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  1. #1
    charlieuk is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Another First Cycle

    Hi everybody,

    I've been reading this forum religiously every night for the last 6 months. It has probably been responsible for me having more late nights than is good for my training. I have say it makes me laugh, shout and cringe on a regular basis. I thank you all for this and for imparting your invaluable advice to people like myself who knew nothing when they joined.

    I haven't posted much up to now because I can't add any experience based views, only repeat the knowledge of others and there isn't much point in that. Having said that I can now read all the new questions every night and can fairly reliably predict the answers of the vets and mods. I have of course read the majority of the educational threads.

    So I've done all my research, I know exactly what I want to do and yet still feel it necessary to ask you to view a cycle which you've seen a thousand times before!

    I'm 33 years old, so I haven't just jumped into this and I don't have unrealistic expectations.
    I weigh 188lbs, 6ft, and have 10 years on and off training but have been totally committed for the last 12 months.

    I've also used the time on this board to improve and perfect my training and my diet. This in itself has made a huge difference. add alot more mass.

    So....the cycle

    0.5 Mg Arimidex starting 10 days before cycle to end week 12
    10 - 20 Mg Nolvadex starting 7 days before cycle to end of PCT

    The reason for this is having read all the threads I think it looks advantageous to start a little earlier on the anti-e's, also this way I can introduce 1 drug at a time so I can identify which one is causing a problem, if there is one.

    Wk 1 - 11 350Mg test enan
    wk 1 - 10 300Mg Eq
    wk 1 - 13 Hcg 500iu's (2 x 250wk)
    PCT starts 2 weeks after last test inj.

    Clomid 300/100/50Mg 1day/14/14
    Nolva 10 - 20Mg

    This looks fairly conservative I know, but I'm under no illusions that I'm going to be the next Dorian Yates. I want to add quality, keepable gains and I'm in this for the long term so theres no need to add all my mass in one cycle, I already know that there will be other cycles !!! and I need to see how I react. If I can gain 15lbs on lower dosages then why go higher?

    So what else..? I did think about adding Anavar wk 1 - 4 and wk 9 - 12
    or maybe D/bol 1 - 4 Anavar 9 - 12 but the orals worry me a bit.

    I also did some reading on Hcg and I can see the advantages of 250 iu's twice a week and unless somebody can tell me why I shouldn't I will add this from wk 1 - 12, especially after Pumpseeker has just posted that his 'boys' have gone North after 7 weeks of enan and Eq!

    Thanks in advance for all your help.

  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    For your first cycle a lot will say test only but I feel EQ is also good to add to a first cycle..... JMO

    Your doses are lower than what I would use for a first but there are a lot that have stated good gains from lower dosed cycles.

    I don't think you will need the HCG for this cycle....... You will be able to recovery quicky. Plus I'm pretty sure pumpseekers atrophy is from deca .

    I would change the cycle a bit

    Wk 1 - 13 350Mg test enan
    wk 1 - 12 300Mg Eq
    Week before cycle - 15 10mg Nolva ED
    Week before cycle - 15 .25 Arimidex ED

    Run PCT the way you have it and use 20mg of Nolva

  3. #3
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was going to say the same thing as MUD. You won't need HCG for the cycle. I did a low dose cycle my first time with EQ with test (actually lower doses than what your doing) and I got great results.

  4. #4
    charlieuk is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2003
    Mudman, Buylongterm, thanks for your quick replies.

    The reason the hcg was in there is because I have all the usual worries of a breasts, no nuts and injecting !!

    I will drop it and run the cycle a little longer as you suggested.


  5. #5
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feb 2003
    Well the good news is you planned the cycle out with the correct anti e's. you might not need them, but it's VERY smart to have them on hand. Good job with your research

  6. #6
    charlieuk is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    cheers blt,

    it's not a decision I've taken lightly...but I really can't wait to get started

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