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  1. #1
    BrownBomber's Avatar
    BrownBomber is offline Member
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    Nolvadex lowers IGF


    Ive noticed a lot of ppl taking 10-20mgs of Nolvadex ED during there cycle. But on another post I read that taking Nolvadex lowers the amt. of IGF in ones body, in otherwords its deccreasing the gains one can make on a cycle. If this is true then why bother with the Nolvadex ED and just wait till gyno signs appear?


  2. #2
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
    Shortyrock13 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownBomber

    Ive noticed a lot of ppl taking 10-20mgs of Nolvadex ED during there cycle. But on another post I read that taking Nolvadex lowers the amt. of IGF in ones body, in otherwords its deccreasing the gains one can make on a cycle. If this is true then why bother with the Nolvadex ED and just wait till gyno signs appear?


    well maybe its just me, but id rather have smaller (and thus more keepable) gains, and not have to deal with any gyno symptoms, rather than get hit with booby tassles and have to worry about it at that point... what is it... an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure or something like that. peace.

  3. #3
    BrownBomber's Avatar
    BrownBomber is offline Member
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    Why wouldnt you just take Arimidex then? Just curious.


  4. #4
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
    Shortyrock13 is offline Associate Member
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    because its more expensive for one, and secondly, arimidex can shut down your sex drive depending on the dose.

  5. #5
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I use both L-dex & Nolva. Nolva has been shown to lower IGF, but in the doses we use(10-20mg) it is very small amounts that I would argue insignificant.

    I've never done a bulk cycle gaining less than 20Lbs

  6. #6
    BrownBomber's Avatar
    BrownBomber is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    I use both L-dex & Nolva. Nolva has been shown to lower IGF, but in the doses we use(10-20mg) it is very small amounts that I would argue insignificant.

    I've never done a bulk cycle gaining less than 20Lbs
    If Nolva is enough to stop gyno and help w/ bloat then why bother with Arimidex since the price and ability it has to shut you down sexually according to SR13. Why do you use both? Is there another benefit?

    Thanks bro

  7. #7
    Shortyrock13's Avatar
    Shortyrock13 is offline Associate Member
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    because arimidex /ldex doesnt let test armoatize, whereas nolva doesn't let the armoatized estrogen bind to the receptors, they both essentially accomplish the same thing in the end but with dif. ways of doing it,.. per mg arim is the more powerful anti-e, but also more expensive.

  8. #8
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I use L-dex for possible estrogenic side effects and edema. I use Nolva for SERM benefits. Some don't belive the SERM benefits are substantial enough to use Nolva throughout the cycle, but I've personally seen a 10% improvment with my HDL with Nolva administration.

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