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Thread: Cutting cycle

  1. #1
    Kayslay is offline New Member
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    Cutting cycle

    Tell me waht you guys think about this cycle, I might just take the t3 out altougether, let me know waht you thik. I know Omnas are not the best for cutting, but its the cheapest thing I can get, I am just using them to keep muscle when going low cal. My diet is going to consist of High protien/high-moderate EFA's/low carb, and some greens on the side (total around 2300 calories) gonna run this diet for 24 weeks. I am 23 years old around 6 feet and weigh 250 with ~20%bf. This is going to be my second cycle.

    Wk 1-15 Omnas @750
    Wk 1-12 Clen alternating Ephedrine/caffeine 2 weeks on/off
    Wk 5-12 T3 taper*
    Wk 9-15 tren @50mg ed or 100mg eod
    Wk 16-24 Clen alternating Ephedrine/caffeine 2 weeks on/off

    *t3 tapper will look like this with 50mg tabs
    52 days
    8/33/58 % ramp/constant/down
    4 days ramp 17 days max 30 days taper

    Nolva throughout
    Clomid 3 weeks after last omna shot for 3 weeks

    Tell me anything that needs to be fixed up

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    run some prop with that bro

  3. #3
    Kayslay is offline New Member
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    Its not that I dont want to run prop, that would be my first choice as there is very little water gain. But I am a student and I dont have alot of money. Prop would cost me probally double what Omnas would. Any other suggestions?

  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
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  5. #5
    diskey's Avatar
    diskey is offline Junior Member
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    A friend of mine dieted on oma without any a-es...the results where that he had a perfect six pack but his arms and chest looked pretty puffy from all the water.

    on 750 mg you're defently gonna hold a lot of water, and trust med the result will be odd

    why not

    w1-8prop 100mg eod
    w1-8tren 100 mg eod
    keep clen and drop effe

    I don't know if you've have ran tren before but it's around 3 times stronger than testo esters...

  6. #6
    Kayslay is offline New Member
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    w1-8prop 100mg eod
    w1-8tren 100 mg eod
    keep clen and drop effe

    as I said prop would be my first choice, but it will cost me way more. Im just using the test to keep muscle. Nothing else. I expect to gain some water, but as long as the fat is gone I will be happy. How about t3, you guys think I should run it, or ditch it?

  7. #7
    Hyperlite's Avatar
    Hyperlite is offline Associate Member
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    Ditch the T3

  8. #8
    diskey's Avatar
    diskey is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayslay
    w1-8prop 100mg eod
    w1-8tren 100 mg eod
    keep clen and drop effe

    as I said prop would be my first choice, but it will cost me way more. Im just using the test to keep muscle. Nothing else. I expect to gain some water, but as long as the fat is gone I will be happy. How about t3, you guys think I should run it, or ditch it?
    Your not going to hold some water if your not that type of person that merly gain any water-weight, your going to hold ALOT. Oma is probably the badest choise of test for a cutting-cycle

    I'm gonna run a cutting cycle now soon, and I'm in the same money situation as you because I'm a student. My final choise is

    w1-10 Prop 150mg EOD
    clen cycles for two weeks on/off. Between the clen cycles 60mg plain effedrin (much cheaper than eca)

    Remember test is the best muscle-gainer/keeper and if you were to cut anything away it should not be this.

  9. #9
    Mallets back's Avatar
    Mallets back is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayslay
    Tell me waht you guys think about this cycle, I might just take the t3 out altougether, let me know waht you thik. I know Omnas are not the best for cutting, but its the cheapest thing I can get, I am just using them to keep muscle when going low cal. My diet is going to consist of High protien/high-moderate EFA's/low carb, and some greens on the side (total around 2300 calories) gonna run this diet for 24 weeks. I am 23 years old around 6 feet and weigh 250 with ~20%bf. This is going to be my second cycle.

    Wk 1-15 Omnas @750
    Wk 1-12 Clen alternating Ephedrine/caffeine 2 weeks on/off
    Wk 5-12 T3 taper*
    Wk 9-15 tren @50mg ed or 100mg eod
    Wk 16-24 Clen alternating Ephedrine/caffeine 2 weeks on/off

    *t3 tapper will look like this with 50mg tabs
    52 days
    8/33/58 % ramp/constant/down
    4 days ramp 17 days max 30 days taper
    SNolva throughout
    Clomid 3 weeks after last omna shot for 3 weeks

    Tell me anything that needs to be fixed up
    Swap the omna for prop...much better for cutting...and you ment 50mcg not 50mg t3 right 5/40/55

  10. #10
    Mallets back's Avatar
    Mallets back is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayslay
    w1-8prop 100mg eod
    w1-8tren 100 mg eod
    keep clen and drop effe

    as I said prop would be my first choice, but it will cost me way more. Im just using the test to keep muscle. Nothing else. I expect to gain some water, but as long as the fat is gone I will be happy. How about t3, you guys think I should run it, or ditch it?
    I like it!!!

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