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  1. #1
    HollywoodM3's Avatar
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    Parabolan what do you think

    hey everyone
    I have been reading a lot of threds that seem to love fina, im woriking on my next cycle, I have never thought of fina but from what I read it sounds great, has anyone use parabolan (trenbolone actate). should I use it and what should I add to the cycle.
    what does it compare to. should it be used in a cutting cycle or bulking cycle, you get the idea, anyhelp and info would be great.

    im starting to get excited about this sh*t
    let me kno


    i can get parabolan and tren form toktyo what do you think??
    10ml 75mg/ml 125$

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    parabolon isnt trenbolone acetate, that is just your regular fina.

  3. #3
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Actually, and I'm sure Billy, et al will be able to correct me as I'm sure i'm off by a "hexa" or "atate", but I thought parabolan was trenbolone hexahydrocarbonate. Trenbolone acetate is the straight up finaplix converted. Para, by and large, supposedly isn't made any longer, but, like clockwork, rumors of its manufacture somewhere in Europe pop up once a month or so. They may very well be true, but with acetate and now enanthate being accessible, why buy the hype?

  4. #4
    HollywoodM3's Avatar
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    has anyone tried para, im not into the whole mixing thing which is why I thought para would be nice..maybe im wrong. should I use or not waste my money??

  5. #5
    Taejoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    Actually, and I'm sure Billy, et al will be able to correct me as I'm sure i'm off by a "hexa" or "atate", but I thought parabolan was trenbolone hexahydrocarbonate. Trenbolone acetate is the straight up finaplix converted. Para, by and large, supposedly isn't made any longer, but, like clockwork, rumors of its manufacture somewhere in Europe pop up once a month or so. They may very well be true, but with acetate and now enanthate being accessible, why buy the hype?

    Trenbolone Acetate is made from Finaplix -H cattle implants. Parabolan is Trenbolone with that ester with an un-godly name attached on the end. It's similiar in use to Enanthate , Cypionate , Undeclynate etc... Shanghai Labs is currently manufacturing Tren Enanthate, which is very expensive ($210 for a 10 ml bottle I believe), and a new UG lab that just popped up is now making real Parabolan again. I can't remember the name though. Fina is still your best bet for cost effectiveness, if you can stand the ED injects.



  6. #6
    Taejoon's Avatar
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    Forget what I said about the UG lab producing it, it was Masteron I was thinking of.... sorry for the miss info. It is however being produced in Europe again.



  7. #7
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taejoon
    Trenbolone Acetate is made from Finaplix -H cattle implants. Parabolan is Trenbolone with that ester with an un-godly name attached on the end. It's similiar in use to Enanthate , Cypionate , Undeclynate etc... Shanghai Labs is currently manufacturing Tren Enanthate, which is very expensive ($210 for a 10 ml bottle I believe), and a new UG lab that just popped up is now making real Parabolan again. I can't remember the name though. Fina is still your best bet for cost effectiveness, if you can stand the ED injects.


    tren acetate is also made from powders. it really doesn't matter where it comes from, the fact that it is active in the body for 3 days is what makes it an acetate...

  8. #8
    jim-bol is offline Junior Member
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    parabolin was taken or the market in 1997 and many shed a tear ,trenabol made by british dragon is not the same but as close as youll get.

  9. #9
    Taejoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironfist
    tren acetate is also made from powders. it really doesn't matter where it comes from, the fact that it is active in the body for 3 days is what makes it an acetate...
    I was always under the impression that Tren Acetate had a 20 hour half life? That's why everyone preaches ED injects for keeping blood levels stable....
    Last edited by Taejoon; 01-08-2004 at 12:12 AM.

  10. #10
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    Actually, and I'm sure Billy, et al will be able to correct me as I'm sure i'm off by a "hexa" or "atate", but I thought parabolan was trenbolone hexahydrocarbonate. Trenbolone acetate is the straight up finaplix converted. Para, by and large, supposedly isn't made any longer, but, like clockwork, rumors of its manufacture somewhere in Europe pop up once a month or so. They may very well be true, but with acetate and now enanthate being accessible, why buy the hype? only missed the "benzyl" in there bro!

    Hexahydrobencylcarbonate is the parabolon ester, but enanthate is just as good, and readily available from a few good labs.


  11. #11
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taejoon
    I was always under the impression that Tren Acetate had a 20 hour half life? That's why everyone preaches ED injects for keeping blood levels stable....
    Ok, so it stays active in the body for 2 days...EV injects keep your blood levels more constant...

  12. #12
    ironfist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim-bol
    parabolin was taken or the market in 1997 and many shed a tear ,trenabol made by british dragon is not the same but as close as youll get.
    BD is tren acetate...Tren enanthate is much closer in makeup to parabolin. A few UG labs make it, I used supra's and loved it...

  13. #13
    Taejoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironfist
    Ok, so it stays active in the body for 2 days...EV injects keep your blood levels more constant...

  14. #14
    James Bond's Avatar
    James Bond is offline Junior Member
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    Body Research is producing right now the first lot of Danabolan.
    It's tren hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. I do not know the concentration yet but I guess it will be 76mg/ml.
    This mean it's exactly what Parabolan was!

    Anyway, the old, cheap and easy to make tren acetate from Finaplix always worked great.

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