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  1. #1
    LuvMuhRoids's Avatar
    LuvMuhRoids is offline Anabolic Member
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    Tren Graph ED v EOD

    On many boards it is debatable when to administer fina or tren injections. One board actually preaches EOD v ED. This board in particular preaches the opposite. I for one believe in ED tren injections. Due to keeping constant blood levels and to reach the peak of saturation much faster. There is even a technique of front loading tren to reach the peak even more faster.

    Again, this is even debatable because of the short half life of tren. Also, the half life seems just as debatable. In my research I have seen 4-12 hour half life, 24-36 hour half life, and, as well, a 72 hour half life. The best data I could conclude to is,at the least, the half life is one day. Also, after saturation, tren takes up to 72 hours to leave the system. This is probably where the 72 hour half life came from. If that were the case then E3D injection would be appropiate.

    There is much controversy over injection frequency, half life, and potency of tren after conversion. So far I have spent some time trying to come up with answers and facts. There are none I could find in my research. From my own persoanl experience I found ED injection to be more beneficial. I can tell the difference in hardness of my body. EOD injections are beneficial but the point of doing AS is to maintain constant blood levels and reach the peak. To get better gains and less side affects.

    Why not 75mg ED over 150mg EOD? EOD injections as opposed to ED injections makes this more difficult because of the ED spikes of up and down due to EOD injections. Makes the saturation difficult to keep up and build to peak. That is the importance behind this thread. To teach users or give the idea what is necessary. In my research I have found the following to support my theory of ED v EOD injections. I read this off a post here on AR and followed up on it on another board.

    This information is credited to "Sigmund Froid" and "onepack" from gotfina.
    Fina Halflife Graph
    This graph is a comparison of 150mg EOD without frontloading compared to 150mg EOD with frontloading at 150mg for 4 days. This does not represent a planned cycle, but just a theoretical graph of tren blood levels based on a 3 day halflife in a perfect world for 23 days. These are based on mathematical calculations, and results will differ from body to body.

    The black line shows the average amount of trenbolone acetate in the blood after 150mg EOD injections. The red lines shows the average amount of trenbolone acetate in the blood after frontloading at 150mg for 4 days and then maintaining levels at 150mg EOD.

    Without frontloading, serum levels do not reach a maximum, steady concentration until day 14. With frontloading, trenbolone is injected at a faster rate than it can be destoyed. Using the front loading technique, serum levels reach a steady maximum at day 4. While one group of people start their cycle without frontloading and are forced to wait two weeks for effective serum concentration, those who frontloaded enjoyed high levels of trenbolone in less than a week. Clearly, frontloading provides a ten day advantage over non-frontloaders.

    Instead of waiting for the effects of high blood levels over the course of two weeks, the frontloader enjoys immediate results.

    This information is based on an estimated 3 day half life of trenbolone acetate. If a normal person were injected with 150mg of trenbolone today, three days later that person would only have 75mg left in their body. Three days after that, half of 75mg would be left. This results in an exponential reduction in serum blood levels.

    Thanks to onepack for the idea of graphing.

    -Sigmund Froid

    Sigmund Froid has attached this image:
    75mg/ED vs 150mg/EOD
    Note that doing 75mg/ED maintains a near constant active of 362mg in the blood, i.e fluctuations in leves are absolute minimum.



    onepack has attached this image:
    the 75 ED vs 150 EOD graph I posted above only used a sample rate of a single day which is not accurate enough. So I regenerated it with a sample rate of 4 samples per day, i.e. every 6 hours...

    Now that looks more like it!

    onepack has attached this image:
    150mg ED for 3 days
    75mg ED for rest of cycle

    You will have constant blood levels within 3 days

    Last edited by LuvMyRoids; 02-19-2004 at 11:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Jackman's Avatar
    Jackman is offline Banned
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    Very nice bro good read

  3. #3
    Testify's Avatar
    Testify is offline Senior Member
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    Good read LMR! I didn't know there was so much debate over the half-life of Tren . I always thought it was about 36 hours or so. In any case, this is an excellent post. On to the Ed Forum!

  4. #4
    RJM03's Avatar
    RJM03 is offline Senior Member
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    Hey fina your so fine your so fine you blow my mind hey fina!!!

  5. #5
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    great post. I love this kind of stuff!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Great post, but I'm a skeptic. I, at first, didn't see that the graphs were just theoretical. However, the data are only as accurate as the values plugged into the calculations. Since it hasn't been agreed upon what the actual half life is, it's hard to speculate on the blood levels from day to day.
    Last edited by einstein1905; 02-19-2004 at 12:51 PM.

  7. #7
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    Most excellent post should be a sticky.

  8. #8
    grave digger's Avatar
    grave digger is offline Junior Member
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    Great post! Thanks LMR. This answers alot of questions for me.

  9. #9
    JDMSilviaSpecR's Avatar
    JDMSilviaSpecR is offline Vicious With Malicious Intent
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    I guess I'll have to sack it up and start injected ed when it comes to tren or prop rather then eod.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Great post, but I'm a skeptic. I, at first, didn't see that the graphs were just theoretical. However, the data are only as accurate as the values plugged into the calculations. Since it hasn't been agreed upon what the actual half life is, it's hard to speculate on the blood levels from day to day.
    I agree this is as accurate as the number plugged in......I would want actual blood tests done to see actual difference between ed and eod.

  11. #11
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    very good post...i have been screaming for months that 75mg eod = schiesse

  12. #12
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    3,167 too!! getting excited!

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    great post. I love this kind of stuff!

  13. #13
    Ambulance1984 Guest
    LuvMyRoids for president.

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