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  1. #1
    stussy2870 is offline New Member
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    help, New user Very inexperienced...

    Hey guys, Im 29, 5-9 and not at all happy with my physical appearance. Fat, lovehandles...etc. Ive worked-out alot during my life and my weight seems to fluctuate between 185-230.

    I HATE BEING FAT and will do just about anything to lose it. I can be extremely committed to a work-out regimine so the "commitment" issue will not be there for me.

    what i need to know from you guys is:
    a) what juice is BEST for fat loss. Size really isnt the biggest issue. Im already decently built, just way too fatty. How long and how much do you use per day??

    b) what would be a good chioce for growth but not CRAZY GROWTH...keeping this on the DL is pretty important as im sure it is for long and how much do you use per day??


  2. #2
    Crankin'steiN's Avatar
    Crankin'steiN is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stussy2870
    Hey guys, Im 29, 5-9 and not at all happy with my physical appearance. Fat, lovehandles...etc. Ive worked-out alot during my life and my weight seems to fluctuate between 185-230.

    I HATE BEING FAT and will do just about anything to lose it. I can be extremely committed to a work-out regimine so the "commitment" issue will not be there for me.

    what i need to know from you guys is:
    a) what juice is BEST for fat loss. Size really isnt the biggest issue. Im already decently built, just way too fatty. How long and how much do you use per day??

    b) what would be a good chioce for growth but not CRAZY GROWTH...keeping this on the DL is pretty important as im sure it is for long and how much do you use per day??

    I could write a novel with just those two questions you asked.... but I won't. I will say this. You need to find out those answers through research which can be done on this board.

    As far as fat loss goes, this can be done without steroids , and is usually my recommendation that the person try to diet naturally first. Then if you want to speed the results try adding ECA for 6 weeks. I think you will get the results you are looking for from just that the first time around.

  3. #3
    stussy2870 is offline New Member
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    what is ECA?? told you im inexperienced..:-)

    I didnt mention it, but i also play baseball ( non professional )and would like to be "Ready" for the 03/28 opening day. Im also recovering from a very partial tear in my rotator cuff...super small, took 2 mri's to see it.

    Im already dieting and running, just want to push it a little more.

  4. #4
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree. You want to lose the fat, you need to eat right and exercise regularly. Steroids will not make you a stud without TONS of hard work, and even then it's wishful thinking! If you say you can be dedicated to working out, then do it. The results will be there if you stick to a proper routine and diet. You have no need for steroids at this time bro.


  5. #5
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    First off, you have to be 100% committed. If your asking what steroid will help you attain your goal, your wrong. You are definitely not ready for Steroids . That being said, it's all going to come down to dieting and exercising. There is no short cuts. Go look on the members board of before and after pics of guys who did it naturally. It will for sure motiviate you!!!! stick around on the board, you will learn a lot.

    Best of luck, we are all behind you!


  6. #6
    Crankin'steiN's Avatar
    Crankin'steiN is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stussy2870
    what is ECA?? told you im inexperienced..:-)

    I didnt mention it, but i also play baseball ( non professional )and would like to be "Ready" for the 03/28 opening day. Im also recovering from a very partial tear in my rotator cuff...super small, took 2 mri's to see it.

    Im already dieting and running, just want to push it a little more.
    ECA is the Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin stack that has been so popular the last few years. I believe you can still buy it OTC in the US, at least for a little while longer.

  7. #7
    stussy2870 is offline New Member
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    ""First off, you have to be 100% committed. If your asking what steroid will help you attain your goal, your wrong. You are definitely not ready for Steroids . That being said, it's all going to come down to dieting and exercising. There is no short cuts. Go look on the members board of before and after pics of guys who did it naturally. It will for sure motiviate you!!!! stick around on the board, you will learn a lot.

    Best of luck, we are all behind you!


    BLT, what exaclty are you saying?? First i have to be 100% committed, but im wrong to ask if there is a steroid out there that will help me attain my goal??

