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Thread: Having children

  1. #1
    moonblue96 is offline New Member
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    Having children

    Is there any evidence of physically challenged or mentally challenged children being born because the father took steriods years ago? My girlfriend says that it can happen and her roommate backed her up on this. Do you think they are just trying to scare me away from future use of AAS. I really don't want there to be any problems later down the road, not that I would love my child any differently but ya'll know what I mean

  2. #2
    razor67's Avatar
    razor67 is offline Banned
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    those women do stick together... did you ask where they got their info.

  3. #3
    moonblue96 is offline New Member
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    Her roommate said that she had a friend who had a child who was mentally handicapped and the doctor said it was because of the roids. But I dunno?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Her roomate who had a friend who had a friend who had an uncle who had a friend who knew a guy who had a friend.


    Why don't you ask as doctor or search online?

  5. #5
    firefitr5287's Avatar
    firefitr5287 is offline Associate Member
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    Tell them to show you proof...or just ask them this specifically--tell them to explain to you how a androgenic compound that reacts and influences hormone levels ACTUALLY goes in and chemically as well as physiologically alters the DNA threads that control certain aspects of physical and mental makeup in offspring when at this time of life the only known way to alter genetic makeup is gene splicing and specific mutations?? If this doesn't make them give you a WTF did you just say look, point them in my direction and I will take care of any friend of a friend who said they did BS that they throw back. I love crushing stupid nonsense like thi, so it would be my pleasure! GL bro!

  6. #6
    Mr. Death's Avatar
    Mr. Death is offline Senior Member
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    It's impossible for steroids to affect your offspring (unless taken by the female). Firefitr5287 is right. AAS would have to alter your genetic material to cause these types of abnormalities.

  7. #7
    BWhitaker's Avatar
    BWhitaker is offline Senior Member
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    One would think that if a woman took steroids during her pregnancy that it would alter something and change the child. It is said that if a fetus is subject to abnormal hormone levels (either estrogen or testosterone or other) that it changes the development of the baby. Some in the field of physiology go as say that homosexuality is linked by excessive testosterone in the mother during parts of the pregnancey in baby girls, and estrogen in baby boys. Other hormones do other things. These hormones are changed by stress, disease, viral, etc but i would ASSUME steroids taken by the mother would do something to a developing baby. However, i would feel that it would be totally different in men since the change in women is caused from hormone exposure during development and obviously the man isnt carrying the baby. However, i would guess that there COULD be some problems if you have elevated hormonal levels during the development of your sperm.

    I dont know if steroids would even cause any of this but a lot of what i said about hormonal levels is fact or solid theory

  8. #8
    firefitr5287's Avatar
    firefitr5287 is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with backer... female use could, and I say could, present a problem, but I have never seen anyhting to solidly back that up, but for his girlfriend to say that his use could cause problems is about as fu**ed up as a football bat. The thing that kills me about his post is that he said the friend mentioned a retarded child and the doctor said it was because oif steroids ... Did this doctor do ALL the tests to rule out any predisposing factors or was he just a hippocritical A**hole who was just being a d**k???? You tell me?

  9. #9
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Oh boy..This debate never seems to die because of someone who heard from someone, who in turn knew someone who's Doctor, who almost certainly knows very little to nothing about Anabolic use told them the problem was a direct result of these compounds..Since I don't have the strength right now to type a ten thousand word response, I will leave it with the Doctor was erroneous in his statement to his patient with the mentally handicapped child..I will also say that if a female suspects she is possibly pregnant or is not using any form of birth control, then she should be very careful in her AS use and any pregnancies that initiated during her cycle..

    Doc M

  10. #10
    firefitr5287's Avatar
    firefitr5287 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M
    Oh boy..This debate never seems to die because of someone who heard from someone, who in turn knew someone who's Doctor, who almost certainly knows very little to nothing about Anabolic use told them the problem was a direct result of these compounds..Since I don't have the strength right now to type a ten thousand word response, I will leave it with the Doctor was erroneous in his statement to his patient with the mentally handicapped child..I will also say that if a female suspects she is possibly pregnant or is not using any form of birth control, then she should be very careful in her AS use and any pregnancies that initiated during her cycle..

    Doc M
    If I could have said it any better, I woulda had to have been you! Perfect!

  11. #11
    moonblue96 is offline New Member
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    Hey, I really appreciate all the help from ya'lls responses. Thank you

  12. #12
    firefitr5287's Avatar
    firefitr5287 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by moonblue96
    Hey, I really appreciate all the help from ya'lls responses. Thank you
    no problem... now go put them women back in their place!

  13. #13
    RussianVodka's Avatar
    RussianVodka is offline Senior Member
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    I used roids. My boy is growing. He is almost 1 year old now. He is strong as 2 years boy and really smart. If it is roids than I'll have them when I'll work on my second boy

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