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  1. #1
    AZTKWORRIOR is offline New Member
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    Jun 2002

    Interesting need comments!!!!!!

    I just need you guys opinion on this. A guy I know just got a contract for some acting type deal with a major company. He got together with a known pt/bodybuilder and an endo doc, cause he needs to get his ass in shape quick. Now this guy isnt a stranger to training by any means but has been away from lifting for several yrs I think. Hes gonna work out doing cardio in the mornings incorporating windsprints 3 times a wk, and lifting in the evening, the diet seems pretty much dialed in atleast on paper. Here is what puzzles me about the advice and what he is set on following. Hes goona lift for 3 wks naturally only (to get the initial muscle soreness out), then hit gear for a 22 wk cycle using Test, eq, d-bol, winny and tren , post cycle anc and nolva and arimidex also. The cycle is set up nicely. Now hes goona get blood work and that type of deal done every 20 days I think so he should be safe. But what gives with this type of mentallity his pt has . I told him he should back off on the idea of gear and just work his ass out for now, but hes set on it.

  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    He hasn't lifted in years but is going to run gear only after 3 weeks of training. Hopefully your buddy doesn't end of with a injury....... his legiments (sp) will not be strong enough from the AS use to endure the quick strength gains from the AS.

  3. #3
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    If he's set on doing this, which i assume he is because most people are stubborn as mules, i would reccomend that he increase his poundages by no more than 2.5 per week with dumbells, or 5 lbs per week with barbells.

    week 1.
    flat bench 185X10 reps
    week 2
    flat bench 190X10 reps.

  4. #4
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree with both of these bro's my friend...But if your friend isn't a mule tell him to train for a couple more months before hitting the gear!

  5. #5
    AZTKWORRIOR is offline New Member
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    Jun 2002
    Yup that what I been telling this guy, I explained the physiological nature of things, and that doesnt seem to be working. I guess his pretty set on his way, hopefully he doesnt get injured or worst of all become dependent on roids for size. You know the kind, " I only work hard when im on because its too hard to grow naturally" kind of bull****.

  6. #6
    zx7racing's Avatar
    zx7racing is offline Senior Member
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    i never would have thought about that (being able to handle the quick strength gains) good catch mudman..

  7. #7
    Taejoon's Avatar
    Taejoon is offline Associate Member
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    Here and there....
    Elbows, shoulders and knees are all gonna take a sh*t on him if he's been away from the gym for a few years and hit's the juice hard. Only solution for his a** is some GH, but that's big dollars and lot's of experience.



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