    Im confuse but just incase i wasnt clear....

    Im overweight, not 100LB's overwieght but probably 25-30. I have good muscle mass because ive worked out ALOT over the coarse of my life. Ive been asking questions here and with a few select friends about my "Choice" of juice. People ( that i know ) say that there are diffrent steroids out there, some get you huge, some get you ripped etc etc.. I dont want to get huge, im already big enough...I just want to get stronger and in the process of working out and eating right, i would also like to speed up the FAT BURNING PROCESS.

    Im not looking to become a "Stud" either. Im Married, and content with my life as is. Im just not content with my appearance. There are no outside influences besides the fact that i want to be in better shape.

    As far as a steroid "helping me attain my goal" and being "Wrong" is that even possible?? What reason would anyone have to actually do stroids if it wasnt to attain a "goal" whether its better physical appearance, Physical therapy or whatever?

    Im sorry if this comes off sounding like im being an ARSEHOLE, its not supposed to.....its just that some of what was said doesnt seem to make sense.

  8. #8
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crankin'steiN
    ECA is the Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin stack that has been so popular the last few years. I believe you can still buy it OTC in the US, at least for a little while longer.

    I beleave we have about 5 weeks left before ephedrine products have to be taken off the shelf.

  9. #9
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stussy2870
    ""First off, you have to be 100% committed. If your asking what steroid will help you attain your goal, your wrong. You are definitely not ready for Steroids . That being said, it's all going to come down to dieting and exercising. There is no short cuts. Go look on the members board of before and after pics of guys who did it naturally. It will for sure motiviate you!!!! stick around on the board, you will learn a lot.

    Best of luck, we are all behind you!


    BLT, what exaclty are you saying?? First i have to be 100% committed, but im wrong to ask if there is a steroid out there that will help me attain my goal??

    Im confuse but just incase i wasnt clear....

    Im overweight, not 100LB's overwieght but probably 25-30. I have good muscle mass because ive worked out ALOT over the coarse of my life. Ive been asking questions here and with a few select friends about my "Choice" of juice. People ( that i know ) say that there are diffrent steroids out there, some get you huge, some get you ripped etc etc.. I dont want to get huge, im already big enough...I just want to get stronger and in the process of working out and eating right, i would also like to speed up the FAT BURNING PROCESS.

    Im not looking to become a "Stud" either. Im Married, and content with my life as is. Im just not content with my appearance. There are no outside influences besides the fact that i want to be in better shape.

    As far as a steroid "helping me attain my goal" and being "Wrong" is that even possible?? What reason would anyone have to actually do stroids if it wasnt to attain a "goal" whether its better physical appearance, Physical therapy or whatever?

    Im sorry if this comes off sounding like im being an ARSEHOLE, its not supposed to.....its just that some of what was said doesnt seem to make sense.

    Bro, I hope you don't think I was being a dick. If I sounded like I was, I apologize. What I was trying to say is we get a lot of guys who come on the board and say hey, I'm ready for steroids, when in fact, they are years away from using them. Steroids are basically for people who have hit there limit. They aren't a miracle drug. We have guys on the board who have lifted, dieted, exersised for years before making the decision to jump into steroids. Trust me when I say this. Steroids is a HUGE committment. You don't just do one cycle and say your done. IMPOSSIBLE. I think in your case, You seem 100% committed, but I think you can easily attain your goal with exercise and diet.

  10. #10
    stussy2870 is offline New Member
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    Nah man, i totally understand where your comming from and im sure that you guys on this board get a little tired of answering the same stupid questions from idiots like me.

    About 3 yrs ago i did a cycle of dbol . I was working out for about 6 months prior, ( like i said, im on again and off again...) anyway..did the cycle, it was my VERY FIRST time ever doing any drugs outside of a little green...i was just AMAZED at the strength increase. I got good size out of it but not all that much. Like you said though, its not something that you do once and its never done again because here i am looking for advice again.

