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  1. #1
    Captain Fantastic's Avatar
    Captain Fantastic is offline Junior Member
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    Sooner Nation

    storing loaded syringes

    going on a trip for a few days and in lieu of taking my vial, I'm pre-loading several syringes and taping them down inside a small box. In order to less likely incur leakage (out the needle), should I push the stoper so fluid fills the space between the plunger and the needle or should I pull it back and leave an air gap of 1 cc or so?

  2. #2
    Gaylord Focker is offline Junior Member
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    The whole thing sounds very unsterile to me...but that is MPO...

  3. #3
    Captain Fantastic's Avatar
    Captain Fantastic is offline Junior Member
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    Sooner Nation


    I wondered about that but I thought about it. the syringes were sealed sterile and the only thing gear or the needle will be touching is the vial. they will be kept at the same temperature and in a sterile container just like if it was in a vial and only for 3-4 days. any input on this would be appreciated. i plan on doing this in the future unless convinced otherwise, dont want to carry my whole vial around on short trips if I dont have to.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I think you will be fine imo, My friend draws all of his syringes in the beginning of the week(just to have them ready and he does not even go anywhere) you should be fine pushing the liquid all the way up the the needle, if you pack it pretty tight in between stuff it should not move around much. I would keep the needle you drew with on there, than when you shoot switch to a new needle.

  5. #5
    RageControl's Avatar
    RageControl is offline Senior Member
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    I have packed needles before. I just made sure they werent gonna get bounced around and i always pushed out most but not all of the air maybe left 1/4 - 1/2 cc in . Never had a problemo. As for being sanitary as long as the caps stay tight in a clean carry case i felt no worries.

  6. #6
    Bigbowboski's Avatar
    Bigbowboski is offline Member
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    since we are on this subjesy and i dont mean to highjack here, but what is the safest way to pack a barrel for not getting caught. Im going to cancun for my wedding soon and i was wanting to start my next cycle,but i am afraid customs will pick me to search or the X ray will ick up on them? Any suggs?

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