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  1. #1
    DJ CorrupT is offline New Member
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    when to start clen

    i am starting week 9 of a 12 week deca cycle , when should i start clen ?

  2. #2
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    Do you want to use it for pct or just to lose some fat.

    I would recomed adding test to that cycle.

  3. #3
    DJ CorrupT is offline New Member
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    Down south
    Quote Originally Posted by nevaenuf
    Do you want to use it for pct or just to lose some fat.

    I would recomed adding test to that cycle.
    A little bit of both.
    Its too late to add some test now.

  4. #4
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    You can start clen now
    2weeks on 2weeks off.

    It is never to late to add test.

  5. #5
    whitneybrie is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nevaenuf
    You can start clen now
    2weeks on 2weeks off.

    It is never to late to add test.
    I have been taking clen now for a wek and a half and have not noticed any results. I am wondering if I am doing something wrong. I still work out regularly and eat prety decent. I am taking the oral liquid about .4-.6mg per day 2 days on and 1 off. This ither guy said that clen only really burns fat for the first 2 weeks. Do you see any reason why it isn't doing anything for me?

  6. #6
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    You're not running it long enough. Run it for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, and with Clen , you need to slowly and consistantly increase your dosage. After two weeks, take an ECA stack. After 2 weeks on the ECA, go back to the Clen and repeat one more time.

    If you're not noticing any results, it's not the clen, it's you. Change your diet and do a little more cardio. My advice is screw basic workouts and stick with either Circuit training or Drop/Super Sets. Helps keep the heart rate up.

    Good luck

  7. #7
    azstud2 is offline Junior Member
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    hey whitneybrie,
    i think your cycling in a way where you arent benifiting from its properties. try 2 weeks on then 2 weeks off for about 8 weeks. and id up that dosage a bit. i taper it up the first week, then taper down the second week.if you dont taper it could be a shock to your system.
    i i go week 1: 40mcg,60mcg,80mcg,100mcg,120,120,120
    week2: 120mcg,120,120,100,80,60,40mcg
    week3&4: use an eca(hydroxycut,xenadrine ect..) u can get 'em at gnc

    hey man, you really should search the site for this kind of info,chances are many of the questions pertaining to cycles have been asked before,and the answers are on the site.the way your doin' it now isnt one ive ever seen recommended. hope this helps ya out. (:

  8. #8
    azstud2 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2003


    bull beat me to it,you were typin at the same time i was. props to you,well said.(:

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