Hawgz's Avatar
    Hawgz is offline Junior Member
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    what brand test are you running? If i were you i would post a pic. of it and see if it may be fake.

  3. #3
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    yeah it could be fake.... whats the brand

  4. #4
    Mr. Death's Avatar
    Mr. Death is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chfangedman
    My diet, workouts and sleep have all been pretty good. I'm sure they could be better. I'm working on it. should I lengthen the cycle or just leave it alone at 10 weeks?
    Steroids aren't miracle drugs. You can't half-ass it and expect to see gains. If your stuff is real, get your **** together and I guarantee you'll see results. How many cycles have you done? If this is your first, leave the cycle at ten weeks.

  5. #5
    Chfangedman is offline New Member
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    The stuff is QV I'm pretty sure that it is the real deal. It has all the holograms and and the serial numbers.

  6. #6
    carlo's Avatar
    carlo is offline Associate Member
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    I think a man of your size(tall) should do somewhere between 750 to 1000mg of Test E(or Cyp, sust) even for a first timer. Seems to me like you are the slim type, hardgainer, right? Hope you are not doing any cardio at all. I am 5'6 and as a first timer I am doing 500mg of Test E a week for 10 weeks, I do cardio 3 times a week for 30 minutes but just because I tend to get fat so I gotta watch it...I am even considering doing 750mg at weeks #6, #7 and #8. I am using QV as well,so far this is week #4 and I've gained 7lbs. I am just starting to feel the test kicking it!
    Good Luck bro!

  7. #7
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    whats the lot # on your test bro?

    there have been some people complaining of underdosed vials from qv. this was a while back though, so if yours are more recent, i wont be able to help you.

    peace I4L

  8. #8
    JohnDoe1234's Avatar
    JohnDoe1234 is offline Member
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    I'm using QV test right now, I went to their website and checked the batch #'s. All the stuff out there right now from QV should actually be slightly overdosed.

  9. #9
    Bartleby's Avatar
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    yeah whats the lot...a guy was having a problem with #013, but other ppl were having great gains...just curious cause i have this lot as well....

  10. #10
    NoLimits's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlo
    I think a man of your size(tall) should do somewhere between 750 to 1000mg of Test E(or Cyp, sust) even for a first timer. Seems to me like you are the slim type, hardgainer, right? Hope you are not doing any cardio at all. I am 5'6 and as a first timer I am doing 500mg of Test E a week for 10 weeks, I do cardio 3 times a week for 30 minutes but just because I tend to get fat so I gotta watch it...I am even considering doing 750mg at weeks #6, #7 and #8. I am using QV as well,so far this is week #4 and I've gained 7lbs. I am just starting to feel the test kicking it!
    Good Luck bro!

    Please don't give advice if you are not really sure what you are saying. Just because someone is tall, that doesn't mean they should do some high amounts of gear!!!! A tall person, just like a short person needs to learn just how their body responds to using steroids . Please think before you reply to a post!

  11. #11
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlo
    I think a man of your size(tall) should do somewhere between 750 to 1000mg of Test E(or Cyp, sust) even for a first timer. Seems to me like you are the slim type, hardgainer, right? Hope you are not doing any cardio at all. I am 5'6 and as a first timer I am doing 500mg of Test E a week for 10 weeks, I do cardio 3 times a week for 30 minutes but just because I tend to get fat so I gotta watch it...I am even considering doing 750mg at weeks #6, #7 and #8. I am using QV as well,so far this is week #4 and I've gained 7lbs. I am just starting to feel the test kicking it!
    Good Luck bro!
    WTF? It's that mentallity that gives our sport a bad rap! The whole more is better is what perpetuates all the bad sides and what not. Your muscles dont know how tall you are, or that you are a hard gainer......

    I'd bet one or more of these thisngs are true:
    the gear is fake
    his training is not intense enough to grow
    his calories arent high enough
    he isnt getting enough sleep
    or some other unknown component is off or missing(over/under training...too much cardio...etc)



  12. #12
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by iron4life79
    whats the lot # on your test bro?

    there have been some people complaining of underdosed vials from qv. this was a while back though, so if yours are more recent, i wont be able to help you.

    peace I4L
    imo i4l is on it.....7 weeks and it seems you have gained a placebo would see gains from test e even if your diet is crap and you did'nt work out....your gear is either bunk or underdosed

  13. #13
    the dent depot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoLimits
    Please don't give advice if you are not really sure what you are saying. Just because someone is tall, that doesn't mean they should do some high amounts of gear!!!! A tall person, just like a short person needs to learn just how their body responds to using steroids. Please think before you reply to a post!

