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  1. #1
    dmb6996 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    New to the world

    First of stats:
    Age: 21
    HT: 5'9"
    WT: 200
    Sex: Male
    BF: Unknown

    What I am looking to get??? First off I am guessing my BF is around 15-20%. I guess a little background first. I lifted for 4 yrs in high school while playing football. I didnt take any supplements except creatine and I was weighing 175 and benching 275 when I quit. Went to college and didn't lift for around 4 years and am getting back into it now. I recently maxed out at 205 on bench. I am looking to drop the BF to around 10 or 12 or lower and get the bench to around 275-300 again and everything else to compliment. I am looking at taking a cycle to jump start my gains. This will be my 1st and last cycle. So my question is...what would be a good cycle to use and what should I do to obtain these goals. I already know to take Clomid when I come off to retain all my gains. But am just curious on what would be best to drop the BF and gain the lean muscle.

  2. #2
    viperlingerfelt's Avatar
    viperlingerfelt is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2001
    hi bro....the best advice i can give you is read the back posts and go to the drug profiles and look hard at things like all the tests,deca , eq, dbol and winstrol ...these are the items a beginner needs to learn about and use first.....put together some type of 8-10 or 12 week cycle and post it.....someone will fine tune if needed.....viper

  3. #3
    viperlingerfelt's Avatar
    viperlingerfelt is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2001
    when i read my own post it sounded like i said use all the items clarify.....only use 3 of the items at one time (max) you figure out the 3 you want and post a cycle.....viper

    some people take things to literally, so i have to be careful how i write things or people come back and say.."but viper told me to...."
    my biggest concern is that all my brothers are safe and mentally secure with what they are doing......viper

  4. #4
    beenie's Avatar
    beenie is offline Senior Member
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    New York
    First of all don't you think it would be a good idea to get back into it for a while before you start to use gear? Secondly, even at 21 seems like your natural test levels would still be pretty high. I would wait six months, see where you end up naturally and then come back to what you need to take if anything. In any event you will know for sure whether you are really willing to make the commitiment to bb.

    I have noticed in my gym that when people who used to be in shape come back, they snap back a lot quicker and with less effort than poeple who have never worked out before.

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