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Thread: Spot Injections

  1. #1
    Zues is offline Associate Member
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    Spot Injections

    I was going to use some test suspension for spot injections, however it keeps being a pain and it won't pass through a 25 gauge. I don't want to use anything thicker for spot injections. So my question is, what other products could i use instead. I did a little researcha nd was told fast acting esters are the best, so would sust be okay (cause it has prop in it), or just regular prop, what else, or even enanathate. Lastly, they say the spot injections help that muscle grow more. Do you guys think spot injecting really works? Thanks.

  2. #2
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well first question Im going to answer about your test suspension. Reason why it wont pass through a 25 gauge is because test susp is free floating in clumps thus suspended. Wont pass through a 25g. Use a 23g. Sorry its a lil bigger but thats what you have to do. Test suspension is actually really good. Sustanon wont pass through a 25g either. I have to use a 23g. Enanthate is a better test because its a single ester and keeps blood levels constant through out injection periods. Hope that answers some of your questions.

  3. #3
    Zues is offline Associate Member
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    I've never had any problems w/ sust passing through a 25 gauge, so if it works would it be okay to spot inject. Also I can get prop, so would that be better to use, and is it painful? BTW do you think spot injections are really that effective?

  4. #4
    Solrock's Avatar
    Solrock is offline Member
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    In my experience spot injections are effective.

    If you already have the susp, you could try running the syringe (loaded) under warm/hot water for 30-60 seconds. I always do this as it makes just about any injection go in a bit easier. I am still not sure if susp will pass through a 25g even when heated.

    Prop pain for me is paralyzing. I always cut it either with other gear (like eq) or just plain sterile oil or even b12. I keep the prop in proportion to what I am cutting with, and there is almost no pain. So, for example, with 1cc of prop I would also add 1cc EQ (or b12 or sterile oil).

    Hope that helps

  5. #5
    Zues is offline Associate Member
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    Tried warming the suspension under warm water, won't work. So could I use sust to spot inject? Its passed throught a 25g for me before. Or could I spot inject w/ enanthate ?

  6. #6
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was trying to figure out what question you mean by saying do spot injections work. As in does it make that particular muscle grow bigger?

    As for sust and a 25g well that is going to be one slow injection passing that oil through but if you can do it. As for suspension. Dont think warm water will wark. Its the clump that is not passing through. Try shaking it up in a syringe with a space for air and cutting it with B12. I never tried using a 25g for test suspension just never bothered. Honesty dont be afraid of a little bigger needle like a 23g. If youre going to be a serious or regular user bro youre going to have to get used to it.

    Are you doing a test only cycle here?

  7. #7
    Zues is offline Associate Member
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    When I asked if they worked, yes, I meant do they help a particular muscle grow bigger than it would, than with normal (glute) injections. And could I use prop or sust?

  8. #8
    SaTyR's Avatar
    SaTyR is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LuvMyRoids
    Well first question Im going to answer about your test suspension. Reason why it wont pass through a 25 gauge is because test susp is free floating in clumps thus suspended. Wont pass through a 25g. Use a 23g. Sorry its a lil bigger but thats what you have to do. Test suspension is actually really good. Sustanon wont pass through a 25g either. I have to use a 23g. Enanthate is a better test because its a single ester and keeps blood levels constant through out injection periods. Hope that answers some of your questions.

    Im currently shooting sustanon tru a 25g and have no problems bro .

  9. #9
    Zues is offline Associate Member
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    I know sust will pass (slowly) through a 25g. What I want to know is the effectiveness of spot injecting, and would sust or enanthate be okay to spot inject?

  10. #10
    harorider's Avatar
    harorider is offline New Member
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    I spot injected Sust in only the pecks at 750/week and it did not help one bit. I did however, like spotting in the pecs because I could see what I was doing way better than the gluts. Spot injecting only works with certain kinds of gear and Sust is not one of them.

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