    You beat me to it bro!

    Well said...


  14. #14
    blizzard's Avatar
    blizzard is offline Associate Member
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    why everyone is not happy with QV? there must be sthg wrong with it , everyone complains about it nowadays mates????

  15. #15
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    i agree.... just because you are 6'4 and 195 (only) does NOT mean you need 1000mg of test a week!!!! horrible advice... you can grow off 300mg a week if diet, rest, and exercise is all exact.

  16. #16
    Chfangedman is offline New Member
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    The batch # on this stuff is 13. I posted about a week ago with similar question and everybody who replied said not to sweat it, enanthate takes a long time to kick in. Several people had said that they don't feel it completely until week 8 or so. My diet has been pretty good. Like I said before, Through week 6 or so I had gained around ten pounds. I recently had a bad breakup with a girlfriend and had some bad depression and had trouble getting food down. Love sick I guess? During those days I lost about 11lbs. I am just now getting my mind set back to where it should be. As far as training goes, I have been lifting hard 6 days a week. Maybe over training, but definetely not undertraining. Sleep has been good 8-10 hours a day. Bros please give me some advice on how to salvage something from this cycle. This is my first cycle. Is it a bad idea to run the enanthate for 12 weeks instead of 10? Please help bros. thanks alot.

  17. #17
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    eat more food.

  18. #18
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chfangedman
    The batch # on this stuff is 13. I posted about a week ago with similar question and everybody who replied said not to sweat it, enanthate takes a long time to kick in. Several people had said that they don't feel it completely until week 8 or so. My diet has been pretty good. Like I said before, Through week 6 or so I had gained around ten pounds. I recently had a bad breakup with a girlfriend and had some bad depression and had trouble getting food down. Love sick I guess? During those days I lost about 11lbs. I am just now getting my mind set back to where it should be. As far as training goes, I have been lifting hard 6 days a week. Maybe over training, but definetely not undertraining. Sleep has been good 8-10 hours a day. Bros please give me some advice on how to salvage something from this cycle. This is my first cycle. Is it a bad idea to run the enanthate for 12 weeks instead of 10? Please help bros. thanks alot.

    a couple of things here........
    8 weeks? give me a break. test enan should kick in anywhere from 2-4 weeks, and by week 5 you should be seeing decent results, as long as your diet, and workout and rest habits are in order.
    if you hit a rough spot, then that could be some of it for sure. like C.A. said, you gotta eat bro, and eat heavily. i can relate here, because sometimes i have trouble getting enough too.
    lot# 013 is one of the trouble lots that came up in my convos with some other bros, along with 007, 009, and 011. so you could possibly have a bad vial or 2.
    you CAN extend your cycle, as a matter of fact, i recommend it. since you had those problems with the g.f and eating, and now youre on the right track again, i'd give this another few weeks just to see if it can be salvaged. gaining 10 lbs isnt shabby, but with it being a 1st cycle and adding in proper nutrition, i'd expect more than that.

    let me know how it goes for ya, ok? drop me a pm or email me if you like, and if you need anything else, you know where to find me........

    peace I4L

  19. #19
    Paranoid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    imo i4l is on it.....7 weeks and it seems you have gained a placebo would see gains from test e even if your diet is crap and you did'nt work out....your gear is either bunk or underdosed

    I agree, on my first cycle of 400mg Test E and 400mg Deca , I was up from 210lb to 245-247lb by week 5-6. Obviously, a lot of that was water retention, but my strenght was WAY UP and my muscle mass was expanding greatly. Unless your diet was total crap, you should have way better results than that. Sounds like bogus or underdosed gear!

  20. #20
    BLACKZILLA's Avatar
    BLACKZILLA is offline Associate Member
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    so...anywhere between week 2 and 6 people have felt it kick in? what about the enan/eq combo pack?

  21. #21
    Ambulance's Avatar
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    I agree with everyone, accept the higher dose advice. Asymmetrical1 makes a good point, yes you do need great high calorie diet and training... but theres plenty of legit tests, even ones by our own government health labs, that show those who dont even work out gain lean muscle mass on anabolics. Look at Cattle for example, they don't change anything and gain. I'm not saying you don't need to work out or eat right, im just saying these are steroids for crying out loud... you should notice SOMETHING..not to the extent of if your doing it properly but a steroid is a steroid. And steroids promote growth.

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