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  1. #1
    dangit's Avatar
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    My planned cutting cycle...

    I want to start planning for my cutting cycle early. I'm going in a show in April and want to make sure I look my best. Last year I did a half assed attempt and ended up starting Test Enathate and Winny just a month before the show in an attempt to not loose any muscle while dieting. I was also doing clen last year.

    This is what I was thinking of doing this year:

    -Nolvadex through the whole 12 weeks

    -prop weeks 1-12 (100mg ED)

    -fina weeks 1-6 (75mg ED)

    -winny weeks 6-12 (50mg ED)

    -clen 14 days on 14 off (use ECA in off days)

    -Stop Everything one week before the show except for the Nolvadex

    I don't really want to shoot myself every day though. Any one think that doing prop and fina every other day is fine too?

    Any thoughts and feelings on this would be appreciated. Trash it to bits if you'd like. I've never done a real cutting cycle. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Bartleby's Avatar
    Bartleby is offline Member
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    looks good but bump for more info... i am also interested to see what ppl think about prop and fina everday because i dont want to ed injections either...peace

  3. #3
    Bartleby's Avatar
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    every other day i meant..sorry

  4. #4
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Whats up bro, I'd put the tren at 8wks. Even though it's an acetate ester, it still usually takes a couple of wks to really kick in.

    As far as ED or EOD. I always shoot ED when dealing with esters with half-lives as short as prop or acetate.
    You'll make fine gains with EOD, but blood plasma levels won't be near as consistant. Gains won't suffer much from that amount of time difference, but sides are likely to be more prominent

  5. #5
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Whats up bro, I'd put the tren at 8wks. Even though it's an acetate ester, it still usually takes a couple of wks to really kick in.

    As far as ED or EOD. I always shoot ED when dealing with esters with half-lives as short as prop or acetate.
    You'll make fine gains with EOD, but blood plasma levels won't be near as consistant. Gains won't suffer much from that amount of time difference, but sides are likely to be more prominent
    I agree............ and would add l-dex at a .25 to a .5 ED through the cycle

  6. #6
    dangit's Avatar
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    I'm assuming ldex is the liquid form of amiridex? I did use amiridex last year at the last week before my comp... only because I ran out of nolvadex .

    Maybe I'll just get some liquid amiridex and not bother with the nolvadex then. Seems to be easier to get and cheaper too.

    Thanks for the input guys... I'll try the tren for 8 weeks too (can't hurt) and just suck it up and do shots every day.

    It's going to be tuff to hide shots like that from my girl friend

    Can't wait to try prop and fina together... I heard it's pretty sweet

  7. #7
    dangit's Avatar
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    I was wondering about something and someone might be able to help me out. I was thinking of just not bothering with the tren and keep it till some other time. I'm getting leaner now and am still over 210lbs. I don't want to be in heavy weights in my comp so I have to come in under 195lbs or so.

    I'm just wondering if taking tren with prop will be overkill since I'm dieting and am pretty happy with my size right now. I just think the tren won't end up doing much of anything since I've lowered my calorie intake. Or do you guys think the tren will really help me get cut and shredded while keeping muscle mass?

    Here's my old planed cycle again:

    -Nolvadex through the whole 12 weeks

    -prop weeks 1-12 (100mg ED)

    -fina weeks 1-6 (75mg ED)

    -winny weeks 6-12 (50mg ED)

    -clen 14 days on 14 off (use ECA in off days)

    I'm now thinking of just doing prop during the whole thing and adding winny for the last 6 weeks.

    Anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance

  8. #8
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    It's your diet that will make your put on massive amounts of weight...... so if your cutting I feel the fina will give you more vascularity, muscle hardening, help keep you from losing muscle while cutting cals as well....... Fina is very versatile drug.

  9. #9
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I would toss the winny. The Tren will provide fat burning from Prostagalndin production so that is an invaluable addition

  10. #10
    dangit's Avatar
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    Thanks guys... I guess I'll stick with the tren . Might even ditch the idea of using winny too then . I've just never done tren so I don't really know what to expect. Guess I'll find out.

  11. #11
    markas214's Avatar
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    Dangit, tren is great for losing weight, hardenining up and maintaining muscularity. You'll sweat like crazy at night and it seems to get the metabolism moving. I would also recommend at least 8 weeks (I'd do 10) because I don't dstart to get the full effect until week 5 at 75mg/ed. Because it makes me sweat I don't use nolvadex when using fina and prop because water retention is nearly nonexistent. You obviously know how to cut. What is your diet like? How many calories, fat, carbs, protein? Why don't you put winny in weeks 5-10? If you like what it's doing you can continue to week 12.

  12. #12
    groverman1's Avatar
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    I am doing a very similar cycle in 2 months. I did decide to drop the winny altogether. And I'm running the fina for 8wks. Can't wait to try the fina.

  13. #13
    savageracer is offline New Member
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    that seems like a nice cycle... what is eca.. i think i'll do the same cycle but just add in some anavar . i'm doing winny/tren / and eq right now but for my next cycle i was thinking pretty much the same thing..

  14. #14
    dangit's Avatar
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    ECA is "ephidrine-caffeine-aspirine". It's a good mix for loosing fat.

  15. #15
    dangit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    Dangit, tren is great for losing weight, hardenining up and maintaining muscularity. You'll sweat like crazy at night and it seems to get the metabolism moving. I would also recommend at least 8 weeks (I'd do 10) because I don't dstart to get the full effect until week 5 at 75mg/ed. Because it makes me sweat I don't use nolvadex when using fina and prop because water retention is nearly nonexistent. You obviously know how to cut. What is your diet like? How many calories, fat, carbs, protein? Why don't you put winny in weeks 5-10? If you like what it's doing you can continue to week 12.

    I'm not really sure what my calorie break down is. I just play it by ear. I'm real anal about keeping things clean so I don't bother counting everything.

    I have oatmeal and egg whites twice a day, then the other meals are chicken with brocolli or a protein drink. I don't put anything on my stuff... no mayo, salt or whatever. I do cook with olive oil for the good fats.

  16. #16
    savageracer is offline New Member
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    hey dangit what do you think of this cycle
    week1-12: nolv 10mg/ed
    week1-12: prop 75mg/ed
    week1-8.5:tren 75mg/ed
    week3.5-12:winny 50mg/ed
    clen &eca simultaniously 2 weeks on 2 off
    i want to add anavar is that 2 much??? give your thoughts on it.. this is only my 4th cycle.. also do you take a shot even on your day off????

  17. #17
    savageracer is offline New Member
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    week 1-12 i'm thinking 25mg/ed of anavar .. i'm 6'2, 212, 5-6% bf. and i train a lot. are all of thos to much???

  18. #18
    dangit's Avatar
    dangit is offline Member
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    you might want to ask these questions in the general steroid discussions under a new topic. I've never taken Prop or tren before so I really don't know what they'll do. I'm just doing it to get ready for a show.

    If you just want to put on mass and don't care about being super cut, then I'd save some money and only do test enathate 2 times a week.

    I actually ran enathate and nolvadex last year during my cutting cycle for a show and came out real tight

  19. #19
    macthedaddy's Avatar
    macthedaddy is offline Junior Member
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    what exactly is tren ?

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