    I wanted to try the pins this time b/c they are ( or so im told) less harsh on your body and they work better.
    My one buddy suggested that i do 20-30 winny's and 10 tests...hes seen me and knows my physical appearance so i kinda trust him. What do you think about his suggestions??

    PS, I will continue to work hard at my diet and exercise.

    thanks for all your help

  11. #11
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    First off bro, no such thing as stupid questions. Hell, You should of seen some of my questions when I came on the board. You are right about one thing. Not only are oral cycles bad on the liver, but they pretty much are worthless without some form of injectable (test). On a DBOL only cycle, most guys lose everything they get, thus thats why it's mainly used to kick start a cycle. Injectables are the way to go, and TEST should be the base of all cycles. (and MAN do I love the feeling on Test). Personally, when your ready for you first cycle, I would suggest a Test only cycle. Most guys will tell you to introduce your body to one compound at a time. I personally hate Winstrol . It will really dry you up big time. It destroyed my joints so bad, that I couldn't workout for 4 months! You can usually throw it in at the end of a cycle, and I'd run it 50mg ED for no longer than six weeks. Instead of Winstrol, I'd suggest EQ, though It will give you hunger pains like no other, but great muscle hardness and vascularity.

  12. #12
    Kdog@usi's Avatar
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    before you do a test (only) cycle, which is probably the best for newcomers. you should probably try to get your body fat down. keep dieting and exercising and you can start researching fat burners. like mentioned before ECA, there are others too t3, clen , and so on. I'm not sure if these would be right for you, just research and hopefully you'll find what you need.

  13. #13
    stussy2870 is offline New Member
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    cool...thanks BLT...i think im going to get a solid workout regimine going then im going to jump on the pins...

    thanks for your help...Ill be on here alot from now on...hahaha.

  14. #14
    stussy2870 is offline New Member
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    yep, thats the plan now Kdog...Thanks for the help!!!

  15. #15
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, then, welcome to the board. Glad your sticking around. The board gets very addicting!!! we have a lot of great bro's with a ton of knowledge!!

    Best of luck


  16. #16
    someday's Avatar
    someday is offline Member
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    cant belive nobodys asked about your diet yet...

    Excersize is only part of it, DIET IS THE OTHER EVEN BIGGER PART. Post your diet and we can help you drop the pounds even quicker.

  17. #17
    stussy2870 is offline New Member
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    1 cup coffee no milk no sugar, 1 slimfast breakfast bar

    Banana or apple

    Grilled chicken of some sort, or turkey breast sandwhich NO MAYO

    Wife cooks, but we're both dieting so its a low fat/carb dish...

    Allways WATER throughout the day other than the morning coffee

    depending on what ive eaten during the day, i may snack on some pretzels but not a lot and not very often and allways before 9pm. Thats the cutoff time. I usually stay up until 12:30 ish..

    Im sure that this could be improved on, so im all ears...

  18. #18
    someday's Avatar
    someday is offline Member
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    Those slim fast bars, if i remember correctly, have alot of carbs in em also the fruit will have alot of natural sugar in it that can throw off your diet. Also if your eating a sandwich with bread thats prolly another 30 carbs or so. Heres my diet and if you have any questions just ask, also check out the diet forum if your lookin for a good diet theres literally hundreds of them posted in there.

    Meal 1. 1-2 whole eggs and about 7 egg whites, 2 servins oats
    meal 2. usually a package or can or two of tuna
    meal 3. hamburger or chicken breast 10-16 ounces depending.
    meal 4. Usually a tuna sandwich with cheese on wheat bread before workout.
    PWO shake 2 scoops GNC protien, dont have it with so cant give the specs, but about 50 grams of protien and then again about 1 to 2 servings of oats depending what i can handle.

    I eat this on the days i lift, on my off days ill drop the preworkout sandwich and just eat the tuna and cheese. I'd keep your carbs split up, half in the morning after you've slept and then half if not more than half in your PWO shake.

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