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  1. #1
    apgomez3's Avatar
    apgomez3 is offline New Member
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    Question Nolvadex...when? how? how much

    I'd like say thanks to all the members that have responded to my posts. I think AR is great for newbies like myself to get good information about gear. From reading posts in AR I have learned a ton and dispelled gym/locker room hearsay about steroids . Thanks to everyone!

    With that I have a question about Nolvadex . I have heard and read a lot of things so I am confused.

    When do you start it?

    1) Is at the beginning of a cycle? Only when you feel symptoms of gyno? Do you start it a few weeks after first injection, since test takes a while to get in your body? Do you start it near the end for PCT?

    2) Is there a difference in effectiveness if you take 15mg per day vs 30mg eod?

    The cycle I have chosen to do is

    250mg sus e5d 50 days
    250mg deca e5d 40 days
    50 mg winny eod days 41-70

  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I start taking my anti-e's a week before the cycle begins. This allows the anti-e's your using to build up enough blood concentration st start doing their jobs..... So either a week or 2 before the cycle or at least run the nolva the day you start your cycle.

    If you're only going to run nolva then run 20mg ED through the cycle if your going to run L-dex or another drug like it then use 10mg ED of nolva.

  3. #3
    SaTyR's Avatar
    SaTyR is offline Member
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    Start taking it at 20mg/week 1 week before the start of your cycle . If you feel gyno symptons take 60mg/day till the symptons go away then again take 20mg . Its best to take nolva during your PCT .


  4. #4
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
    DADDYDBOL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Say bro bump your test higher than your deca .

  5. #5
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sust should be injected E3D.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    I do like Mud as it relates to start time - 1-2 weeks prior.
    Personally I think 10mg with hmmm, .25 L-dex ED is a pretty sweet spot, then up it to 20-30 for PCT depending on how long and hard you were on.
    If I were you, (I don't know how many cycles you've done) I'd switch to a single ester Test, though personally I don't fit the mold, I like Sust, but it needs to be ran minimum ETD, (preferably EOD) and higher than your Deca .
    And depending on how many times you've done this, the Winny is questionable as well.

  7. #7
    apgomez3's Avatar
    apgomez3 is offline New Member
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    Why is winny questionable? i thought it would be a good hardener at the end of the cycle. Am I misinformed?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by apgomez3
    Why is winny questionable? i thought it would be a good hardener at the end of the cycle. Am I misinformed?
    Well, the reason I said thr Winny is "questionable" is because for one, this is "bascially" your first cycle for all practicle purposes (I read your Profile)
    Winny would be considered a decent "hardener"'s does/can have those characteristics, IF your BF is at a low%.
    However, some of the sides are undesirable for some...i.e. Joint Pain, Hair Loss etc. Also, it IS a Water Based ED Injection (Optimally)
    Plus, it's rather costly by comparison. And also, you would be suprized how lean you can stay on traditional Gears, sometimes known for water retention etc etc, if your diet is in check, proper doses of Anti-E's are ran, and a bit of Cardio.
    I'm not saying you CAN'T run Winny, I'm just saying if I were you I would pass this time around, it's only Jan...plenty of time to cut before spring.
    Ultimately it's certainly your call Bro...I'm just givin' my .02

  9. #9
    apgomez3's Avatar
    apgomez3 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSevnthWarrior
    Well, the reason I said thr Winny is "questionable" is because for one, this is "bascially" your first cycle for all practicle purposes (I read your Profile)
    Winny would be considered a decent "hardener"'s does/can have those characteristics, IF your BF is at a low%.
    However, some of the sides are undesirable for some...i.e. Joint Pain, Hair Loss etc. Also, it IS a Water Based ED Injection (Optimally)
    Plus, it's rather costly by comparison. And also, you would be suprized how lean you can stay on traditional Gears, sometimes known for water retention etc etc, if your diet is in check, proper doses of Anti-E's are ran, and a bit of Cardio.
    I'm not saying you CAN'T run Winny, I'm just saying if I were you I would pass this time around, it's only Jan...plenty of time to cut before spring.
    Ultimately it's certainly your call Bro...I'm just givin' my .02
    Thanks 7th. I appreciate your comments. I have taken your advice and am switching to EQ and Test-Enan.

  10. #10
    pumpseeker's Avatar
    pumpseeker is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by apgomez3
    Thanks 7th. I appreciate your comments. I have taken your advice and am switching to EQ and Test-Enan.
    Good choice. And run your nolvadex at 10-20 mgs ED once gyno symptoms appear.

    I would run it like this:

    1-12: 500 Test E
    1-12: 400 Eq or Deca

    Fu(k the sust.

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