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  1. #1
    hapkidoj is offline New Member
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    Feb 2004

    Martial Arts and what steroid?

    I just started taking deca thinking it would help. I train in martial arts daily and still play basketball a lot. I am 32 years old now and of course my body isn't what it used to be. So I was wondering if anyone would recommend a good roid for my body. I don't want to get big and I want to remain flexible. I just need something that will keep my body from being sore, every **** day...

    Should I take a low dose of deca? Like 200 mgs a week? Would 200 a week do anything for me? I am worried about deca now because I hear it messes with your libido too much. I don't need that problem added on!

    Can anyone help a confused brother?

  2. #2
    BuffGuy is offline Associate Member
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    I don't think you should touch Anabolic Steroids at all, especially since your goals involve "not wanting to get big."

    First off, you really are hurting yourself by taking something without doing proper research. Taking Deca alone (without any Test) will give you "deca dick", meaning you won't be able to have erections.

    Also, low dosages of Deca alone would probably do nothing. 200 mg a week is nothing.

    I'd say that you should hit the weight room and work out naturally. Do you already go to the gym?

    If you do, and you feel like you need a some good ole' Creatine from GNC...I'd say stick to supplements and stay away from AS.

    Good luck, and I wish you the best.

  3. #3
    Crankin'steiN's Avatar
    Crankin'steiN is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah man I can help you out.

    What exactly do you mean by your body being sore??? Muscle sorness?? Joint soreness???

    If joint soreness you may want to try glucosamine first if you haven't already....

    Now deca can def. help with joint pain..... But you would need probably 400mg min. And to avoid some major shut down, you would need to run a test with it......

    Generally speaking your diet and training will decide what results you get from a steroid ..... No one can say don't do Test Cyp because you will gain too much bulky mass.... Because that isn't true..... (it would bring more water retention then say prop...... but thats not what were talking about here....)

    Since your statement is that you just want your body not to be sore every **** day..... Then I wouldn't recommend a steroid for that goal (with the exception of deca for joint pain.... but it needs to be run on a test base to avoid problems....).

    I recommend more sleep, possibly a change in diet, a good multi vitamin and make sure you are getting enough good fats.

    If you have any questions for me feel free to pm me.

  4. #4
    Crankin'steiN's Avatar
    Crankin'steiN is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hapkidoj
    Thanks so much for the information... If I had found this site before, I wouldn't have even ordered the deca ... Lesson learned... 300 mgs of deca injected this morning, and that's the last of it...

    Does anyone need any deca???

    Ummm bro.... I know your kidding.... But you can't say that on here.... The last part..... Edit it please.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I did alot of martial arts I would say not get big and be sore, primo alone, anavar , eq over deca . Maybe consider HRT 200-250mg.

  6. #6
    Honest Abe's Avatar
    Honest Abe is offline Associate Member
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    try glutamine if you are having muscle sorness it helps muscles recover and helped my sorness when i took it. you can get it at any suplement store.

  7. #7
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    You absolutely need to take a test with deca

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