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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Newbie Cycle help

    Ok, I am dieting down and will soon be as trim as i ever have. I am not sure if test is right for me because im in no huge hurry and am deathly afraid of gyno and water retention for 2 months doesnt sound like fun. I was thinking more along the lines of a winstrol depot/primo stack. Would this be effective?
    Im looking for a few things.
    1) No gyno or water
    2) quality gains I wont lose
    3) No fat gain.

    Getting very big or very strong very fast isnt my focus. If winstrol primo is right for me what king of PCT would i need?

  2. #2
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Oct 2003
    try test prop wk 1-10
    winny wk 5-10
    pct 3 days after last prop injection

    there will be hardly if no water retention
    all solid lean muscle gains
    you will keep most of them if you do proper pct along with a good diet

  3. #3
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Oct 2003
    oh yeah, throw in nolva 10mg ed along with liquidex .25mg ed... this will defently keep gyno away and reduce water retention (if there is any)

  4. #4
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks
    Ok, I am dieting down and will soon be as trim as i ever have. I am not sure if test is right for me because im in no huge hurry and am deathly afraid of gyno and water retention for 2 months doesnt sound like fun. I was thinking more along the lines of a winstrol depot/primo stack. Would this be effective?
    Im looking for a few things.
    1) No gyno or water
    2) quality gains I wont lose
    3) No fat gain.

    Getting very big or very strong very fast isnt my focus. If winstrol primo is right for me what king of PCT would i need?
    all of the things you are not looking for are completely on you, your anti-e's, and your diet

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    This is from the steroid profile page. Would these doses be appropriate?

    "This water retention can be tempered by using Nolvadex and Proviron . A combination of 100 mg Testosterone propionate every 2 days, either 50 mg Winstrol Depot/day or 76 mg Parabolan every 2 days, and 25 mg Oxandrolone/day help achieve this goal and are suitable for building up "quality muscles." ?"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The juice itself is no problem but my guy is sort of silly about not having any anti-e/clen type stuff so i dont know what ill have to pay. what can i expect to pay for Nolva and Lx over the cycle?
    Last edited by BrokenBricks; 02-02-2004 at 11:57 PM.

  7. #7
    Ambulance's Avatar
    Ambulance is offline Member
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    Under your bed.
    Visit, a web site ran by some of the bros over here.... they have sponsors that carry what your looking for. Just look for the advertisements on their site for research chemicals. Then you can determine what everything will cost you for Anti-E's. you can also go to and type in "research chemicals nolvadex " and see what comes up

  8. #8
    debulkred is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks
    Ok, I am dieting down and will soon be as trim as i ever have. I am not sure if test is right for me because im in no huge hurry and am deathly afraid of gyno and water retention for 2 months doesnt sound like fun. I was thinking more along the lines of a winstrol depot/primo stack. Would this be effective?
    Im looking for a few things.
    1) No gyno or water
    2) quality gains I wont lose
    3) No fat gain.

    Getting very big or very strong very fast isnt my focus. If winstrol primo is right for me what king of PCT would i need?
    Number one, if you are scared of side effects my friend, please stay away from steroids . Number two, study everything and don't hurry up into a cycle, knowledge beats everything. Despite the frequent cyclers in here some of them still got things to learn and you might beat them to something. As a first timer cycler like me, I would suggest you use testosterone enan and another mild safe steroid that doesn't aromatizes highly such as winstrol or equipoise . I would not use winstrol which I was going to if I were you. Its a steroid that is highly toxic if taken for anymore than 6 weeks. Stick to equipoise, mainly because the gains from equipoise are slow gains but they are gains that you can keep almost permanently. People say equipoise starts up in 6 weeks to become effective but in reality, the steroid is being effective but the gains are very slow but are hard lean gains.

    Use test at amounts of minimum to 400mg for 12 weeks and use equipoise for 11 weeks at 300 a week for first 4 weeks and then raise the bar to 400 a week after. Get two bottles of 250 test and two bottles of qv bold equi. Take 0.25 of arimidex daily to cut down the estrogen and keep nolva in hand for emergency purposes. I'll get you cheap nolva and liquidex so don't worry.

    Pm me and I'll find you a good place to get things cheap for anti-estrogens. As you are scare of gyno as I still am, a fine diet, and proper use of a.s will make your cycle safe. Take milk thystle to protect your liver from liver values and take it along with dandelion root to clean your kidney, both of them combine combat the toxics waste that are harmful to the liver.

    One more thing, if anything happens during the cycle like a gyno side effect, a lump on the breast. If you touch your nipples and they hurt then it is more likely gyno. Immidiately take at least 50-60 mg of nolva until its gone and seek further assistance from a doctor. Many people in here say to completely stop the cycle. Never ever stop the cycle completely, it is foolish and when you stop taking steroids, all that testosterone will convert into estrogen anyways. It is very important that you keep those test levels high no matter what. Make yourself an emergency kit with nolva, arimidex, proviron (if you can get it). Proviron will cut the estrogen, instead of blocking estrogen from its receptors like nolva. It is very important to know that the estrogen is still there with nolva so you should take arimidex in conjuction with nolva. Do not take my advice, find the information yourself on these anti-estrogens. I will pm you shorty with some good info.

    As far as injections, for both steroids, take 2 shots a week. One monday and one thursday, this will help to keep blood pressure levels stable.
    Last edited by debulkred; 02-03-2004 at 12:33 AM.

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